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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray we would not harbor unforgiveness and bitterness toward one another. Help us to let it go.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Your best friend posting highly inflammatory content on Facebook that you disagree with…

Let them go.

Your parishioner is upset about how you’re handling coronavirus responses at the church…

Let them go.

Your boss has made decisions for the business that you believe are not correct…

Let them go.

Your mother is calling you daily giving you her version of updates and warnings… 

Let them go.

Here is our collective reality:

It’s very easy to believe that each of us is positioned at the center spot in the middle of that diagram.

But in reality, probably very few of us are. We are probably in one of those circles on one side or another from the middle of the diagram. And for good reason; the pandemic storyline affects each of us differently. 

For some of us, we are living in the reality of a high-risk household. For others, economic shut-down has threatened all hopes of future monetary security. A few of us have already lost loved ones to the virus. Others have spent a lifetime as a watchman on the wall defending individual liberties and this is our worst nightmare. And several of us have been waiting on elective healthcare that has been potentially dangerously delayed.

We all have an angle.

We all know more about one of the 4 quadrants.

We all have a bent.

We all have an opinion.

We all have a bias.

And in reality, each individual family in America will need to begin to make their own decisions. Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, we will need to make the best decisions we can for our homes!

How I choose to move forward into this next phase of time will undoubtedly be different than how others will choose. And that’s expected and okay. After all, I am managing my own set of risk factors; I’m not managing my neighbor’s.

At the same time, we each have a responsibility before our Lord to be a good neighbor. If the managing of my risk factors and my decisions puts others at risk and hurts my neighbor, I believe I will answer to God.

But here’s one thing I know for sure:

Offense is deadly.

Unforgiveness and bitterness are lethal.

So my word for today is this:

Let them go.

Effective Prayers for Us Right Now

If you believe that some people’s responses are sinful and selfish, use the prayer that Jesus prayed: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

If you believe that others need to have their eyes open to the truth then simply pray: “Father, whatever is in the darkness, bring it to the light. Help my brothers and sisters and me to see the truth and walk in your ways. Help us filter through this barrage of information and misinformation and – through the power of your Spirit – hear your voice of truth.”

If you believe our authorities are making serious errors in their leadership, cry out to God saying: “Father open their eyes! I take authority in Jesus’ name over rulers of wickedness in high places that are trying to deceive or influence our elected officials. I pray your kingdom plan would come forth and your will would be done.”

If you are anxious and afraid and emotionally messed up because of the pressure of this pandemic, don’t hide the truth. God understands! But don’t take your frustration out on others. Take those needs to the Lord in prayer: “Abba Daddy, I need you! I feel myself being driven astray by anxiety, anger, fear, and frustration. Lord, I don’t want to make decisions out of those emotions. I run to you now and dump my feelings upon you. Have mercy upon me, Lord! I choose your way of peace. I choose your way of love.”

The way forward this week is probably going to be messy. It was last week. And it probably will be for a period of time ahead.

Remember, we have collectively been through a difficult crisis. Give room to others. Give room to yourself. And…

Let it go


Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. (Col. 3:13)

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. (Matt. 6:14)

See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. (Heb. 12:15)

(Used with permission from Project 7000. Article by Lisa Cherry.)

(Photo by Rui Silvestre on Unsplash.)

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May 10, 2020

I’m thinking most people accessing this website are seasoned “Intercessors” and are way past this sort of Christian psychology “if this is your problem, pray this way” advice.
I feel like the person who wrote this was just patting me on the head from a lofty position of patronizing understanding. So… I leave a comment. Most just don’t click “I prayed” and go away wondering why they feel belittled.
But I will pray. I will pray that you will join all of us in humbling ourselves (first)…and seeking His face (rather than our wealth of knowledge)

May 10, 2020

How about “rulers in high places” and authority who themselves are trying to deceive the populace. Everyone up to the President himself desperately needs our prayers. Some better degree of truthfulness is needed from them in this difficult time! Clara

Jack Bair
May 8, 2020

Good article accept the go silent and just pray part. That’s like saying don’t preach the gospel because it upsets so many people, just pray. It’s like saying listen to us writers of articles like this, but you little people just be quiet and pray. The church which consists of all us little members is to influence and pray, not just pray. I think this is for when we are dealing with truth vs error, but on the other hand, Ecclesiastes says, a time to be silent and a time to speak. Just be led by the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your good word.

Bob Wiley
May 7, 2020

And the Jews’ passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem, 14And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: 15And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers’ money, and overthrew the tables; 16And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father’s house an house of merchandise. – John 2:13

estella l Vergara
May 7, 2020

right on we had last night as we as a community have been praying everyday,this came up on how offensive people are becoming toward each other. So I thank you for this posting and praise God for his glory.

Nancy Seeger
May 7, 2020

Amen. Just Amen.

Kim Pascarella
May 7, 2020

Heavenly Father, we bless Your name. We bless all people in Your name. Thank You for comforting us when we are hurt by others and for forgiving us when we hurt others. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit today. Thank You, Jesus, for paying for our sins and the sins of others by Your death on the cross and glorious resurrection. Help us live today sensitive to Your leading. We choose to let go of bitterness and ask for healing in whatever ways we have been wounded. Give us wisdom in all of these matters, but most of all fill our hearts with You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Ramona Kinash
May 7, 2020

Excellent guidance in a currently crazy scary world!

Deborah Franklin
May 7, 2020

Yes let go of the inner turmoil that ensnares us, but be ready to act when the Lord directs us to. And the key is when the LORD does it because protesting and picketing has not solved one thing in this country. We need workable solutions.

N. Andre
May 7, 2020

This is a wise and important article. We are all affected in different ways. I had a very close relative pass this week that was a non-Covid death. They were 105 and a blessing to all, a Mother, Great-Grandmother, and Great-Great Grandmother. By God’s grace, we were able to plan a funeral and still take care of family needs by God leading us to the right people, places and by being prepared. God has been blessing us through this entire process and we are in NYC where people cannot even locate the bodies of their deceased. It is imperative that we keep our relationship right with God, through our foundation of faith daily [prayer, reading the Word, meditation, good acts] we establish the radar where God will guide us through this. “Even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death……we MUST have no fear for the Lord is with is!” Please take care of yourselves and realize that this is a time when we must “hone” our inner guidance system and understand deeply that God will guide us – our portion of responsibility is to remain humble, steadfast and focused! God Bless You All! This too will pass!

P. Pitts
May 7, 2020

I’m in the process of a divorce, it has nothing to do with the virus but it was filed in the first few weeks but we held out 7 years. Mental health, a suicide attempt and other reckless threats of self harm were the last straws. Received a notice yesterday that paperwork has been forwarded to them for their signature. June would’ve been 35 years.
Lord, I’m choosing to let it all go but I’m going to need your help in every way. I pray You will forgive us both for tearing each other down and that they will sincerely find Christ before it’s too late. Please help us let it go, especially me, again, for good this time. I’m tired of the fighting and insecurity. I need You now, more than ever. In Jesus Name, Amen.

    Stephanie Johnson
    May 7, 2020

    I pray God’s Grace and peace washes over you. May He guard you and those requests. I ask mercy and healing for you. May you know Him as never before.

    Lisa from MI
    May 7, 2020

    Dear one, I am praying for you! Just know you are so precious and valuable in Gods eyes and You are not alone! I went through the hell you are experiencing. I too had destructive thoughts race through my mind BUT God was (and still is faithful)… Jesus knows what you’re going through, He went through every sort of pain and rejection too and worse!
    I came through the divorce (that was 40 years ago) with a deeper and stronger relationship in Christ. Cause He’s still with me😁…
    I chose to hold onto God, through reading His word and prayer. He has sustained me all these years and He will sustain you too…nothing is impossible with God! Put your heart and hurts into Gods capable Hands! My advise…read Gods word and pray (on your knees, if you can) EVERY SINGLE DAY…give your pain to God alone, then LET IT GO!! He will never leave you or forsakes you! You are LOVED regardless of our failures!
    Praying for you🙏🙏🙏, ♥️Lisa

May 7, 2020

This is so wrong! Let it go…… This is the problem with the conservative right…..they sit idly by and let the left and their aggressive agenda roll all over them to the detriment of our country and the souls of this country as they pacify themselves with comments like “we all have feelings….we’re all different….just let it go”. Forgive yes, but don’t “let go”. Step out of your emotions and how you “feel” for just a second and think. Dig into the facts, educate yourself on the issues, and develop convincing arguments to make your point. Speak up when wrong is being done. Stand bold for the truth. Take action. Do the opposite of “let it go.” “Let it go” is what much of the German population did as the Jews were marched into gas chambers. Many of the Jews themselves wanted to believe the lies they were told as they were being marched into the gas chambers – just “let it go.” Wake up Christians!!!!!

    Pamela Pitts
    May 7, 2020

    I agree with part of what you are saying here because my other half is so smart and knowledgeable in these things but other than voting, he would never stand up and speak, instead everyone in the house has to hear his opinion. But the kids never see any action to back his word.

    May 7, 2020

    I have to agree with you…in CA we are now seeing one county removing people from their homes that might have Covid. This is an invasion and it’s easy to say ‘let it go’ but I am going to be informed, share what I know, encourage warfare prayers and fight with every tool God has given us! Complacency (which this article suggests) is going to get us taken hostage or worse

    Kim Juarez
    May 7, 2020

    I’m awake. I’ve educated myself. With the truth comes anxiety…let it go…I feel the LORD’S peace, I feel His presence, and now I’m ready to move without fear, without anxiety. I’m not passive at all!! The LORD is powerful and I’m calling on His help 24/7. I pray and I speak…some people are asleep. I pray for our nation, our liberties, our tyrannical government officials, people, children, justice, and when I see opportunity I act. Writing letters to government officials…letting go is not being passive. Letting go is trusting in God to move and move us! I’ve been out walking riding praying. I’m not hiding in fear I’m looking to the LORD for His timing to take back our liberties while respecting those who are fearful. Prayer is a powerful tool and God is preparing His people, the remnant to move out! I’ve already started! I hope you hear what God’s plan is for you. He is speaking to us all…are we listening?

    N. Andre
    May 7, 2020

    Your point is well taken – however, I think there are several ways of interpreting this concept of “letting go!’ You seem to take it as a passive response which is understandable. There are other ways to take this concept of – “letting go” and that is to stand clear of anger, condemnation, and violence. Cain killed Abel by fomenting his resentment and not feeling accepted by God. There is a “Cain” and “Abel” side being played out in history right now. When we say “let go” and let God” doesn’t mean we are idly sitting back and letting Hitler do as he will, as in your W.W.II reference. A heavenly soldier can march into battle and say, “God – I offer it all to you – I let go and let God!” and then do battle with all his heart. I believe the point here is not “passivity” but rather understanding God’s Will in a historical situation and following from that understanding. We all need to be spiritual warriors and NEVER let this nation go through the destruction of Communism, Socialism, Atheistic Materialism, etc., – that is why the events of 2016 [Presidential Election] shook the other side. The enemy is real – however on the cross Jesus did say, “Forgive them for they know not what they do” – we need to stand up, fight and SPEAK out – but we cannot adopt their means of battle – God’s side always works differently. Reflect on history – All the best and realize for some, including myself, “letting go” by no means is “GIVING UP!” You have however made a good point!

    May 7, 2020

    I agree to forgive–and I’ve had to do it because many of my believer “friends” have chosen fear over truth to rule the day. I understand–they have loved ones on the front line. So I pray for them and their loved ones. But this is a tough one, and I agree with Michelle…for too long the Church has taken the Politically Correct narrative of not offending. Truth is dogmatic–it cuts deep. God means what He says and says what He means. It’s easy for me to allow my unbeliever friends to express themselves, but it is much harder when the Body takes on the role of fear and then demands that I am an offense if I do not. That’s when I have a real issue with it all and it is what I am facing right now with my particular Body of believers. I’m asking God to lead and guide me Forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetfulness. I will not harbor anything against them in my heart or allow bitterness to take hold, but these are not the folks I want to be taking up the full armor of God with in the heat of intercessory battlefields. I am a Watchman–that is my calling and it is my responsibility. Now is the time for courage and determination to pull down the strongholds–not be passive. Great article but I don’t believe it intends for passivity. Jesus surely wasn’t when He walked the face of the earth. There wasn’t a place He went where someone in the crowd was upset and wanted to kill Him. We can’t be a sledge hammer with the truth, but we must speak it with discernment always.

Donna Kotecki
May 7, 2020

Yes, Lord, give us peace in the midst of the storm. Help us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Help us to let go of fear & any offense. You prepare a table for us in the presence of our enemies to provide all we have need of. Deal swiftly with the wicked one & deliver us from all evil. In the precious name of Jesus. Amen

May 7, 2020

This has been on my heart for weeks. The opposition in media is overwhelming. No one likes the feeling of hate or anger.
Prayer is key to feeling comfort in God The Holy Spirit. Help us Lord, to Let It Go. In Jesus name.

May 7, 2020

What an “ahhhhh” at this very emotional time. Struggling with all the information and misinformation, opinions, situations, approaches, and anxiety during this virus situation, it certainly is refreshing to hear a voice say, “let it go”. Lift it all in our prayers and let it go.

May 7, 2020

Amen!! This is my prayer also.


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