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Lord, Your Word says that children are a gift from You. Impress this into the hearts of those who have turned from Your Word so that no more children will be lost.
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Fears about dwindling personal protective equipment (PPE) and containing the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) has led certain states to suspend abortion services. The Associated Press recently interviewed staffers from abortion businesses that have not halted abortions. These staffers claim that due to distress over economic and health concerns, more women are seeking abortions now than they normally would.

Pray for hearts to turn to God during this pandemic. Pray for double salvation–for pregnant moms to come to know Jesus and for babies to be saved from abortion.

Julie Burkhart oversees several abortion facilities in Wichita, Kansas and Oklahoma City, and according to her, the calls her facilities have received have been “frantic.” She implied that there have been huge uptakes in the amount of procedures being committed due to women’s fears about not having access to abortion. Later in the interview, Burkhart revealed that her Wichita facility — the same one that recently sent a woman to the hospital — committed 252 abortions this past March, up from 90 last year. . .

Panic surrounding the virus has caused more women to rely on abortion, says Dr. Jen Villavicenio, a Michigan abortionist. Villavicencio believes women will need abortion more as the pandemic continues. “I hear it in my patient’s voices and questions daily,” Villavicencio said in an email. “They’re worried about how they will make their rent, feed their family, access a ventilator if the need arises.”

In a time when women need medical resources, providers such as Planned Parenthood have suspended all services with the exception of abortion. The need for prenatal care and other forms of support does not seem to be receiving as much attention from abortion advocacy groups. Instead, the focus seems to be on how COVID-19 has pushed more women towards an abortion decision. According to Hope Clinic for Women deputy director Alison Dreith, before the pandemic, the number of women who proceeded with their plan to abort was 50%. As the threat of COVID-19 continues, Dreith claimed that rate is now at 85%.

Dr. Michael J. New, Associate Scholar with the Charlotte Lozier Institute, discussed this piece of information in an email with Live Action News, writing, “It is interesting that [the abortion industry is saying] only 50% of scheduled abortions happen. Pro-life efforts on the sidewalks and at pregnancy help centers might be making a difference.” He added, “If a higher percentage of women are going through with abortions, pro-lifers need to step up our game. We need to pray and sidewalk counsel and encourage others to do the same. Obviously, people should take precautions. It would be a good idea to wear a mask and distance oneself. However, a presence outside the abortion facilities is still necessary.”. . .

As pro-choice groups continue to argue that abortion is an essential healthcare procedure, over 30,000 medical professionals have dismissed this idea. Live Action News’ Carole Novielli noted that these medical experts “practice according to the Hippocratic Oath,” and are “from U.S. organizations such as the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AAPLOG), the American College of Pediatricians, Christian Medical & Dental Associations, the Catholic Medical Association, and the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons.” These have all “condemned the move to continue abortion during the COVID-19 pandemic,” Novielli said.

AAPLOG has called the continued practice of elective abortions during an outbreak “medically irresponsible,” and has aptly pointed out that “Elective abortion treats no disease process.”

(Excerpt from Liveaction. Article by Samantha Kamman.)

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Joni Rafnson
April 22, 2020

This is such a serious crossroads in this nation. It is time that we take the authority we have in the name of Yeshua and we rebuke and bind this spirit of death and murder off of the minds of men and women in this nation and selfishness and self serving. We ask in Yeshuas name that a Fear of God would fall on this nation and an understanding that when you give an increase and blessing of a child that God will provide. We rebuke the spirit of ungodly fear. Yeshua you have not given us this spirit but of power, Love and a sound mind. We loose compassion, caring and softened hearts to do what’s right and pleasing in the sight of God. I pray for more workers of the field to come across women that are thinking about this and that they would offer hope and faith in Yeshua to those around them. Lighthouses to spring up all around this nation as a rescue for those that are lost and hurting and dont know where to turn. In Yeshuas name Amen

margaret petersen
April 21, 2020

Lord God in Heaven,our beloved creator who loves his creation more than we know,I put all women in our nation before You in prayer,and i ask that you open the eyes of us all,to the Love you have for Life,and that as we,as women would see with your eyes,feel with your heart the reverence and and sanctity of the unborn,who have a destiny written in the books of heaven that we as humans on this earth have no right to take away.Forgive us as a nation,our blindness and disregard to Life,i repent for the blood already shed of the innocent,and i ask you to open the eyes of women that we be decieved no more in this regard.por bodies are not our own,just as your word says.in Jesus name

Flora Lee Rauch
April 21, 2020

Right now Lord, blesss every baby in the womb and send Your Holy Desire to the parents loving them to want to see their child triumphantly born in Jesus name we pray make a way where there seems no way Amen

    April 21, 2020

    Lord, I thank you for each precious unborn life. Please send your angels, and Holy Spirit upon women considering abortion, and help them to choose life.

    Many are deceived into thinking abortion is about choice. Please show them how mistaken they are, and help them to get saved.

    Please expose the evils of abortion. Reveal the underlying eugenics, racism and exploitation of women that Planned Parenthood promotes.

    Please send Your glory, Your judgement, and shaking on all abortion clinics, that they will be forced to close down.

April 21, 2020

Lord God, help us. Wehave so missed the mark in educating our young ones, and now we see a virus can push people into a choice of death, because there is no firm foundation in relationship with You, and no belief in Your Word. Children are a GIFT from the Lord. Help us to example living in such a way that the young ones walk out their lives in faith and choose life in all their decisions.


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