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Praise You Lord for these young people willing to stand up for Your name. Protect them and keep them bold for You.
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The Christian student population at an Alabama high school is fighting back against an atheist group after complaints were made about a pre-game prayer amplified through a loudspeaker.

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The notorious anti-faith group, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, complained that students at Opelika High School should be prohibited from expressing their Christian beliefs in the schooling arena. In the letter, obtained by the Alabama News Network, the group cited the concerns of a parent who, because of the public prayer, felt alienated enough to want to “move their children out of the district.”

“The Supreme Court has specifically struck down invocations given over the loudspeaker at public school athletic events, even when student led,” the group declared.

In response, the district ordered administrators at Opelika to enforce a “moment of silence” to stop the game attendees from praying vocally. “We recognize that the United States of America is a nation of laws and we will abide by the current law,” OCS Superintendent Mark Neighbors on the told the outlet. “Our students are allowed to pray, but our coaches are not allowed to participate,” he added, referring to a portion of the letter which alleged that coaches were praying alongside students.

The students, however, were having none of it. Far from remaining silent, they chose to defiantly recite the Lord’s prayer out loud. “You’re taking [prayer] away from the majority, so now we’re having to go about it a different way,” student Phoebe Darcey told WSFA.

Speaking in defense of the students, Trinity United Methodist Church Youth Pastor Steve Bass added that the original prayer was not even “overtly Christian,” but merely a chance to bless the players in their game. “It was always, ‘Hey God, please keep our players safe from injury, help the fans and the players to have good sportsmanship, everyone have a good night,’” he told WFSA. “It was nothing offensive.”

Student-Led Prayer Being Snuffed Out?

Prayer at school football games has become a contentious issue across the country in recent years, with most of the restrictions being triggered by FFRF complaints.

As Faithwire previously reported, in 2017, another Alabama district, Lee County, halted its decades-old practice of letting students recite the Lord’s prayer before games. In a bizarre coincidence, the issue was raised by FFRF after Smiths Station High played Opelika. In response, a GoFundMe was set up to help fund the Smiths Station Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

“The students are as wise as any adult I heard speak tonight,” a description of the fundraiser read at the time. “I know they will use these funds as to further the word in the best light possible and fight hard for their right to pray.”

Then, just last week, a high school in Georgia was prevented from hosting a student-led prayer before their football game after a complaint was lodged by the atheist group.

(Excerpt from CBN News. Article by Will Maule.)

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September 25, 2019

Thank you for these students wanting to stand for the right to pray in public places. Please help them to have humble hearts and to live out the truth of forgiving those who offend us. Help them to gentle in spirit and and strong in your strength. Help them to be your hands and feet in the community at their school.May they be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

September 25, 2019

??? 60 years ago, “the majority rules” was understood and accepted. those who didn’t want to accept this either left or stayed but didn’t participate or just observed. So when did this change? Why did we allow the minority to rule, punishing the majority.
Sounds like letting a spoiled child (brat) rule the family, making life miserable for everyone including the spoiled child.
Sounds like the teenager who wanted to and was allowed to eat lots of junk food for several years and has since lost his sight. ???
I pray this generation will continue to do what is right in the sight of the Lord because it is right, according to the Word of God.

Saralou Butler
September 25, 2019

If FFR is offended they can go to their car.
It is time for the children of God to take back what is theirs.
Our weakness and fear has led to the enemy convincing us we don’t have power or rights.
“ He is a toothless lion seeking whom he can devour..”
We have the power through The The Blood of Jesus !!

Barbara J Struble
September 25, 2019

The Lord’s prayer – quoting scripture – is more powerful than previous prayer. God gives the victory.

September 25, 2019

As a recently returned Alabama citizen, I applaud these students for standing up for their right to pray, whether legal or not. God, we ask that you pour out your blessings on these students and their families, their schools, cities, states and this nation, which is founded as “one nation, under God”. I am proud of this state, more often than not, for standing firmly on the Word of God!

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