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Lord God, we pray for justice and truth to come out in the impeachment hearings.
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A Charisma News poll found that as of November 15 almost 90 percent of evangelical Christians think the Democrat’s impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump is a “witch hunt” rather than a process to hold a president accountable for alleged high crimes and misdemeanors.

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The inquiry was launched after a “whistleblower” raised alarms about Trump’s phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Trump released the transcript of that call, which included the president’s inquiry about corruption concerns linked to former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden and his dealings with a Ukrainian oil company.

In a survey of 1,246 Christians connected via email to the conservative news outlet, only five percent of respondents believe that the impeachment inquiry is a “valid course of action,” and only five percent said that it is being done to “hold Trump accountable.”

A smaller number of respondents — 28.3 percent — said the impeachment inquiry is “a waste of time and money.”

The impeachment hearings continue on Tuesday with two officials set to testify before the House Intelligence Committee: Jennifer Williams, Special Advisor for Europe and Russia, Office of the Vice President; and Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, Director for European Affairs, National Security Council.

On Wednesday three officials will testify: Ambassador Gordon Sondland, U.S. Ambassador to the European Union; Laura Cooper, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian, Ukrainian, and Eurasian Affairs; and David Hale, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs.

On Thursday Fiona Hill, Former Senior Director for Europe and Russia, National Security Council, will testify.

The survey was conducted by Charisma Media on Nov. 13 and 14.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Penny Starr.)

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November 21, 2019

This is much bigger than trying to remove one President. Although, I realize that God put President Trump in office and we do pray several times a week as a group to protect and guide him. However, this is that attempted workings to nullify the votes of everyone that voted for President Trump.
It is an assault on the rule of law….it is an assault on our very God orchestrated Constitution. It is trying to remove from office a person that they feel they can not control. So they are using tactics that you might see in a third world Nation…..surely not in the United States…..but this is happening before our eyes. We must pray, we must stand up, we must speak up and we must vote. We must voice our thoughts to our Congressmen and to our Senators. We must send letters to the Editor of the news paper. Yes, we are fighting for our God ordained President Trump….but we are also fighting for our Nation. We are fighting against floods of money going into individual states to turn the election. We are fighting an ideology that wants to strip you of the power of your vote. An ideology that brings a child from Europe to testify before our Congress that Global Warming is destroying the planet. An ideology that has brain washed a child until she is in complete fear….godless fear. We are allowing our own children to be brain washed in our public schools and in our universities. I say that Our God provides. Our God supplies. Our God multiplies the loaves and fishes. Our God can provide tax money in a fishes mouth. Our God heals. Our God delivers. Our God can make sanctified oil for one day, burn for 8 days. There is no lack or weakness in our God. Our God gives up witty inventions. We fear not, but in all of our ways we acknowledge God.
In God we trust. Yes, in God the Creator, we place our trust. Our laws are based on Judaeo Christian values. We do not yield to the enemy that is behind Attorney Schiff, who is a Harvard Law School grad. He knows the law and he is ignoring the rule of law. He knows right from wrong and he has chosen to allow testimony of gossip, back biting, false witness to go forth. Then Schiff repeats it to the media, in an effort to misinform the public. We must pray earnestly, we must stand up and be heard, we must speak up and we must vote. The vote is a precious gift from God. Teach your children and grandchildren. Pull them out of public school if necessary. Examine who is on the school board. Examine the curriculum. The enemy is sneaky. In a small town near me, they voted in a new superintendent of Schools. After her contract was signed, she decided to come out publicly as a lesbian. At the same time, the school principle was put under great scrutiny and pressure because he was involved in young life. We must have Holy Ghost guidance. We must pray about everything. I am speaking to myself also. We can not become weary in well doing. If not us? Who. If we do not pray, who will? If we do not speak up for our God ordained Constitution, who will?
If we don’t repent for the abortion in our Nation, who will? Lord we are so grateful that we still live in a free Nation. Keep us alert, that we might pass it on to our grandchildren. Show us how to pray. Put Your words in our mouth to speak. Wake up the Pastors to speak the truth to their congregation. Wake up the Congregation to receive the truth and act on it. I thank You Lord,that You revealed Yourself to me…I thank You Lord, for the privilege to have been born in the United States of America. I thank You Lord for the power in Your blood, in Your name, in Your word in the agreement of prayer.

    Fay Wallage
    November 23, 2019

    Amen and Amen! I can’t express my feelings any more profound. May God bless you and continue to use you.

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