This week I had a very powerful dream and as I sought the Lord’s heart for what He was saying in the midst of this dream I heard the Lord speak… “POSSESSED WITH MY PURPOSE!!!” So often we hear the word “possessed” and we can categorize the word as “negative” and often to do with the demonic. When the Lord spoke those words “POSSESSED WITH PURPOSE” there was such a deep, deep sense of abandonment to Jesus and laying down our lives to follow Him to see His name glorified and Kingdom extended upon the earth that filled the dream. In the dream the young man I was watching was completely overtaken by the purposes of God that he left everything to commit himself to the purposes of God in and through his life. Humility filled the atmosphere SO intensely in the dream. It was all about Jesus and His purposes and plans on the earth that this young man would hold onto nothing else but move forward in radical abandonment and obedience to Jesus to follow Him anywhere.
There has been such a battle for many right now where they feel completely consumed by the battles they are facing. There are many that feel completely consumed by the giants they are fighting and the Lord showed me that the enemy is attempting to distract and “deactivate” God’s people by keeping them in weariness to keep them from arising in their authority in Christ. There is a POWERFUL shift taking place right now, there is POWERFUL change that is taking place, the turbulence of transition has increased but that’s because we are breaking through the barrier. BREAKING THROUGH THE SOUND BARRIER TO HEAR HIM CLEARER THAN EVER There has been SO much “chatter” in the atmosphere. There has been SO much “mental torment” and “battle of the mind” and many in the body of Christ have been wondering what’s wrong with them, “what are these thoughts I am having?”, “what’s wrong with me?”. Friends, there is an intense battle of the mind taking place right now, there is an intense battle in the spirit happening bringing confusion and the enemy attempting to cause God’s people to listen to the wrong voice/s, the wrong sound, WHY? because God is RELEASING A NEW SOUND!!!! There is a new SOUND being released on the earth, the sound of His heart, the sound of the fear of God being restored, the sound of the reintroduction of His power, the sound of His Glory and Majesty being revealed in ways we have never seen. The sound of revival! The sound of harvest! The sound of signs, wonders and miracles! The sound of salvation! The sound of intimacy with Jesus getting louder than ever. The sound of the Gospel reaching every corner of the earth. The sound of impossibilities bowing to the name of Jesus. The sound of healing, deliverance, freedom. God is AMPLIFYING the SOUND of His Kingdom being established on the earth. He is amplifying the sound of His sons and daughters arising in their authority and revelation of their identity to do what they have been called to do on the earth….
Look to Jesus and worship! Lift up His name and WORSHIP Him! …
The Lord is bringing the body of Christ into a place of deeper yieldedness and into a deeper place of surrender that when we hear His voice, we leave all behind and follow Him. (Luke 5:11) The distraction that has attempted to stop you is going to be suddenly diminished as powerful encounters with Jesus and the strong arm of God to deliver take place in your life. You will transition from feeling like you are “fighting for your life” to “possessed with His purposes” like never before. You are going to encounter His heart and the revelation of who He is in life-transforming ways that is going to ignite a fire of His purposes upon your life to love others, to preach the Gospel, to raise the dead, to cast out demons, to heal the sick etc. It is going to SO increase like never before that you will be completely consumed afresh and overtaken by HIS HEART. POSSESSED BY HIS PASSION Where you have felt such a deep weariness and feeling constantly in battle mode, the Lord is shifting you in these encounters with Him to being EMPOWERED by His Spirit in ways you have never experienced. To go further than you have been. To do what you never thought you could do, not in your strength, but in the empowerment of His Spirit….
Don’t give up! Keep going! The divine time has arrived!
(Excerpt from Lana Vawser Ministries.)
(Editor’s Note: IFA seeks the Lord for discernment in selecting all of the information we post, and especially when sharing prophetic words. We encourage you to ask the Lord whether and how prophetic words may apply to you personally or to the Body, as well as how to pray. Every prophetic word is to be tested by each believer, in accordance with 1 Jn 4; 1 Thes 5:1; and Acts 17:11.)
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Yes! This confirms a word to me that God is calling me to a passion in him. I often feel beat up lately and think “what is wrong with me?”. Thank you Father for your words of encouragement and how you speak to your people.
The word ‘Passion ‘ was dropped into my heart as I watched a young man on our church worship team singing , lost in passion for the Lord. I believe passion is the direction He wants to do in His Children’s hearts. Lord, give me your passion.
Lord, Thank you that you know and direct us even in the midst of all the competing issues. You inspire some to lay it all out for us so we can know how best to direct our prayers and efforts. The confusion mentioned in this article is so much about the chaotic issues at hand. They are all important to YOUR purposes. Still, I understand that you put on some people’s hearts to act on one issue and on another’s heart to get involved in a different issue. Thank You that it’s all about Your plans for our world and for each one of us. You laid out the way You want us to be your followers. It may be a little different for each individual. Still, it will follow Your plans for us if and when we are obedient to Your calling. Thank You for Your patience with each of us. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen
Jesus, consume me with yourself. Be in the center of my life. You are all I need. I’ve been in serious battles for four years. I’m ready for change and revival. Praise the Lord!
I absolutely love this message people need to hear this.
I agree my heart hears the same message. I am in agreement for God to possess us as Christians with he’s work and his will to be done amen