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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, if this person is not a good fit, and will not be a truthful and effective reformer, we pray he is removed.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Two leading Republican lawmakers pressed the judge presiding over the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) on Thursday to explain his choice of former Justice Department official David Kris to monitor the FBI’s proposed reforms in response to an inspector general’s report regarding surveillance of a Trump campaign adviser.

“If the FISC’s goal is to hold the FBI accountable for its serious misconduct, Mr. Kris does not appear to be an objective — or likely effective — amicus curiae for several reasons,” Rep. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows wrote to Judge James Boasberg, who presides over the FISC, in a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Republicans cited Kris’s commentary during the heat of the Trump-Russia investigation defending the FBI’s surveillance of Carter Page, a Trump campaign adviser.

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Kris criticized Republicans who accused the FBI of submitting misleading information to the FISC in order to wiretap Page. Kris asserted that the bureau would not have misled the FISC in order to obtain surveillance warrants.

Kris, who served as assistant attorney general for national security during the Obama administration, also embraced the FBI’s assertion that there was probable cause to believe that Page was a Russian agent.

The IG report supported GOP theories about the FBI, while undermining the case against Page. It said that the FBI committed “significant” errors and omissions in an effort to surveil Page.

The report said that FBI agents withheld exculpatory information about Page from its four FISA applications. Agents also failed to disclose information that raised questions about the validity of the Steele dossier, which the IG said played a “central and essential” role in the FBI’s decision to wiretap Page.

Christopher Steele, the author of the dossier, asserted that Page was part of a “well-developed conspiracy of cooperation” between the Trump campaign and Russian government. The IG report and special counsel’s report said there was no evidence of a Trump-Russia conspiracy.

Judge Rosemary Collyer, who preceded Boasberg, said in a Dec. 17 letter that the FBI made “false” and “misleading” statements about Page. She directed the bureau to develop a list of reforms to address problems laid out in the IG report.

Kris submitted a letter to the FISC Wednesday that analyzed 12 corrective actions that the FBI has proposed taking in response to the IG report. Kris said that the reforms are “a step in the right direction,” but “insufficient” to address the IG’s findings.

Jordan and Meadows, who are close allies of President Trump, asked Boasberg to provide details about the decision to have Kris serve as amicus curiae.

The Republicans also asked Boasberg whether he reviewed Kris’s writings about public statements prior to selecting him as amicus curiae.

A spokesman for the court declined comment on Wednesday about Kris’s selection.

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January 20, 2020

Father God,
I thank You for Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows. I pray that You give these warriors strength for the battle, that You put an anointing on them that gives them power and favor. Fill them with Your courage and wisdom, revelation, knowledge, insight, discernment and understanding.
I ask that Your protective hand be over them, their families, and their staff members. And I especially ask that they be re-elected to office so they can continue to remove corruption and restore justice to our government.
In the powerful name of Jesus please answer this prayer. Amen.

January 19, 2020

Lord, we seed justice. Justice for President Trump and the American people who have supported him. I pray that David Kris would be removed immediately from this position. I ask that Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows would receive a swift answer as to why a partisan person like Kris would have been assigned. And Father, we are still awaiting criminal charges be brought against the players who committed criminal acts concerning the Russian collusion and the phony FISA.
Please do not allow Americas enemies to just walk away… get away with it. We ask for justice Lord.

January 19, 2020

Let God arise!! And let His enemies be scatter!!


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