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Father, we pray that our leaders would act in the best interest of our citizens.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Charging that so-called “sanctuary” cities that protect illegal immigrants are jeopardizing domestic security, Attorney General Bill Barr announced a slew of additional sanctions that he called a “significant escalation” against left-wing local and state governments that obstruct the “lawful functioning of our nation’s immigration system.”

Speaking at the National Sheriff’s Association 2020 Winter Legislative and Technology Conference in Washington, D.C., Barr said the Justice Department would immediately file multiple lawsuits against sanctuary jurisdictions for unconstitutionally interfering with federal immigration enforcement, and implement unprecedented national reviews of left-wing sanctuary governments and prosecutors.

“Let us state the reality upfront and as clearly as possible,” Barr began. “When we are talking about sanctuary cities, we are talking about policies that are designed to allow criminal aliens to escape. These policies are not about people who came to our country illegally but have otherwise been peaceful and productive members of society.  Their express purpose is to shelter aliens whom local law enforcement has already arrested for other crimes.  This is neither lawful nor sensible.”

The DOJ has now filed a federal complaint against the State of New Jersey seeking declaratory and injunctive relief “against its laws that forbid state and local law enforcement from sharing vital information about criminal aliens with DHS,” Barr said.

That was a reference to New Jersey Attorney General Law Enforcement Directive 2018-6, which the DOJ says illegally bars officials from sharing the immigration status and release dates of individuals in custody. It also requires New Jersey law enforcement to “promptly notify a detained individual, in writing and in a language the individual can understand” if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) files an immigration detainer request for the individual.

Additionally, “we are filing a complaint seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against King County, Washington, for the policy … that forbids DHS from deporting aliens from the United States using King County International Airport,” Barr said. . . .

“Further, we are reviewing the practices, policies, and laws of other jurisdictions across the country.  This includes assessing whether jurisdictions are complying with our criminal laws, in particular the criminal statute that prohibits the harboring or shielding of aliens in the United States,” Barr added, noting that the DOJ would support DHS with “federal subpoenas to access information about criminal aliens in the custody of uncooperative jurisdictions.” . . .

Sanctuary cities, Barr said, are defined as those with policies that allow “criminal aliens to escape” federal law enforcement — and some jurisdictions are becoming “more aggressive” in undermining immigration authorities, with local politicians even developing “schemes” to circumvent immigration officials.

(Excerpt from Fox News.  Article by Greg Re.)

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February 16, 2020

Father- Thank you that there is a voice of reason and sanity in the midst of all the unlawful shenanigans. We lift up William Barr to you and ask for your protection and guidance as he addresses this issue. Give him clarity of thought and purpose. Surround him with protection and support. I pray that you would make a way to stop this unlawful practice and that the people who love you would rise up in prayer and action regarding this behavior. May truth prevail. May the lies be exposed. I pray that there would be voices in the media that would speak truth about the impact of this issue and that they would no longer be complicit in deceiving the American people about the impact of protecting and harboring lawbreakers in the name of kindness and justice.

Jimmy B Shackle
February 16, 2020

Thank you Attorney General Barr! So glad you are taking this action. May the Lord help you & protect you. I’m so thankful you are on President Trumps team & working for America. Jim

    Ronda Orchard
    February 18, 2020

    Thanking God for the common sense coming from AG Barr. Lord protect our Leadership from the slings and arrows of the enemy and may your Justice prevail in all of our sanctuary cities. May your justice bring about a clean sweep of representation throughout our nation as we get our National House in order. amen


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