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God we pray we are able to stand in faith in spite of our feelings and emotions. Give us strength to be strong no matter what our circumstances might be.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Faith—properly understood—is not a feeling. Rather, faith is active trust based on evidence. Of course, faith can affect how we feel. For example, my trust in my wife may produce feelings of happiness and gratitude, while mistrust can produce feelings of sadness and betrayal.

So faith and feelings are related, but different. Unfortunately, some people base their faith on their feelings. Consequently, the good feelings they get from praying, worshiping, or attending church lead them to conclude their faith is true. In this case, faith is held hostage by feelings.

This is extremely dangerous because feelings are fickle—they can change from day to day. The psalmist David knew this very well. In Psalm 73, he describes how he was feeling “envious of the arrogant” because of “the prosperity of the wicked” (Ps. 73:3)….

When David’s feelings are left unchecked, he begins questioning his faith….

However, David doesn’t let his feelings steer his faith. In fact, it’s just the opposite. David’s faith in God governs his feelings. He writes,

Nevertheless, I am continually with you; you hold my right hand. You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

At the end of the day, David doesn’t know why God allows the wicked to prosper. God never tells him. But he doesn’t allow his emotions—envy in this case—to get the better of him. He trusts in the God who has guided his life and has continually shown Himself faithful.Feelings have their proper place in the Christian life. After all, God created them. But since they are far too easily influenced, and far too influential, they must not be allowed to instruct faith….

(Excerpt from Stand to Reason article by Tim Burnett.)

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Lisa Salan
August 31, 2019

Thank you, Tim Barnett and Stand to Reason. In a day when so-called pastors are focusing their flocks on feelings over God’s truth, we must all be Bereans and hearken to the word. The social justice gospel of hurt feelings, fake racism, and necessity of reparations (taught particularly out here in the east coast “churches”) must not be embraced while our bibles sit to the side and rot. Read the word, meditate on it and test all things. Satan presents himself as an angel of light with lies founded on emotion over truth and reason…don’t be fooled!

Carolyn Mobley
August 29, 2019

Martin Luther stated, for feelings come and feelings go, and feelings are deceiving; my warrant is the Word of God, naught else is worth believing.”

Alan K. Veasey
August 29, 2019

Eve was innocent and she trusted feelings instead of God’s word.
It did not work well for her. We who inherited corruption have
no chance except reliance upon God’s word.

Ken Budz
August 29, 2019

Lord thank You for all the generous blessings You have given me. You said through the Apostle Paul- faith hope and love are the greatest gifts. Lord let my God given faith direct me and not my feelings. You Lord are my hope and I love You but my faith in You is stronger than my changeable feelings. Please Father increase my faith and my hope will rise and so will my love towards You and others. This I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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