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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we pray that this excellent bill would pass and be enacted in South Dakota and that many states will follow.
Reading Time: 2 minutes
UPDATE: The House passed this legislation with a 46-23 vote. Pray that this bill is now passed by the SD Senate and signed into law by Governor Noem!
I want to share an urgent prayer concern for South Dakota that intercessors like yourself need to be covering in prayer and action.
HB1057 protects children under the age of 16 from harmful and untested hormone drugs, puberty blockers, and surgical procedures to alter their birth gender. The bill, which makes these procedures on children a Class 1 misdemeanor, was set to pass easily in the House and be signed by the governor when trans activists pressed into South Dakota with heavily-funded lobbying campaigns, branding those who would support the measure “bigots.”
The House State Affairs Committee passed the bill in an 8-5 vote last week, but on Friday, Gov. Kristi Noem said she had “a few concerns” about the bill. Our sources tell us that the barrage of pressure from the trans lobbying groups has shaken the confidence of some of the legislators and the Gov. Noem to enact this bold bill.
Despite the intense opposition, and very likely because of prayers, the bill passed the House on Wednesday, January 29.
South Dakota would be the first state to pass such protections for children, and as many as nine other states are waiting in the wings with similar legislation. The passage of the South Dakota bill would give confidence to the other states hoping to enact their own protective laws.
Pray for this bill to pass the Senate and to be signed by Governor Noem.

Read more about the push to transgender our kids, and how you can pray about it, with IFA’s Special Report. Click here to download your copy.

YOU are not powerless! I am encouraging you as a South Dakota intercessor to pray about bill HB1057.  Reach out to as many of your believing friends as possible to ask them to pray as well. In addition to fervent prayer, I encourage you to take action.

Take Action:

Any resident of South Dakota can contact your elected officials and let them know your thoughts on this proposed bill. Because time is of the essence, we are asking you to send your message immediately as the vote is imminent. If you live in South Dakota, click below to quickly and easily send a message to those who are voting on this bill, as well as Governor Noem who would sign it. If you don’t live in South Dakota, share this on social media.
Thank you for your involvement in Intercessors for America. I hope this special alert has been helpful to you as you pray for your state and our nation.
This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask-we know that we have what we asked of him.  
(1 John 5:14-15)
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Donna Nelson
January 30, 2020

Donna (Canada)

Joni Rafnson
January 30, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for the change and renewal you are bringing into this state and that it will give courage to other legislators around this nation. You are so merciful and we know how much you love the little ones. Yeshua said” it would be better for him to have a millstone tied around his neck and to be thrown into the sea than to cause one of these little ones to stumble”. Your Word is truth and living and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it pierces even to dividing the soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart” Create in us in SD a clean heart and renew a right Spirit in the legislature’s that are looking at this bill. We know you hold the hearts of men in your hands. Let the bribes and harrassment of the wicked blow away like chaff in the wind. For your Glory thank you for saving this nation and for the Renewal you are bringing for wrong mindsets to be changed for your Honor and Glory. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered today in SD and across this nation. Hallelujah!! In Yeshuas name it is so!!

January 30, 2020

Father, those of us who care deeply about the things that You care about, raise our voices in one mighty chorus as we come into the courts of heaven. Only on the foundation of the cross & that precious blood that was shed by Jesus, we humbly ask that You will send a mighty reinforcement of warring heavenly host to do your bidding on behalf of our precious children. Throw confusion into the enemy camp we pray and stop the opposing forces that would destroy our children. May HB1057 pass and create vindication in the courts of heaven.
In Jesus Name amen!

Gloria A Robles
January 29, 2020

How soon until we find out if it passed?

Steven Olson
January 29, 2020

Lord, You stated that it would be better for a person to have a millstone around they neck and dropped into the sea than to lead astray one of the children. It is time to stop the insanity of allowing/encouraging young children to change their sex. This is the kind of decision that should not be made by a child or by an adult for a child. Lord, give the legislature courage and strength to NOT be manipulated by the minority voice of the LGBTQ community.


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