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Lord, we pray that President Trump's policies and plans will honor You.
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Left-wing billionaire and political donor George Soros wrote an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal on Monday in which he praised President Donald Trump’s policies toward China. [We know that George Soros’ positions and practices do not line up with biblical values, and he is loathe to agree with anything conservative. This curious op/ed is a flag that maybe we should be praying about. What is Soros up to with this public position and agreement with President Trump? Read on…]

He then urged Congress to maintain the president’s firm stand against Chinese telecom giant Huawei – overriding the White House if necessary, should Huawei become a bargaining chip in the larger trade war.

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The leftist money man did not exactly shower Trump with praise in his op-ed. He portrayed Trump’s actions against China as the “greatest, and perhaps only, foreign policy accomplishment of the Trump administration.”

Soros, 89, lauded Trump’s policy as “coherent and genuinely bipartisan,” which necessitated ignoring a huge amount of Democrat partisan sniping at Trump’s position on China, coupled with fervent promises from most of the 2020 Democrat presidential field to undo those policies as quickly as possible if they win. Soros is one of the few prominent voices on the left to describe the trade war with China as anything but a disaster.

The U.S.-Hungarian businessman said the administration was correct to see Beijing as a “strategic rival” and treat Huawei as a “national security threat,” barred from doing business with American companies by the Commerce Department.

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Citing China’s efforts to take the lead in artificial intelligence technology and 5G network, Soros predicted that “as long as Huawei remains on the [banned] entity list, it will lack crucial technology and be seriously weakened” because the Chinese firm remains highly dependent upon components obtained from American suppliers.

Soros worried that President Trump will be tempted to make a trade deal with Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping that takes the pressure off Huawei. He pointed to the relief granted by the administration last year to another Chinese telecom company, ZTE, as an example of Trump caving under pressure.

Although it does not seem to have reassured Soros, President Trump stated last week that he is not interested in discussing the Huawei ban with China at the moment, contradicting some previous statements that the company could be part of a grand bargain to end the trade war.

“It’s a national security concern. Huawei is a big concern of our military, of our intelligence agencies, and we are not doing business with Huawei,” Trump said. “We’ll see what happens with respect to China, but Huawei has not been a player that we want to discuss.”

“The reality is that we are in a Cold War that threatens to turn into a hot one. On the other hand, if Xi and Trump were no longer in power, an opportunity would present itself to develop greater cooperation between the two cyber superpowers,” he said.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by John Hayward.)

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Millie Shropulos
September 19, 2019

I have been praying for Mr. Soros for years and still do. He is so deceived and lost. He happens to be right about this matter. We pray daily for our president and thank God for raising him up. We believers must ask God to search our hearts and give us repentance so that He may heal our land.

    Timothy K Bunn
    September 21, 2019

    Let us not forget how the communist are progressively pursuing, and advancing EMT technology for war. I have a distant hope that weapons will be turned into plowshares.

Nita Morris
September 17, 2019

Lord, we know that you love Mr. Soros and desire that he become one of your children. We pray success on that request. May he see your love and desire you more than anything. In Jesus’ Name amen

September 14, 2019

Father God, I lift up George Soros to You and pray that You draw him to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior and LORD. Turn his heart and mind away from false beliefs, and reveal Your truth.
You have gifted him with large amounts of money. Instead of using it to fund works that are opposed to You, may he financially support Your work in the world, and may his change of direction cause many to turn to Jesus.
I confess that this seems unlikely to me but You are the God of miracles, and what seems impossible to humans is not even difficult for You.
Thank You for the greatest miracle of all: that You loved us enough to become human, live among us, and die for us so that we can be resurrected like You! Thank You that this world is not all there is, but through these trials You are preparing us for our permanent, amazingly beautiful and perfect home. I pray all of this in our Savior’s name. Amen.

Donna DMuhala
September 14, 2019


Gerald Deaton
September 14, 2019

Lord, may you guide our President in Your wisdom concerning China! We pray for Your Mighty Hand to be on every detail! In The Mighty Name of Jesus, amen!

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