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Father, we pray that there would be justice, and through this case, it may shine the light on this evil practice.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Dozens of Jeffrey Epstein’s accusers—many allegedly abused when they were teenagers—testified in a Manhattan courtroom on Aug. 27 after federal prosecutors asked the judge to formally dismiss their case against the now-deceased financier [and alleged child sex trafficker].

The accusers, speaking one after another often through tears and trembling voices, testified about their reactions to Epstein’s suicide and spoke about how they first met the man. Many described how their lives were turned into a spiral of disarray and suffering after they were sexually abused by Epstein, who prosecutors say exploited and abused dozens of minor girls at his different residences.

Sixteen women testified in person to the court; some gave their names, others preferred to remain anonymous. Lawyers also read statements from seven other women who couldn’t, or didn’t want to speak publicly. . . .

U.S. District Judge Richard Berman described the hearing as “remarkable” in his final remarks to the court, following the testimonies.

Berman said he believed everyone had “benefited greatly” from listening to the accusers. The judge said he decided to give the victims a chance to testify, because of their “relevant experiences.”

Attorney General William Barr previously said that both the FBI and the Department of Justice’s inspector general were opening investigations into Epstein’s death.

Harrowing Stories

A central point raised by many of Epstein’s accusers is that he robbed them of their innocence and their childhood. Some described how female associates of Epstein recruited them when they were very young and vulnerable. Many were suffering from poverty at the time they were brought into Epstein’s trafficking ring.

Courtney Wild, an accuser who used her real name, testified about being sexually abused by Epstein for years. She said his suicide “robbed our day in court to confront him” and stole her “innocence and mental health.”

“Justice has never been served in this case,” Wild told the court.

Other accusers urged federal prosecutors to go after the co-conspirators and enablers of Epstein. Some specifically mentioned bringing Ghislaine Maxwell to justice.

Maxwell, who is Epstein’s former girlfriend, a longtime associate, and purported madam, has denied claims she recruited and directed young girls to have sex with Epstein and other men.

“I will no longer cover up what needs to be brought to light,” one accuser, named Theresa Helm, testified. Helm said she was recruited 17 years ago from California and was brought to New York.

“Ghislaine Maxwell … they need to be held accountable,” Helm said. “All of them.”

None of the victims mentioned the names of other men they were forced to have sex with. They did describe how politicians, actors, and other powerful people were involved.

Another accuser, Virginia Giuffre, detailed how she was abused by Epstein for years. Giuffre’s name was listed in the nearly 2,000 pages of recently unsealed documents, in which she alleged Maxwell directed her to have sex with Epstein and others. Giuffre’s lawsuit against Maxwell ended in both sides agreeing to settle in 2017 for an undisclosed sum.

“When I was recruited by Maxwell, I thought I had been given a break,” Giuffre testified. “[Later] my hopes were dashed and my dreams stolen.”

Giuffre insisted that “the reckoning” doesn’t end with Epstein’s death and that “it will continue.”

In an Aug. 10 statement, Manhattan U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said the criminal investigation into sex trafficking and conspiracy accusations against Epstein “remains ongoing.”

Throughout the hearing, the alleged victims often turned toward federal prosecutors, thanking them for their treatment of victims or urging them to move forward vigorously in the case.

“Please, please finish what you started,” accuser Sarah Ransome told the court, as she turned to face the federal prosecutors. “We all know [Epstein] did not act alone.”

Attorney Bradley Edwards, who represented some of the victims in court, said the timing of Epstein’s death was “curious to us.”

“It makes it nearly impossible to get full justice,” he told the court. “There are a lot of people here who are sad today.”

(Excerpted from The Epoch Times, article by Bowen Xiao.)

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Mary D Meens
August 31, 2019

Lord Jesus, please guide all investigators working on this case to the truth of everyone who was involved in these many crimes. Let no one escape punishment for robbing these girls of their innocence!!! IT is something they can never reclaim. So sad! And Lord, please send your angels to protect girls who may be harmed by anyone in a similar way. Amen

Sharon Maulding
August 29, 2019

Lord your word says EVERYTHING HIDDEN will be REVEALED to be HEALED…. we ask your healing balm to be poured over all those this demonic enterprise has touched. Those who were unwillingly snared – used- blackmailed- exploited politically- financially- )in every means) to come to a godly sorrow that worketh repentance and conversion to be healed and brought to the saving knowledge of JESUS CHRIST. Amen and amen

    Barbara Durbin
    September 14, 2019

    Father in heaven,
    Please bring forth compassion, justice and truth. For sex trafficking to exist, there is a selfish demand for satisfaction at the great expense of another — in this case, children.
    Please expose the guilty for the sake of the innocent, both the victims in this specific instance, as well as for victims in our world whose plight is yet to be revealed.
    Also, bring into Your light an entire industry of pornography production which victimizes children, women, and even the men who become addicted and end up destroying themselves, their families, and those they dishonor.
    Only You can possibly redeem this huge tragedy, but we know that You can! We ask for perseverance and protection on behalf of those working on these cases, especially where powerful people with money and connections are involved. When the guilty are discovered, charged and convicted, please grant them repentance.
    In the end, may Your mercy and redemption move in a mighty flood to wash our world clean from this scourge.
    In the powerful Name above all names,

Amanda Stockwell
August 29, 2019

Lord be the father of each one of these girls and bring justice in their behalf but also be the Father the Bible speaks of when people mistreat his children. Render your justice to those who have misused and abused these women. I ask this in the name of Jesus.

August 29, 2019


Diana otterman
August 29, 2019

Yes Lord Jesus, You who are a just God. Bring any and all to justice and to You in repentance and faith. We bless these dear ones in Your name who have been harmed through evil.You have told us what is done in darkness will be brought to the Light.

August 29, 2019

Please Lord Jesus, give these victims courage to continue. Praying they will say every name of every “elite” person involved. Every single one needs to be publicly outed no matter who they are. An eye for an eye…

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Ken Budz
August 29, 2019

Lord please be with the victims of this criminal. Please help them to heal and comfort them. May they come to know You Lord in this situation. May those who conspired with this criminal be brought to justice. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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