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Excerpt from In Holy Fear, by Alistair Petrie:

We have seen that God revealed Himself to His people in Old Testament days in order that they would fear Him and want to keep His commandments out of a love-based relationship, not out of a slave-based mentality. Therefore, they were encouraged to enter into a relationship with God based on intimacy, awe, obedience, and the rejection of evil.

Yet, at the same time they were to fear Him as a deterrent to sin and not to compromise evil for good (Isaiah 5:20-21). Scripture contains many examples of people in biblical days who, when faced with significant opposition and circumstances beyond their control, applied the principle of working in “the opposite spirit” and experienced the breakthrough of God.

Consider the situation with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego (Daniel 3). They were faced with an impossible situation—either worship the image of King Nebuchadnezzar or be thrown into a fiery furnace. They chose to work in the opposite spirit… trusted in God and did not submit to the fear of man. As a result, Nebuchadnezzar declared that no one was to say anything against the God of these three men and declared: “… no other god can save in this way” (Daniel 3:29). Then he promptly promoted these men in the province of Babylon.

In a world so subject to compromise, lawlessness and entitlement, it is important that we learn how to pray for the Lord to release His fear in our midst.

Heavenly Father, we ask that You give us the fear of the Lord to gain instruction and wisdom in Your ways. We thank You for holiness, which brings well-being and the fulfillment of our spiritual inheritance. We thank you for the fear of the Lord which draws us closer to Your heart and the reality of Your covenant in this nation (Psalm 25:12-14). 

Lord, we will not fear what the world fears or call conspiracy what they call conspiracy, but will fear You, alone! We honor You as the only Holy One who can bring freedom and salvation. We know Your truth will be a stumbling block to the perishing, but we pray for Your mercy to be extended to those who are yet seeking and yet searching for You (Isaiah 8:12-15).

As we put our trust in You, we thank You for Your protection as we fear Your Name and all that is good and holy (Psalm 33:18). We thank you for the angel of the Lord which encamps around this nation and aids in our deliverance (Psalm 34:7). Cover us with Your banner of love and may it wave as a testament to Your goodness, Your glory, and Your honor (Psalm 60:4).

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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July 18, 2017

To fear the L-RD is to worship and honor and praise HIS Holy Name. To fear the L-RD is to love HIM with all of our heart, our mind, and soul. The fear of the L-RD magnifies HIS Holy Name. All power and glory and praise belongs to our one true G-D, the G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel … Blessed be HE!

July 18, 2017

To fear the L-RD is the beginning of wisdom. To fear the L-RD is to take wholeheartedly take HIM at HIS Word. To fear the L-RD is to rise up in faith and take our place in HIM.

Edmundo Hernandez
July 6, 2017

Fear of the Lord means fear of the Lord. It goes beyond reverence and awe. A word study of the original languages used to write what is now the Holy Bible, will indicate terror, fright, horror,panic as synonyms. The issue is obedience to the Lord. While love of our Lord should motivate us to follow and obey, in times of rebellion, the fear of the Lord is a great substitute to continue in obedience. Jesus warned his 12 closest friends, “I tell you my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear. Fear him who after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.” Luke 12:4,5 (NIV)

Sandy Ingersoll
July 6, 2017

The Fear of the Lord literally means to worship HIM as our Creator. It is an awesome reverence for who HE is, and requires the spirit of humility where what HE says is given absolute obedience with joy because HE IS LOVE and desires only good for HIS children. HE is our wisdom and our deliverer and will never leave us or forsake us. Fear of the Lord is to love him with all our heart! Our Nation has lost this Fear, but HIS church is now humbling itself, repenting of following the world and trusting in its ways, and her prayers are being heard in heaven!

betty davis
July 6, 2017

Father your Name is to be feared and greatly to be praised!!! You have rescued this Great Nation with a strong Leader and we thank you.l For this team of men, we pray…for strength, wisdom, discernment. May they not become weary in the face of continued opposition….Be their shield and protector…go before them come behind them..put a hedge of protection around them. We ask for more of your spirit to be poured upon the land…filling people EVERYWHERE, send a spirit of repentance showing fruit of one who fears You….Father I thank you for all that you have done…We thanj you for all your going to do….May America shine for you….Raising a standard of holiness by living honorably again…fearing your Name because of who you Are. You paid a great price that men can be saved…it is in this Name Jesus we pray AMEN

Bettie L Goodman
July 5, 2017

Father God, We come lifting up Your Name ~ becoming more aware of how foolish we have been thinking we can plan how this Nation is going to be saved ~ it’s as the post says, walking in the FEAR of the Lord and being very sure that You mean what You say IN Your Word and we can Trust YOU!! Victory is found in the Fear of You and Praise to You!!! Bowing before You, the Sustainer of our World and Your Children! It’s there we find Your forgiveness and mercy ~ Glory!
Blessed Be the Name of The Lord ~ In Your Name I pray!!! Amen

Susan Turner
July 5, 2017

I plead the Blood of Jesus over our Country and President Trump and VP Pence …their families and staff….we the people…..pray for strong Leadership…in Jesus’s name we pray….

Regina Jeter
July 5, 2017

“yes we need the fear of the LORD”
Lord forgive me for not standing in the light, love, truth
You paid for by your blood sacrifice on the cross to set
me free to live & serve you and others. To love you with
all my heart mind strength and love others by living and
speaking truth.
Thank you Lord for your mercy strengthen us for the
task at hand may YOUR HOLY will be done in my life and
life’s of all that pray with pure heart this prayer.
God bless America in Jesus Christ our Lord & Saviour

July 5, 2017

Heavenly Father, i am reminded of what Anne Graham Lotz said about our over familiarity of you, taking your truths to apply them to our lives without submitting ourselves under the mighty right hand of God. Lord we want salvation, but not sanctification. Lord God, I pray humility for your people and myself, help us to not put our light under a bushel by allowing sin to remain in our life, convict us of sins of omission, of any worldliness that has blindsided us. In Jesus name, Amen

Lori Mahaffey
July 5, 2017

Lord, I pray we follow 2 Chron. 7:14
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn form their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

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