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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, thank you for what You are doing through Reverend Fred Lunsford. We pray thousands will turn to You through his obedience.
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North Carolina World War II veteran who has preached at revivals across the country for more than 70 years now believes he’s on his final mission to usher in spiritual awakening.

The Rev. Fred Lunsford, who was one of the soldiers who stormed the beaches of Normandy on D-Day in 1944, says he encountered God at his prayer garden two miles from his house in Marble, which he calls “Light House Mountain,” the Baptist Press reports.

On Tuesday, Lunsford hosted a “Prayer for Spiritual Awakening,” joined by more than 255,000 people online. Tim Radford, owner of WKRK in Murphy, posted video of the morning service. You can watch HERE.

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“This is truly a revival of prayer,” Lunsford said during the almost-30-minute service, also thanking all those gathered remotely. “From this day forward, God’s going to do wonders. What it is, I don’t know, but I want to be a part of it.”

It was two years ago that he told the Lord he was ready to go home, but the veteran preacher received at least one more mission.

“He said, ‘Not yet because I’ve got some unfinished business that I need you to take care of,'” he told the BP. “Celebrate 70 years in the ministry and get everybody you can to be praying for spiritual awakening. I want to send renewal. I want to send a new work among you.

The Rev. Greg Mathis, a pastor of Mud Creek Baptist Church, visited Lunsford, along with a few other pastors, on January 20 this year, which is when they said the spiritual awakening began.

“I don’t know how to explain to you what happened that day,” Mathis told the Christian news outlet. “I have never felt a manifestation of the Spirit of God like I did in that vehicle that day.”

They rallied 200 preachers to join on the mountain but amid the coronavirus pandemic, Lunsford will go to the mountain and people joining can register for “Praying on the Mountain” online event on May 5. . .

“It’s been a burden on my heart for many years, even from the time of World War II when I was in Europe during the Battle of the Bulge and all that and even praying then,” Lunsford recounts about the call he got from God in his prayer garden.

“I had an experience with God that was beyond measure,” he added. “I looked at Buckhorn Gap…it seemed to me that I saw Jesus standing in that gap of the mountain…then I heard thunder roll and lightning flash.”

Lunsford says he believes the day of prayer will launch something far greater than the encounter he had on that mountain.

“I believe honestly that God is going to do something extraordinary, that will get the attention of people all over the world. I don’t know what it is, but I believe it with all my heart,” Lunsford told the Baptist Press. “I believe God is moving and we need to listen.” . . .

(Excerpt from Fox News. Article by Caleb Parke.)

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May 15, 2020

It is time for all people to know the God of America is the one true God. The God who goes after His people when they go astray. The God who is the architect of the last days! All praise goes to Him!

Rick and Cherie Matzek
May 12, 2020

Our dear prayer friend was reminded about this call at work putting in electrical. He had to stop – the presence of the Lord was so strong!
We felt badly he had not told us about it! But he had not remembered himself ,(just found out ,expecting his first child), and he says he was changed by the presence of the Lord on this call!!!
God is near if we will separate time to seek him and love him…

Luke Lewan
May 11, 2020

What uplifting news! I, too, have been praying, for years, that this prodigal nation come to its senses, and return to its Father. Let us pray without ceasing. Luke Fuquay, North Carolina

May 11, 2020

Dear Rev. Lunsford,

My Dad was a D-Day Veteran like you. He would never tell us much about his experiences. I want you to know that I have been praying for many, many years for Revival. The Holy Spirit has revealed in my heart that God is going to do something great. It will be so magnificent that no person, entity or nation can deny its source which is Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God, Himself. I am with you all the way Brother. I think Revival is the last hope this great nation has before the Second Coming of Christ. M. S.

Susan Sierra
May 11, 2020

tytytyty I went to the connecting sites and am so encouraged. I had no idea this was going on but am grateful to have found out even though May 5th has passed. This is an answer to prays being prayed up on NYC area by various intercessors that connect weekly to pray. I will pass this along. Am thanking Father to have seen this and am rejoicing and wondering as we head into Pentecost, what Father has in mind. Glory Glory Glory, to God be the Glory, in Jesus name Amen!!

Christian Jireh
May 11, 2020

The king is coming , Our God, King and Lord. His Temple will be filled with the incense of LOVE – prayer and Praise of joyful noise. God will surely establish His purpose as decreed of old. Amen

Elizabeth Wilson
May 10, 2020

We have been praying and asking the Lord to send a whirlwind and awakening to all Christians in this nation . We need to return this nation to the Lord, one nation under God.

May 8, 2020

Praying daily at 7pm EDT
For America turns to the Risen Jesus Christ

Martha Schultz
May 8, 2020

Love it❤️❤️ I am praying every day st 8PM for America. God enlighten us & clear our heads, clean our hearts🙏🙏🙏

May 8, 2020

I am sorry I missed this. Our prayer group is feeling like something is about to happen as well. Go God!!!!!!!

May 8, 2020

Interesting, because for the last couple weeks, I’ve been prompted to pray specifically for a ‘Normandy Landing’ for America. That is, an overwhelming outside force, beyond our capability, that could defeat the domination of spiritual darkness in our nation today. Amazing Pastor L was one of the soldiers who actually landed in Normandy in WWII! This story, and his calling, was a confirmation for me that the words in my spirit,’Normandy Landing’ were on point. Amen!

Brother Amartey
May 7, 2020

Yes, Lord, bring it on! For too long, we’ve been hungry and thirsty for Your visitation, so just go ahead and do it!!

selma boldt
May 7, 2020

I agree that there is a revival happening. There is however, a storm!

Marion A Baumgartner
May 7, 2020

I would love to hear about it.

Marcia Rutherford
May 7, 2020

Encouraging. And did anyone notice that if you add together the digits of 01-20-2020, the date God started this awakening, it totals 7? No accidents with God!

May 7, 2020

Heavenly Father, I’m ready! Bring it on! You’ve got this and those who have accepted your Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior want to meet their brothers and sisters in the faith! Thank you for your faithful son Rev. Lunsford as he patiently waited for You to move. And may many others “stand in the gap” so that we can move mountains with our faith. Amen Amen Amen!!!

Deborah Lemons
May 7, 2020

Yes, I joined this event; quite by accident I found out about this on social media and was so fascinated by his story that I signed up and watched this gathering of ministers around NC/SC Appalachia and hosted by SBC. Rev. Lunsford says this was first a calling to “preachers”, but with “Coronavirus” and the great availability and exposure to technology, it soon became an outreach to the world. Listening to these ministers/leaders who have met with, talked to and prayed with Rev Lunsford was really touching; you could see and hear that the Lord our God is starting to work in their lives and their hope of renewal and power of God for their churches. It was profound and confirming for me, because I have been feeling/sensing and praying for some time, (esp. since 2016 election and all the turmoil in our country) for God to send or show us an Awakening/A Working of His Holy Spirit. I don’t know how or what exactly or how I can participate, but I am praying that I will be alert and ready and thanking him for the things I see him doing–this virtual prayer gather, a mini-revival among churches in East TN, youth gatherings and conferences, the Call to Prayer by our President, ordinary people’s reaction to Coronavirus quarantine, just look around you and see what you can identify. You can watch the video (about 1 hr 45 min) at or probably at Mud Creek also has an upcoming documentary on Rev. Lunsford’s life and this experience. I Thank my God for this opportunity to pray for “The Church” of Jesus Christ and for America, for bringing me to this event, for the encouragement I found here. It encourages me to have and hold on to hope, to “hold on” to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and faith. I Pray and thank you O God for your mercy and your working in America and the world, for your Grace for everyone who will hear and accept. We pray by your love, your spirit and your power in us. Amen
Grasp on, be alert and listen.

Kimberly Scott
May 7, 2020

I agree! I lived through a head on crash in 2011 for such a time as this! Kim Clement prophesied a coming REFORMATION of the church and that time is NOW #goteamJesus

Kim Pascarella
May 7, 2020

Yes, I agree, Heavenly Father, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Thank You, Lord, for hearing our cries. We give You all the glory and all the honor. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty who was, who is, and is to come. Come quickly, Lord Jesus. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Praise You, Lord. We shout unto You with the voice of triumph!
In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

May 7, 2020

Dear God, We desperately need a spiritual awakening in the US. Please forgive us for straying off the path You designed for us. Please forgive the abortions, homosexuality, rapes, murders, and Christian persecution. We humbly ask for Your forgiveness, and we repent of these and all other sins. We need You so much!!

In Your Name,


Helen Preston
May 7, 2020

I have been fervently praying for a great spiritual awakening in America that will shake the rafters of this country. i join my prayers with those founding Fathers who placed their total trust in Lord Jesus and with those Christians down through the ages who love God enough to pray for His Spirit to fill us. Come now, Great Father!

Robert McDaniel
May 7, 2020

You can watch the event at 268,464 people registered to pray. Well worth the time to watch.

    Deborah Lemons
    May 7, 2020

    Yes, 100% agree Robert. Thanks for website; last time I looked they did not have it posted, but sbc did. and look for Praying on the Mountain. Having grown up on TN side of those Appalachia mountains and being fairly familiar with his side of mountains, this story grabbed my heart and mind.

May 7, 2020

“God is moving, and we need to listen.” God is always speaking, but are we listening. Let’s all listen, and obey. Revival begins with each of us. Let each of us repent before The Lord for our own sins, and He will forgive us, and heal our land. II Chronicles 7:14, 1 John 1:9, and other scriptures.

Dorothy Ter Horst
May 7, 2020

Let God arise and the enemy be scattered.

May 7, 2020

Yes,I believe God is moving and we better be on His time table.Pray for your family to come together as never before and have faith in the word.To see what He can do if we pray for the return to God one Nation of people.Great things to all people.Keep the joy of the Lord always.

Jeane Whiteside
May 7, 2020

I agree. May 5. A day of launching spiritual awakening with renewal and a new work. I’m Jesus name. Amen

May 7, 2020

Father- Your Word declares that Your purposes will be accomplished. And it also shows us that we have a part to play in the outcome. In the OT the king was told to strike the arrows on the ground and the prophet was angry when he stopped at three times.He told him that if he had done more he would have had total victory over the enemy king. Help us to have the passion to equal your calling and plan. Grant that we would be actively participating in the move of Your Spirit so that we may see all that You would do.

Rev. Donald L. Perkins
May 7, 2020

Check out a little book called “CONTINUOUS REVIVAL” by Norman P. Grubb. You can find it on the net.

May 7, 2020

I believe God is moving and we better get ready and keep on Him time table. Pray for your family to come together as never before.I have that feeling-great things are coming for this nation if we stand on the word.Ask for wisdom and keep the joy of the Lord always.

Debby Smith
May 7, 2020


Denise N.
May 7, 2020

Lord, May it be Your will that we see Your glory as You move throughout the world.! Today is the national day of prayer in America. I pray that all who claim Christ will be offering up prayers of sacrifice and praise. That You Name would be exalted over all the earth and that Your Holy Spirit would ignite a fire of revival over our nation and over the entire world. Lord, we love You and we thank You for Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, Savior and Lord. In His Name We pray!

    Mrs D
    May 7, 2020

    Let it be the same kind of revival that was experienced by a “rag-tag” group of pre-Resurrection disciples, that became SELFLESS world-changers thanks to lives ignited by the indwelling Holy Spirit. Body of Christ, ARISE following the vision, purity, integrity and LOVE of our HEAD JESUS — KING of kings and LORD of lords! אָמֵץAMATS!

Jean Oswalt
May 7, 2020

From outbreak to outpouring. Come Lord Jesus Come.

Rev. John R. Riddle
May 7, 2020

As an ordained Presbyterian minister for over 43 years, I’ve actively prayed for a genuine spiritual awakening for 33 years. During those years, I’ve not only been a student of the Bible, but also the history of God’s spiritually reviving of His people here in America. One of the most amazing works of God’s providence to revive His people occurred in 1857-1858, sometimes referred to as “The Prayer Meeting Revival”. Dr. J. Edwin Orr wrote about it in his book, “The Event of the Century – The 1857-1858 Awakening”, edited by Richard Owen Roberts. After reading this article, watching the video and listening to the heart-cry of Rev. Lunsford, I’m much encouraged to believe that what Almighty God did in 1857-1858, He may be beginning to do again through prayer as God’s people take seriously 2 Chronicles 7:13-14. Rev. Matthew Henry, author of “Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible” wrote: “Whenever God is ready to do something new with His people, He always sets them to praying.” Without God’s providential work of the Holy Spirit pouring out His reviving power to His people here in America, this present and future generations will be facing a very difficult and uncertain future. The Lord’s richest blessings on you, Rev. Lunsford!! Thank you!

Donna Boddy
May 7, 2020

This is definitely a move of God. We pray that millions will come to know Jesus as a result.

Denise Demaire
May 7, 2020

We have been experiencing a revival in our home. All our kids live in different states and we are praying daily. The kids have come back home to Jesus. God is doing mighty awesome things in our home and surrounding areas! Glory to God We are the Church! Bless this awesome man of God.
In the beginning of the year January I saw small revival groups all over the country. And the presence of God was hitting into meetings of Muslims and Mormons, and Jehovah Witness, Buddhist, and all different kids of places and groups of people. The glory of God started falling and people were getting saved. Even in grocery stores, parking lots and in cars! The Glory of the Lord Will Over Take in the earth. Realm and many souls will be saved and healed. The darkness can not stop it! Pentecost is and will happen as it did 2000 years ago!

May 7, 2020

I watched the service …..the count of people watching all over the world went over 300,000 at times.
It was a blessing…..I felt God gave us all an assignment to spread the gospel and awaken the world.

Patricia Moulton
May 7, 2020

Father, Your ways confound the wise and make the seemingly foolish bold and dumbfounded. You, the Lamb and the Lion, lead usA in Your ways and we praise Your holy name in all its wonderful manifestations. Humble our nation to hear You in the still small voice and the bold soldier from WWII. Come Lord Jesus to heal our hearts and the land we have allowed to run amuk–but turn the rudder of this huge ship back to Your Kingdom will for all that none should perish. Mighty, Holy, Unlimited, Chesed lover, overwhelm our land and may we fall on our faces before Your Presence.

May 7, 2020

Praise Father Yhovah! We are at the end of the age, there is a very narrow window of time before the Day of Wrath. I believe what we are going to see extraordinary is end-time harvesters walking around glorified, just as people saw Moses glorified as he came down from the mountain!

Martha Dellermann
May 7, 2020

I have prayed for revival in the United States for years. Praise God that he answers prayers in His own perfect timing . Father, I pray you will sweep across this land and bless it with your forgiveness and love and will heal our land. In your mercy protect us from evil.amen

Linda F Lucas
May 7, 2020

How do I hook up with this prayer group?

    May 7, 2020

    It appears that their website is

    Lord, bless Fred beyond his wildest imagination. Let him see revival break out across this nation. There are so few people left in Fred’s age range and our schools no longer teach the truth of the history he has seen first hand. Usher revival into our schools this fall. Let parents who are homeschooling their children now see the errors in the public school system and begin to change the system before school begins this fall. Let parents of college kids see the lies our colleges are teaching so that parents can make changes in the higher education system. God, open blind eyes all across this land to the way our Christian liberties are being threatened under the guise of this virus outbreak (and the voting stimulus arranged by Nancy Pelosi). And bless Fred with an abundance of good health so he can continue to do the work you put him here to do. Take away any physical pain or infirmity he might have at his age. Surround him with helpers to advance Your Word. Help him to see the results of his many years of prayer and faithful service to You. Amen

      May 7, 2020

      🙏🏼✝️God bless you, Ana, yes, I agree totally with you in prayer!🙏🏼🕊

      Mel Spence
      May 7, 2020

      Father, thank You for this day and thank You that we GET to pray. We ask, that You would draw Your people to Your SON JESUS. FATHER only You can draw them in so that they would come to know and experience the Heart that You have for us. The scriptures are full of the stories on how You never give up, but there is a final day coming when the door will be closed. Father may they choose this day to follow Your SON JESUS when they hear that call.
      LORD have mercy and let Your GLORY pour down upon them NOW.
      In JESUS name AMEN and AMEN.

    Judy McDonough
    May 7, 2020

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