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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, thank You for Justice Thomas, for his faith in You and his bold leadership on the Supreme Court.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Justice Clarence Thomas gave remarks at Hillsdale College in Michigan to celebrate the private Christian college’s 175th anniversary and the dedication of its newly completed Christ Chapel. Known for his reticence on the bench, Thomas generally limits his speeches outside the courtroom, previously noting that “my personality is not such that I enjoy public appearances.” . . .

Raised Roman Catholic, Thomas conceded that in adolescence he “became greatly disillusioned with the Church.” Not until President Ronald Reagan recruited Thomas to chair the Equal Opportunity Employment Commission in 1982 – a time Thomas described as “one of the darkest periods of my life” due to both personal and professional challenges – did Thomas return to Catholicism. “In the midst of the hardship and grief,” he explained, “God drew me back to the Church.”

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Leading the EEOC is not the only struggle through which Thomas credits his perseverance to religious conviction. “God used this renewed faith,” he disclosed, “to sustain me and my wife through my confirmation hearings” to the Supreme Court, which devolved into controversy when Thomas was accused of sexual harassment by his former employee Anita Hill. . . .

He lamented the gradual exodus of religion from higher education beginning in the 20th century amid “questions about the continuing relevance of religious instruction on campus” – questions that, Thomas suggests, “would have surprised the founders of those schools.” Thomas dwelled on this theme of founders, praising President John Adams’ view of religion’s integral role in our national fabric. “Our country was founded,” Thomas posited, “on the view that a correct understanding of God and the human person is critical to preserving the liberty that we so enjoy.”

Thomas painted the chapel’s construction as a counter to this trend of secularization in schools. In this “crucial time in our nation’s history,” Thomas proclaimed, “the construction of a college chapel” is both “a public declaration that faith and reason are mutually enforcing” and “a bold act of leadership.”

Such leadership, in Thomas’ view, plays an essential role in a “battle to preserve and promote freedom in our country.” . . .

Citing Reagan’s caution that “freedom is never more than one generation from extinction,” Thomas issued a dire warning to the listeners crowded into the chapel: “The preservation of liberty is not guaranteed. Without the guardrails supplied by religious conviction, popular sovereignty can devolve into mob rule, unmoored from any conception of objective truth.”

(Excerpt from Blog by Kalvis Golde.)

Did you know that you can email Justice Thomas? Let him know that you are praying for him and encourage this man of faith who is now the longest serving justice on the Court. Email [email protected].

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Betty J Lewis
October 12, 2019

Thank You Justice Thomas for your stand against injustice and unrighteousness as described in God’s Word. We are praying for you and the other justices who are doing the same. In the words of Jeremiah 20:11a But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior…And so it is with your Sir!

Barbara Benthall
October 12, 2019

Thank you Justice Thomas for your transparency about your struggles. Many of us witnessed that painful time for you and your family and rejoice to see the fruit of God’s grace to see you through, not somehow but triumphantly . Thank you for keeping HIM in the heart of your rulings that affect our beloved nation. All glory to HIM!!

Kelli Egan
October 12, 2019

Honorable Justice Thomas,
What a privilege and
Christian calling to pray for those in authority. I thank you for speaking truth at the recent anniversary and dedication ceremony. Thank you for being a light in the darkness and a city on a hill. As Solomon asked God for wisdom, I too ask God to impart His wisdom on you as you judge righteously. May God’s protection, goodness, and mercy follow you all the days of your life. Praying for you and your family.

October 12, 2019

Father, Thank you for this good man who has been pout in a position for such a time as this. Thank you for his wisdom. Thank you that he is sharing truth and that he has recognized an issue that is really impacting our day- the places of learning. Please help him and his family as they continue to seek your face- may they be strong in you and in the power of your might.
And Father please begin a fresh wave of conviction across the nation in the universities. Thank you for people like Ravi Zaccharias and others who represent the truth there. May you begin a move of prayer and growth in holiness in those who represent your name in the universities. Please help the leaders of CRU to be on their knees and in your Word. May Your Spirit take the Word that has already gone out and begin to work in the hearts and minds of students who have heard it. I pray that your purposes would be fulfilled. I praise you because nothing is too hard for you. You are all wise, all knowing, all powerful and everywhere present. May your kingdom come and your will be done in the universities of this nation. Bring them back to their godly foundation. May they truly be seeking truth. In the powerful name of our Lord Jesus we ask these things.

Elisabeth Culp
October 12, 2019

Dear Justice Thomas,
Your faith in Christ and His teachings are a beacon of hope for our country and the direction we need to continue to persevere in. In agreement in God’s faithfulness, we stand with you as you deal with many challenges that the US Supreme Court is facing. He will continue to supply you with His wisdom.

Jack Toering
October 12, 2019

I pray for health, strength, and long life for you as a warrior for the preservation of justice as defined by God’s word and the intent of the framers of the constitution, the intent of each amendment when at the time it was passed, and an opponent of those who would subvert our democratic republic, those who usurp authority and attempt to legislate evil from the bench.

Ellen Grigsby
October 12, 2019

Justice Thomas, I thank God for your words in that speech, including “…the construction of a college chapel” is both “a public declaration that faith and reason are mutually enforcing” and ““The preservation of liberty is not guaranteed. Without the guardrails supplied by religious conviction, popular sovereignty can devolve into mob rule, unmoored from any conception of objective truth.” Lord God, please deeply bless Justice Thomas with Your Word of loving care for him and that in his speaking and acting in truth, you have his back, no matter how tough the opposition. Thank you for his stand and for your Son who stands for us.

October 12, 2019

Thank you for your service in our Supreme Court.
I pray for you to continue to have God’s wisdom on all these important decisions that you make. May you have continued health also.
God Bless,

P Leimgruber
October 12, 2019

Dear Honorable Judge Thomas. We are so thankful for you and your commitment to truth, almighty God and our Constitution. We pray for your continued wisdom and clarity in understanding what is true, right and good as you make such impactful decisions. May God bless you (and your family) as you selflessly serve our beloved country in these pivotal and difficult times.
PS. Thank you for writing your book. I read it with great interest and deep appreciation.

Jeanne Fougerousse
October 12, 2019

Thank you for your stand for justice and continued support of our constitution. God bless you and your family against all adversity.

October 12, 2019

Amen to all the posted prayers for you Justice Thomas. I too have been praying for you ever since your first hearings when you faced those pompous ones trying to bring you down! No way! God prevailed and will continue to in your being there in the highest court in our land. God grant you wisdom as you seek HIS face in making wise decisions for our nation. Blessings to you and your family.

Helen Phillips
October 12, 2019

Honorable Justice Thomas, I am grateful to Almighty God for you. I have prayed for you since your confirmation hearings though I did not know you but I was prompted by Holy Spirit and my heart broke for what you and your wife were enduring. Jesus said if they persecuted me they will persecute you also. John 15:20. God will judge them that persecute righteous servants of the Lord God falsely.
I have read your book and was amazed at your triumph over adversity through the wisdom of God because He had a destiny for you.
God has chosen you, anointed you and given you His wisdom and knowledge . May you have good health, long and abundant life and walk in the protection of Lord Sabaoth who is always the same and prevails in every battle. He is our mighty fortress!

Ann Quest
October 12, 2019

Dear Justice Thomas, You were hand picked by our Lord and Savior to Represent Justice in our nation. May you continue to walk His path in wisdom to serve in freedom. May we see revival across America that we might rejoice!!

Rebecca Barnwell
October 12, 2019

Thank you Justice Thomas for sharing your story and speaking up for our King! We are here because of the grace of God in Christ Jesus our Lord and in His name we speak blessings of truth, wisdom, understanding and counsel to be given to you and the Supreme Court. God bless you!

Krista Hilley
October 12, 2019

Bless you Justice Thomas for your bold stand for Christianity. I pray for you and your voice to make wise and informed decisions on the Supreme Court. May the Lord God bless you and keep you.

October 12, 2019

Judge Thomas our love & prayers are with you!
You have been appointed a leader at this critical time because of your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! May He continue to be with you in every decision You are called upon to make for this nation!

Penny Velie
October 12, 2019

Judge Thomas, I sent you a letter many years ago, after I read” Mr Grandfather’s Son”. I have continued to pray for you ever since, when the Lord brought you to mind!
Thank you for your faithful stand for American and for faith!
May God continue to bless all that you do for Him!

Kelly Van Osdel
October 12, 2019

I am praying for you Justice Thomas. I asked the Lord for strength, courage, wisdom and Love to surround you. May our Heavenly Father bless and protect you. Blessings

Deborah Stevens
October 12, 2019

Praying always for those in leadership positions! Especially those of the household of faith. Thank you for your service to God & to our nation! God bless you & your family! May God bring our nation together, unite it once again & may it return back to God where it belongs!

Marilyn Ednie
October 12, 2019




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