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Heavenly Father, we as Your people know that prayer to Jesus is the answer. We pray the world will see that too during this pandemic.
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An international team of doctors, led by Kansas City cardiologist Dr. Dhanunjaya Lakkireddy of the Kansas City Heart Rhythm Institute, is currently conducting a clinical study to measure the impact of prayer in the health outcomes of coronavirus patients.

“Prayer is often used as a medium to invoke divine intervention for affirmation of life, healing of the sick and protection of the vulnerable. This often remains a controversial intervention from a scientific perspective. Although used regularly in the inpatient setting of critically ill patients, the benefit of prayer on healthcare outcomes has been heavily debated,” the researchers noted in the overview of the study.

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“While historical studies have aimed at demonstrating improved health outcomes in patients who pray, these studies are typically difficult to reproduce and are subject to bias. Many studies have attempted to focus on improvement in quality of life or improvement in symptoms of psychiatric disease. The lack of available information regarding the impact of prayer on inpatient outcomes prompted our further investigation.”

Lakkireddy explained in an interview with NPR that the study will involve 1,000 patients with coronavirus infections severe enough that they require intensive care.

All the patients will receive the standard of care prescribed by their medical providers but half of the randomly chosen patients will receive a “universal” prayer from one of five religions: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Buddhism. The other 500 patients will constitute the control group.

Although we love the idea of testing the power of prayer, we doubt the efficacy of a “universal” prayer–what comes to mind is the prophets of Baal praying all day for their god to show up in 1 Kings 18. Let’s pray for patients to call on the one name by which we can be saved–Jesus.

Lakkireddy said the medical professionals he has assembled for the study’s steering committee are also all people of faith.

“We all believe in science and we also believe in faith,” he told NPR. “If there is a supernatural power, which a lot of us believe, would that power of prayer and divine intervention change the outcomes in a concerted fashion? That was our question.”

The study will measure outcomes such as mortality rate differences, hospital length of stay, length of ventilator support, and ICU length of stay, among other things.

Lakkireddy, who was “born into Hinduism,” noted that he attended a Catholic school and spent time in synagogues, Buddhist monasteries and mosques.

“I believe in the power of all religions,” he said. “I think if we believe in the wonders of God and the universal good of any religion, then we’ve got to combine hands and join the forces of each of these faiths together for the single cause of saving humanity from this pandemic.”

All patients in the study will receive a COVID PRAYER STUDY Identification number and the prayer below will be used, according to the study.

(Use with permission from The Christian Post. Article by Leonardo Blair.)

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Verna M Knox
May 9, 2020

I thank you Father, that people are realizing the Drs. and the government don’t have the answers. I pray that You show yourself as the only true and living God and that as we lift You up, you will draw all men to yourself and many will be set free in You!

Heather Peterson
May 8, 2020

Father God, We know there is one God, One Savior that You have provided and One Spirit by which we are led into all Truth. Never did You say all religions of the Earth are True or contain the way of Salvation. I pray that this study does not cause confusion and stumbling in people’s understanding of the One True God. As God, You have revealed Yourself to us and we have no right to redefine who You are. Please have mercy on us and use even this to reveal Yourself to people who are truly seeking You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

May 8, 2020

Lord God I pray you will use this study to inspire people to trust you for healing because they have the same sickness that was healed in these other people!


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