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Lord, prepare our minds for action, keep us sober in spirit, fix our hope completely on the grace to be brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ben Carson, the neurosurgeon-turned-secretary of housing and urban development, has written many books. One of them is called “You Have a Brain.”

The book is not about neurosurgery. The title is a quote from his single mother, who raised him and his brother and led them out of lives of poverty to successful careers. When one of the lads would confront a problem and turn to their mother, she would say, “You have a brain — use it.” This simple bit of wisdom should be employed with greater frequency in public policy debate and discussion in our country.

Carson is once again under attack by liberals, who are distorting perfectly legitimate observations he made regarding concerns of admittance of transgender women into federally funded women’s homeless shelters. The press headlines read that Carson made “hateful” remarks demeaning transgender individuals. Predictably, with no serous investigation into what Carson actually said or meant, a host of Democrats are calling for his resignation.

Send a message to Secretary Carson, to encourage him and let him know that you are praying for him.

Carson, in discussions with staff, said he was conveying concerns he heard from women at homeless shelters regarding “big, hairy men” who “would come in and have to be accepted into the women’s shelter even though it made the women in the facility very uncomfortable.”

Carson went on to clarify and said: “Our society is in danger when we pick one issue (such as gender identity) and say it does not matter how it impacts others because this one issue should override every other common-sense consideration. I think we have to look out for everyone, and we need to use our intellectual capabilities to find common good rather than attempting to always stir up controversy through identity politics.”

Part of the concern of Democrats is that the Department of Housing and Urban Development under Carson’s leadership is looking to modify a 2012 Obama-era HUD rule, the Equal Access Rule, which bars federal housing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. But this is case in point for Carson’s appeal to “use our intellectual capabilities to find common good,” or, in his mother’s words, “You have a brain — use it.”

Regardless of one’s convictions about gender identity, it is reasonable to accept a rule against discrimination in federal housing. But discrimination is different from forcing women in homeless shelters to share all facilities with transgender women.

It seems to me appropriate to the idea of “you have a brain — use it” to propose, as HUD has proposed, that “programs which permit single-sex or sex-segregated facilities (such as bathrooms or temporary, emergency shelters… that require … shared sleeping quarters or bathing facilities)” take into consideration an individual’s sex for the purpose of admitting the individual to the facility.

According to one HUD staffer, as reported in The Washington Post, such a policy “prioritizes someone’s discomfort over another person’s right to shelter.” I have news for this HUD staffer. No one has a “right to shelter” at taxpayer expense. To the extent to which these facilities are provided, it is done under the good graces and consent of taxpaying American citizens, not because anyone has a “right” to these facilities.

(Excerpt from

What do you think? Where have you witnessed a concern for the comfort of transgender people trumping common sense concerns for other people? Leave a comment.

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Donna Wood
October 1, 2019

I am also praying in agreement with the others. God bless and protect Dr Carsen. May his favor surround you like a shield.

September 30, 2019

My prayers are with you Dr.Carson. Stand up for what is right. If God be for you who can be against you. Be encouraged.

Ruth Silva
September 29, 2019

Thank you Ben Carson for your courage, wisdom and strength. I pray The Lord Jesus bless you and your family.

September 28, 2019

Father God, please uphold and bless Dr Ben Carson. Thank You for his willingness to serve our nation Help him to accomplish everything You want him to do.
In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Amanda Davis
September 28, 2019

I thank You for the wisdom of Dr Carson. Please vindicate his efforts to protect the women in the shelters. Keep them safe and help them find healing in a safe place. Awake The People to see that in an effort to be fair to all some are put in harms way and to speak out. AMEN SO BE IT according to Your will.

Barbara Yovino
September 28, 2019

God bless Dr.Ben Carson! It seems like people have lost their minds!! Any parent who would allow their children to be subjected to this should be charged with child abuse! Add women being subject to unsafe situations too! Under no circumstances! Please Dr Ben keep on speaking up!

Lucinda Johnston
September 28, 2019

I highly respect Ben Carson’s concern about sheltering transgender women with gender-identified women. As I see it, and am trying to use my brain, here, men who have chosen to live as women would not be a male threat in the sense of preying upon or assaulting other women.
I believe that transgender women would want the same respect and regard other women seek.
Usually, there are private toilet stalls in women’s bathrooms. Showering might be an issue, but could be sensitively discussed at intake, that a tg woman would take it upon herself to shower and dress within the shower cubicle, not exposing herself to the general population of other women.
Certainly, managers with brains and compassion can make this work for all “women”.

    September 29, 2019

    This “sounds good” in “theory”, but has already been proven to be a greatly mistaken thought process. Men across the country have pretended to be transgender, to gain access to vulnerable women, in many different scenarios. Women and children in these shelters have already been traumatized and endangered, causing them to flee to these supposedly safe places. Whether or not these men coming in under the guise of womanhood would be a threat to female residents, it is NOT wise nor fair to place the women at risk. Allowing men in these facilities completely negates the purpose of the shelter. Dr. Carson raises a completely valid concern and should sound the alarm clearly and change the rules immediately.

September 28, 2019

God bless America with Your truth, grace and mercy! We need Your guidance and direction! I ask You Father in the precious name of Jesus! Thank you Abba Father! To God be the glory always! ❤️🙌🏻 Amen!

Jeane Whiteside
September 28, 2019

Ben Carson has the common sense our nation needs. We have lost a valuable gift when we let it be buried under humanism in order to advance some diabolical plan by political greed. We need more like Ben to step up and speak up. And we need media to promote truth and forfeit bribes. You have a brain. Use it.

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