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Heavenly Father, protect our schools from poor policies that put aside common sense discipline in exchange for "feel good" incentives.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the parents of a victim in the Parkland shooting has written a book about the shooting, the policies that made it happen, and what we can do about it now. The following excerpt was originally published in USA Today.

“The Parkland shooter never should have been in the same school as my daughter. But his misbehavior and warning signs went unpunished and ignored.

As students settle in for the new school year, parents must ask: Do I really know what’s happening in my kids’ school? Do I really know whether they are safe?

I didn’t know. But I want to be the last father in America who can honestly make that excuse.

After my daughter, Meadow, was murdered in the February 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida, I wanted every answer. As I investigated, I realized that it was the most avoidable mass murder in American history. And I learned something else that keeps me up at night: The policies that made this massacre inevitable have spread to schools across America.

A few weeks after the massacre, I asked whether the Broward school district’s disciplinary leniency policies enabled the shooter to slip through the cracks. Broward Superintendent Robert Runcie called questions like mine “fake news” because, he said, the shooter had never been referred to the school district’s PROMISE diversionary program “while in high school.” The program allows students who commit certain misdemeanors to avoid getting involved with the criminal justice system.

Later, the news broke that he had been referred to PROMISE while in middle school. But the superintendent’s carefully crafted denial obscured the unmistakable fact that the school district’s failure to properly handle the shooter happened by design.

The confessed shooter allegedly threatened to kill other students and threatened to rape. He threatened to shoot up the school, according to the sheriff’s office. Classmates said he brought knives and bullets to school. He wrote hideous racial slurs on his backpack. He carved swastikas in the lunchroom tables.

But the assistant principals at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School didn’t have him arrested. Rather, they simply banned him from bringing a backpack to school and frisked him every day, according to the sworn testimony of the security guard who searched him, for fear he’d bring a deadly weapon and kill.

Broward’s policies allowed juveniles convicted of crimes as serious as murder and rape to go back into normal classrooms. Broward’s “Policy 5006” said that referring serious felonies like sexual assault and arson to the police was optional. Principals were trained to not cooperate with law enforcement, refusing to even tell officers whether suspected felons were on campus.

In this environment, it was no surprise that the Parkland shooter’s crimes went unpunished. And that his subcriminal misbehavior, which could have earned him a ticket to the specialized school he so badly needed to be in, went ignored.

Beyond the fact that my daughter was murdered in the most avoidable school shooting in history, what keeps me up at night is the fact that Broward’s anti-discipline policies have spread to schools nationwide.

(Excerpt from USA Today. Article by Andrew Pollack.)

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Palma Cesario
October 25, 2019

I pray every day for our children, for the parents and for their teachers
May God protect them from any evil attack
May the Blood of Jesus cover each and every one from head to toe. Amen

Deborah Stevens
September 23, 2019


Joan Bartruff
September 17, 2019

In Jesus Name, Heavenly Father, please protect the students, teachers, administrators, and all school personnel from anyone who would threaten, endanger school campuses throughout our nation. In Jesus Name I rebuke the forces of evil working through persons in authority to make decisions which endanger the lives of students and all employees in the schools of our nation. Grant wisdom to teachers and administrators to identify any student who is a threat to others, and protect students from them. We are admonished to pray for our enemies, and so I pray for people who conceive of an evil plan to destroy other lives. I pray the Holy Spirit will come to them, and they will see Jesus and turn from their evil ways, I pray for the comfort and peace of all who have lost sons, daughters, grandchildren in the school shootings across our nation over the years. Bless them and keep them in your arms. Thank you Lord for Your mercy and grace. Amen.

Deborah Stevens
September 17, 2019

This is the reason we need to rise up as a nation & unite together in prayer for our nation. Pray against the wars that are coming from within our nation, bind the enemy & ask the Lord to rebuke him from attacking our children & others. The wars we hear about don’t just come from other nations, but from the wars right here in our schools, in our homes, in our own lives. The lust of the eye, the pride of life & desires of the world. What we must decide is are we willing to fight back! Or are we just content to watch our world be torn apart by the enemy of the soul & others like it? We must each decide for ourselves!

    R Moore
    September 22, 2019

    Absolutely we MUST decide!! The power of prayer is our most valuable, yet the most untapped resource God has blessed us with. We must stop “wishing” we spent more time on our faces and be intentional to set aside a specific window to meet with our Creator, the One Who knows us so well and Who longs to pour out His most precious gifts to us…if only we will position our hearts to receive!!

Joni Rafnson
September 15, 2019

Heavenly Father,
I thank you for your Son that came down to not only die for our sins so we can have eternal life, but also in every way was touched with the sorrow and pain we feel. I thank you for this loving father and his family. I ask you give them the peace only you can. You understand the loss of a child. Comfort this family Holy Spirit in the way only you can. Uphold them in your loving strong hands and give him the courage to be able to stand for the truths he is learning and to know you are with him and his family in these most difficult times.

September 14, 2019

Dear Jesus, thank You for demonstrating Your love for children. Please give school officials all across this nation wisdom throughout this school year to do what is right and good in Your eyes. Move them to take appropriate measures to protect students.
Please give all parents opportunities to understand and have input into the policies and enforcement of those policies in the schools their children attend.
Raise up many mature Christian men and women to serve on school boards in their communities. Amen.

Ronda Orchard
September 14, 2019

Lord, help us all to shine your light on darkness and falsehoods, bringing them to the surface for understanding and revealing the assignment we should undertake. Thank you for empowering this father to share this truth. May we be empowered to listen to your assignment and move in your power with wisdom to circumvent the will of the enemy among us.

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