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The Trump administration accused the University of Vermont Medical Center on Wednesday of violating federal law by forcing a nurse to participate in an elective abortion.

The Health and Human Services Department issued a notice of violation after it investigated the nurse’s complaint from May 2018 and found evidence to support her claim. Officials said the center has 30 days to comply with federal policies or risk losing federal funds. HHS said the Vermont center knew about the nurse’s objections. Yet when she appeared in a medical room one day, a doctor told her, “You’re going to hate me,” because she’d be called to assist an abortion.


“This put the nurse in a tremendous moral quandary,” said Roger Severino, who leads the HHS’s Office for Civil Rights. “She asked for relief … but she was told ‘no.’”

Mr. Severino said the nurse relented, due to career pressures, and has been “traumatized” ever since.

Mr. Severino said so-called “Church Amendments” from the 1970s protect medical workers who refuse to participate in abortions or sterilizations on religious or moral grounds.

He said the medical center did not have adequate policies in place to account for these scenarios, meaning employees could be forced to participate depending on staffing levels.

The medical center did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the HHS’s notice, or whether it plans to push back against the allegations.

Mr. Severino said the agency found the nurse and supporting witnesses credible, while the medical center did not take advantage of an opportunity to present its own witnesses.

He said the medical center did not have adequate policies in place to account for these scenarios, meaning employees could be forced to participate depending on staffing levels.

The medical center did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the HHS’s notice, or whether it plans to push back against the allegations.

Mr. Severino said the agency found the nurse and supporting witnesses credible, while the medical center did not take advantage of an opportunity to present its own witnesses.

“So, here we are,” he said.

Mr. Severino said he wants the medical center to comply with federal rules voluntarily. If it refuses, it will be referred to the Health Resources and Services Administration, which may revoke funding.

The medical center spent $1.6 million in federal grants from HRSA during the most recently competed three-year funding period, according to HHS. . . .

“Abortion is not health care and we are thankful to President Trump and HHS Secretary Azar for leading the charge to protect conscience rights,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, a pro-life group. “When the conscience and Religious Freedom Division of the Office of Civil Rights was established at HHS last year, it showed the Trump administration is serious about investigating and addressing conscience violations.”

(Excerpted from The Washington Times, article by Tom Howell, Jr.)

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Teri Frey
September 3, 2019

Dear precious Lord, please wrap your loving arms around this nurse who was forced to assist in an abortion procedure. Help her to forgive herself which is often the most difficult. Cleanse her mind of the memories and draw her close to you. Thank You, Lord Jesus in whose name we pray.

E Griess
August 31, 2019

Father God in the name above ALL names, Jesus Christ, I ask that forgiveness be given to this nurse. Cleanse her mind and memory of this murder. Break the curse of murder off her.
Father, I pray for the Dr. who took a vow to preserve life and he has violated the medical vow. Bring conviction to all who are murdering babies in the womb and out of the womb, in Jesus Christ name. Amen.

Ken Budz
August 29, 2019

Lord please help people who are doing their best to do the right thing. Please protect them from people who want to push them into anything that violates their conscience. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Bill Tobey
August 29, 2019

Vermont which used to be a pillar of righteousness has gone off the deep end. Jesus, stand at the state boundaries and drive out the evil.

Donald Miller
August 29, 2019

Abortion is killing a human life according to science. Therefore when we as a culture abort a baby it is an actual child. An example is when pregnant mother is murdered the murderer is charged with a double murder. For a woman to say it is her body and she can do what ever she wants with it is ludicrous. The womb is designed by God to be the safest place for a new child but it is now become the most dangerous because today there are almost as many abortions as births! We are administrators of our own bodies and we will be judged by how we used our bodies, for good or evil. (it is much safer to have the birth than an abortion.) Our whole culture is in self destruct mode.

All the ancient civilizations collapsed because of a moral collapse. Before 1930 all christian churches believed that artificial birth control was immoral.

    Kimberly Hartfield
    August 30, 2019

    It’s still immoral but very few believe it anymore. In the book of Enoch, it talks about how the men would make their women drink something that would abort their babies in order to keep them beautiful. The devil has been playing this game for a long time now. He wants to kill as many of Gods children as possible. Now population control is his next strategy. God said, “be fruitful and multiply” and we have to make a choice whether to serve Gods plan or Satans. I pray people’s eyes are opened. Mom of 8

Cathy Ellison
August 29, 2019

God our maker, our protector, our defender, our healer… heal this woman of her trauma, draw her close to you, that she would be healed through the precious blood of Jesus Christ. God forgive us for what we’ve done and haven’t done throughout the decades long slaughter of the unborn – in the mighty life giving name of Jesus Amen.

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