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Father we thank you that your beloved people are coming to know you as Messiah!
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 More than 1,000 predominately Jewish people in Odessa, Ukraine, stood and made a public profession of faith in Jesus during a revival meeting, says evangelist Sid Roth. 

Roth, host of the charismatic television show It’s Supernatural!, tells Charisma in an exclusive interview that a supernatural peace flooded the room while he preached to the unsaved crowd.


“It’s unbelievable,” he says. “One thousand people sitting there, unsaved, and they’re so still, they’re not even getting up to go to the bathroom. … I’ll challenge anyone to talk to 1,000 unsaved Jews about Yeshua or Jesus the Messiah and have them sit through the whole lecture. And I cover Bible prophecy; I cover why Jews don’t believe; I cover everything. I don’t leave anything out. And then at the end of the meeting, that same glory that causes the miracles causes the repentance and salvation.”

Roth says miracles are common when he teaches unsaved Jewish crowds. For a while, he hesitated to share words of knowledge from the stage because he didn’t want people to see him as the healer but rather focus solely on God. But once he started sharing the words God gave him, he watched the Holy Spirit do miracles.

“I say, ‘If your pain is gone or the symptom is totally gone, I want you to stand up,’ and I’ve had as many as 60% to 70% of people, unsaved Jews, instantly stand up and say they’ve been healed,” he says. “… When the glory shows up, it’s not like laying hands on people. It’s not like the anointing. I have nothing to do with it. I can’t make it happen. I’m almost like an observer.”

Roth says about 1,000 people showed up to his lecture on the supernatural in Odessa, which took place a block away from the city’s largest synagogue. Roth says a high percentage of the audience was instantly healed during the event, and he estimates that at the end, nearly 100% rose to their feet and gave public professions of faith.

“You don’t read about Jewish people coming to the Lord in those numbers anywhere but in the New Testament,” Roth says. “It’s unprecedented.”

These kinds of numbers are so surprising, Roth says, that several Jewish Believers in Jesus didn’t believe Roth was reporting the truth. “They actually thought I was lying,” he says. “So what they did is they sent spies to my meetings. And they found out that what I always say was true.” “As these young people come to the Lord, these Jewish people come to the Lord, they’re going to revolutionize the world,” Roth says. “… I can’t call it a prophecy, but I can just say that I sense so strongly that Ukraine is going to be a Christian nation.

(Excerpt from Charisma News. Article by Jenny Rose Spaudo.)

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Betty Beardsley
September 27, 2019

Heavenly Father, I praise You for the wonderful move of Holy Spirit in Sid Roth’s meetings. Thank You for all You are doing to bring the Truth to Your people. May we see many more people throughout the world coming to know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Father, I praise You for my salvation & the peace I have in this time of confusion and unrest. May other come to know the Prince of Peace & the love You have for them. Give us boldness to share Your love with those around us each day. Amen.

Mark Myers
September 27, 2019

This is the fulfillment of the prophecy in Revelation, concerning Israel turning to their Messiah in the latter days. Praise be to God the Father and His Son, Yeshua, Savior of the Jew first and then the Gentile!!!

Lewis Turner
September 26, 2019

May we rejoice in people coming to know the Lord!

Dorothy Ter Horst
September 26, 2019

Lord, please confuse the strategy of the demonic realm holding back revival all over the world. Make one lie prove another wrong until they kill each other and fall to the ground in Jesus name, Amen.

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