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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we thank you for your servant, Elizabeth Woning and her ministry Equipped to Love. Guide her and give her wisdom as she ministers to those that are broken.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Elizabeth Woning thought she knew God. As an openly lesbian seminary student, Woning spent countless hours studying theology and the Bible.

A female friend was the first person to invite Woning into the gay community. The two women were part of the same Presbyterian denomination and both held to a version of faith that was very focused on social justice. As their denomination began to affirm same-sex marriage and homosexuality, Woning and her friend both came out as lesbian.

After Woning graduated from seminary, she began pastoring a church in a rural area. She says her demeanor at that time was very masculine, which one day caught the attention of an evangelistic pastor in the community. “A local pastor saw me, and he said, ‘Oh, I’m going to minister to her,'” Woning says on the Charisma News podcast. “So he approached me to share the gospel but was really surprised to find that I was pastoring at another church ministry.”

Woning and this pastor became friends, and he invited her to one of his church’s outreaches. This pastor’s church was very charismatic, Woning says, but her denomination did not believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit were for today. “It happens that the night I showed up, the Holy Spirit came and a lot of students got filled with the Spirit,” she says. “So it was a super messy, chaotic night. … But in that setting, a 17-year-old boy approached me with what he called a word from God. And in that setting, he proceeded to tell me something that I had been praying about for years.”

That moment struck Woning because she didn’t believe Christians could interact specifically and personally with God. That young man’s accurate prophetic word forced her to wonder if she truly knew God like she thought she did.

“I had this revelation that God maybe knew who I was, and I thought, I have no idea who He is,” she says. “So that began a journey for me of reading the Bible … discovering God’s personality, and then ultimately engaging Him and experiencing His love—which is what led me out of the LGBT community and identification as a lesbian.”

Listen to the podcast to hear the supernatural way God led Woning to found a ministry called Equipped to Love with Ken Williams.

(Excerpt from Charisma News. Article by Jenny Rose Spaudo.)


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September 26, 2019

As a father of a daughter engaged to her girlfriend I understand the struggle of her having never sought the Father that created her, but instead clung to the world that manipulated her into a web of deception as to the purpose she was created for. I pray, and I ask for yours too, for my daughter and her partner to be transformed by the word of truth to experience the life they were created for instead of the false ones the are striving to create for themselves. Thank you.

    September 26, 2019

    My heart hurts for your family. I understand it all to well for my son is also tangled in the same web of deception. But I know we serve a God who has all power and authority at His disposal. And so I pray:
    Father God, you are sovereign in all ways, not wanting even one soul to be lost. You hear the cry from the depths of our hearts for our beloved family members who are blinded by the ways of the world. Oh Lord, open their eyes, remove the scales that blind them to who you are and how much you love them. Lord you know how to reach each and every one who is lost. I humbly ask that you would speak to them in ways that they cannot deny, in ways that they can’t possibly rationalize away. Awaken them to you Lord and your ways. May God break this stronghold from our families. In the precious name of our Lord Jesus. Amen

      September 26, 2019

      Thank you Connie. I know your prayer will not return void.

        September 29, 2019

        I’d like to claim this prayer for so many of our young people who are caught up in “the ways of the world” – and its mindset – in so many ways. Lord, have mercy, and help them to KNOW YOU! Thank you, Lord.

Carolyn Wood
September 25, 2019

Praise God for His answer to prayer in opening the eyes of one more Lesbian. May she In turn be used to open the eyes of many. In Jesus Name, Amen.

September 24, 2019

Lord God,
We ask that You rescue many more people caught in the lie that homosexuality and Christianity are compatible. May Your Holy Spirit reveal Who You really are — the God who is holy and righteous as well as loving and merciful. Thank You for that demonstration of Your power, Your presence, and Your unlimited knowledge.
In Jesus name. Amen.

M. J. McFalls
September 24, 2019

I pray that this same revelation will come upon our daughter Ashley age 35 and in lesbian relationship with a 63 year old woman. I was brought up Presbyterian and as such understand Woning’s lack of knowledge about spiritual gifts and the filling and actions of the H. S.
We hear that our daughter has been attending an Episcopal Church in Lancaster County Pennsylvania that affirms and celebrates homosexuality 😩
Praying that our daughter Ashley comes face to face with Holy Spirit in a head on “collision” that she can no longer deny the Truth

Praises to God the Father Almighty for rescuing Elizabeth Woning from homosexuality

I know he will rescue Ashley. Amen.

    September 24, 2019

    Thank you Lord for the dramatic evidence of Your answer to prayers for Elizabeth. Stir the family and people who love Ashley not to give up but continue praying for her. We know you answer the prayers of those who love You and who follow in your ways.

September 23, 2019

With you there is always a way to reach those who will hear and really want to know. Thank you Father for your love and your faithfulness.

Alan K. Veasey
September 23, 2019

Thank you O Holy One, that you know the end from the beginning. Thank you that your prophetic power
flipped a servant of darkness into a servant of the Most High. Thank you for your eternal plan and its’
great blessings.

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