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Thank you, Lord, for the willingness of these people to serve--may they be an inspiration to others!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

In August, a group of Trump supporters led by conservative activist Scott Presler went to West Baltimore for a massive clean-up operation following tweets sent by President Donald Trump highlighting the dire conditions in the area.

Keeping to his promises, Presler has since led clean-up efforts in Newark, New Jersey and Virginia Beach, Virginia. And on Saturday, Presler and some 200 volunteers headed to Democrat-run Los Angeles, removing a stunning 50 tons of garbage, according to the activist.

“Without the help of the city, 200 volunteers picked up 50 tons of trash in 9 hours at a homeless camp in Los Angeles,” Presler told The Daily Wire on Monday.

“It’s almost 9 a.m. & we’re removing waste from a homeless camp in Los Angeles. Why is an outsider from Northern Virginia here & not California elected leadership?” the activist posted to Twitter Saturday, adding, “#LosAngelesCleanup.”

Presler periodically posted photos and videos tracking the group’s impressive progress. In one video showcasing the effort, the activist said they were working as “an act of love.”

The impressive feat, however, has gone widely unnoticed by the mainstream media.

“National media has been completely silent,” Presler said. “Yet, the day before our cleanup, the LA Times reported on the climate strike. I’m not a climate striker — I’m a climate doer. Perhaps if the LA Times reported stories on real activism, we would see more cleanups and fewer protests. #StopTalkingStartDoing.”

The LA Times recently begged for such clean-up efforts executed by Presler and company in a collective editorial published in June, titled, “A plan to clean up L.A. and help the homeless? Get it done already.”

“Don’t postpone the decision. Don’t call for another study. This is an emergency,” the LA Times editorial board urged.

“Finally, Los Angeles city officials are recognizing the urgent need to clean up the trash near homeless encampments. Both the trash that homeless people have nowhere to put and the garbage illegally dumped by businesses are a blight and health hazard for everyone in the city. Too bad our elected representatives had to be shamed into performing one of local government’s most basic duties,” the piece said.

Again, Presler and company, who have not taken a dime from the city, have yet to earn any coverage from the outlet.

(Excerpt from Daily Wire. Article by Amanda Prestigiacomo.)

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October 1, 2019

Lord, thank you for Mr. Presler following Jesus’ example of love in action. I pray this act of servitude will prompt us all to see the needs right in front us so that we can serve and be a light back to you Lord,.
I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen

Dan King
September 28, 2019

How about Chicago for the next one? Sign me up for that, I will participate. Thanks.

September 27, 2019

Thank you for Mr. Presler and his ability to lead these volunteers in this service to these communities. Please let the truth of what they are doing be published in venues that get to the larger community. Please reveal that the media is not being truthful in their coverage of Trump supporters when they vilify them and make them out to be haters. We ask that a ground swell of such activity spring up across the nation. Thank you for providing the resources for these people to be involved.Thank you for their willingness to make a positive difference in such a serious situation.

    September 27, 2019

    Amen. I come in complete agreement with this prayer. And Lord, please bless Mr. Presler and all those who have volunteered with him. Keep them safe and healthy.
    The enemy is trying to keep Your light of truth and goodness from shining. We ask that You remove the darkness. In Jesus name.

Nancy P.
September 27, 2019

Father, thank you for Mr. Presler and all the volunteers who are faithful to the community and to You for being good stewards of what you’ve given us and not for prestige or power but for a simple love they have for Your creation and for their fellow human beings. May Your Name be glorified through these selfless acts of love and may it be a call to action for myself and others in Jesus Name amen.

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