I Prayed have prayed
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These are the exact words Bill Yount, a nationally recognized prophet, reports that the Lord spoke to him on February 7, 2017. Even as many in the nation are troubled about a proposed physical wall on our southern borders, so the Lord is asking us to look at a more important wall – His supernatural wall of protection over His people and this country. He is saying that if we do our part in building the needed relational bridges with each other, He will do His part in building a supernatural wall of protection around us as His people. Knowing that our adversary, the devil, is seeking to do us harm, the Lord is offering a wall of heavenly protection that no spiritual opposition will ever be able to penetrate.

During a recent prayer gathering, Bill recalled a word the Lord had given him ten years earlier about angels inspecting spiritual bridges throughout the Body of Christ. Some of the phrases from that word seemed to apply to this current situation with the wall and the Lord’s directive:

I sense many are now traveling down a broken road because of a broken bridge in their lives. In times of war, if the enemy wants to paralyze a nation, he will target the bridges that connect the people in that nation to one another. Once disconnected, they have little power to resist the onslaught of their enemy.

I saw many “relationships” representing “bridges” throughout the body of Christ deteriorating and on the verge of collapsing! I saw some relationships representing bridges that were connecting the Body of Christ together, but had failed to be maintained over the years and now were on the verge of collapsing. The collapsing of these bridges would mean that many of us would be unable to cross over into our Kingdom purpose and destiny without these certain relationships being renewed, restored, and strengthened.

The relationships we once thought we could go on without were now appearing before us as our “only” bridge to cross over into our inheritance! As I saw this, I sensed within me a proverb in the land stating, ‘I am not going anywhere without you and you are not going anywhere without me.’ Whether we liked each other or not, our opposing attitudes began to fade as we saw by revelation, ‘These bridges must be restored and updated!’ “

Whether it’s attending to burnt bridges, broken bridges, or bridges in disrepair from lack of use, God is calling believers to connect with each other once again. This is not simply about forgiveness, but about reconciliation, restoration, and healthy relationships. In order for God to fully restore “all things” (Eph. 1:9-10 and Col. 1:19-20), He must begin with us. As we yield to His promptings, He will direct our paths to those relationships which are both beneficial and necessary in order for us to cross over to our full inheritance.

Regardless of any physical wall being erected, it is clear that until we have God’s divine wall of safety and protection around us, we will be open to the onslaught of our enemies, both natural and spiritual. We must get connected to each other in order to strengthen and support what God wants to do. May His rallying cry resound among the households of faith and in communities across the nation, “If you build the bridges, I’ll build the wall!”

“And I myself will be a wall of fire around it, declares the LORD, and I will be its glory within” (Zech. 2:5 NIV).


  • Wanda Alger, IFA Field Correspondent
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