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Lord, we pray that any lies and misinformation concerning Iran be revealed and only the truth be told to the American people.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The conflict in Iran is disturbing to all of us. We have been so encouraged by the overwhelming response of intercessors to pray about this. However, we have been disheartened by the false spin found in mainstream media. Here are three examples:

1. CNN features hostage-taker terrorist to speak about the Soleimani death as a credible source:

CNN on Monday conducted a lengthy interview with an Iranian government official who once served as the spokeswoman for a group of students who held 52 American diplomats hostage for more than a year in 1979.

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour did little to push back on Iranian official Massoumeh Ebtekar’s assertions that the U.S. carried out a “terrorist” action by killing Qasem Soleimani, an Iranian general killed in a U.S. airstrike Jan. 2. Amanpour also failed to acknowledge that Ebtekar was chief spokeswoman for a group of Iranian students who held 52 American diplomats hostage at the U.S. embassy in Iran for 444 days, from 1979 to 1981.

Have you downloaded our special report, Praying for the Media and the Truth? It’s time! Click the title to access.

Ebtekar said in an interview in 1979 during the hostage crisis that she would personally be willing to put a gun to one of the hostages’ heads and pull the trigger. Ebtekar, 59, serves as vice president of Iran for women and family affairs. “The American president made a serious miscalculation, they made a serious mistake by assassinating, by taking this terrorist action, against Commander Soleimani, and I’m sure that they regret what they have done,” she said in her interview with Amanpour.

(Excerpt from the Daily Caller. Article by Chuck Ross.)

2. MSNBC airs fake news about casualties—takes info from Iran over US:

MSNBC gave airtime to baseless Iranian propaganda alleging the Islamic Republic had killed 30 American military members in missile attacks Tuesday night. Iran launched missile attacks on two Iraqi bases housing U.S. troops Tuesday, in retaliation for the U.S. killing notorious Iranian terrorist Qasem Soleimani. At the time this article was published, there were no known American casualties in Tuesday night’s attacks, but that didn’t stop MSNBC from giving oxygen to Iranian propaganda claiming otherwise. MSNBC host Chris Matthews brought in NBC News Tehran bureau chief Ali Arouzi, who repeated the Iranian claims to MSNBC’s national audience.

“We’ve just getting reports now that a second wave of rocket attacks have been launched from Iran,” Arouzi said. “The IRGC was saying that Ayatollah Khamenei, the supreme leader of this country, was in the control center coordinating these attacks.”

“This is, uh, this bit I’m not sure about,” he continued, before sharing the unverified propaganda claim. “But Iran state media is claiming that 30 U.S. soldiers have been killed in this attack. Now, this is not confirmed, this is just coming from Iranian media, but we have just stepped over the precipice, Chris.”

(Excerpt from the Daily Caller. Article by Peter Hasson.)

3. Time Magazine – “How to Talk to your kids about the death of Soleimani”:

Time Magazine’s “Time for Kids” publication issued a guide Tuesday for parents on how to talk with their children about the situation unfolding in Iran riddled with biased omissions.

The legacy outlet first refers to Qasem Soleimani, the recently slain Iranian general responsible for hundreds of American deaths, as a “top military leader in Iran,” rather than a terrorist. In the next line, the guide explains that President Donald Trump took action on Soleimani simply because Trump said Soleimani was a terrorist.

The official position of the United States government however, declares the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which includes the Quds Force run by Soleimani, a terrorist organization.

In the same paragraph, the magazine for kids also notes that “an Iraqi leader was also killed,” minimizing the significance of their execution. The Iraqi leader? Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the founder of the terror group Kataeb Hezbollah, which killed an American contractor and injured four service members in Iraq late last month.

When describing the animosity between the two nations, Time’s guide mentions the 1979 hostage crisis where Iran took captive 52 Americans for 444 days, before focusing solely on Trump pulling out of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and reimplementing sanctions on the Middle East country. Never mind Iran killing hundreds of Americans, undermining the landmark nuclear deal by building weapons of mass destruction anyway, financing terror, and threatening U.S. allies.

(Excerpt from the Federalist. Article by Tristan Justice.)

One of the best sources for reliable international news that you may not know about already is This news compilation by White House Correspondent William Koenig is one of our standard go-tos for news, especially involving the Mideast and Israel.


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January 10, 2020

Father God,
First of all, I ask for Your protection over all Your Intercessors and their families. I pray You cover us with the blood of Jesus which is Holy and Powerful. Shield us from all spiritual attacks, just as we have been asking You to shield President Trump, his family, and those in his administration who are seeking to do Your will.

I heard Lance Wallnau say demonic, lying spirits are speaking through the news media. We know You have told us that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of spiritual darkness.

Father, please silence those evil spirits. We ask this in the Name that is above all names, the Name at which every knee will bow, and every tongue confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD. Amen.

Arline Trowbridge
January 9, 2020

Heavenly Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit unite this country with your Holy Wisdom to know your TRUTH.

Gloria A Robles
January 9, 2020

I haven’t watched any local news,it just grieves me so much. There’s no truth, no integrity,only an obvious Anti-Trump, and Anti-American agenda that is misguiding so many especially our youth. Father God I pray that you would shake the media mountain. The word says that the mountains tremble in your presence (Isaiah 64:1) I pray that you would restore the truth and integrity to the media. It’s my prayer to see miracles, answers to pray, and evidence of God that cannot be refuted covered by the media. I pray for people with a hunger for true reporting to be put into the media and remove those with obvious biases. No more blind leading the blind, no more putting fear in the hearts of the people. We say enough is enough! I pray remove the blinders from the people and bring an awakening of truth in Jesus name.

Regina Brent
January 9, 2020

Lord we lift up the news and social media to you and ask that you purge every lie and evil curse or word spoken by the enemy of our soul. Sanctify them in your truth and help them to be blameless before the Lord God Almighty. Amen
Pastor Regina

January 9, 2020

Yesterday I was receiving texts from teenagers who are very misguided by the biased news. They were full of fear and hatred of our President. But last night, a song was sung in church “I am going to see the victory”. Don’t give up praying for our President and our country.

    January 11, 2020

    Ana, did you inform the teenagers that they are listening to fake news and what the truth is?

Mary Johnson
January 9, 2020

I was a child during WWll and l still remember the patriotism and the oneness of our entire nation. We all pulled together and did our part. (I carefully folded gauze bandages at our Community House to be sent overseas.) Today,my heart is broken that our beloved America is split wide open.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, l pray that You would SILENCE voices of treason in our land. Please give wisdom, understanding, knowledge,truth to our people. Amen

Caroline Eagan
January 9, 2020

Dear Lord God, let your Divine Wisdom continually shine thru the Word of God in our hearts, in our minds, in our souls, and thru our bodies and bring Salvation by the Power of the Holy Spirit to those that want to seek the Truth. Let the Holy Spirit draw those that would be heirs of Salvation be drawn to your Truth and the only Truth which is found in Only Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life!!!!!!!

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