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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, thank You for raising up Your intercessors to pray for our President this Sunday. Please hear our prayers and may Your will be done in President Trump's life.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

By now, you have likely heard about Franklin Graham’s Call to Prayer for President Trump, Sunday, June 2, 2019.  We know that you pray for President Trump regularly, but praying in agreement and in concert with other believers adds power to prayers. As Franklin Graham said in a recent interview, “We know God hears the prayers of one righteous person. But if there’s millions of people praying, maybe God will listen and hear those prayers—and answer.”

We have developed a wonderful prayer that is suitable for reading aloud, praying alone or in a group. You can download a free printable PDF:

5200 prayers have been posted on our website for President Trump! You can add yours:

Commit to pray for President Trump for the next week. We have chosen a selection of prayers that have been posted and created a 7-day email devotional prayer series–you can sign up and pray in agreement with IFA intercessors, not just today but for the next 7 days.

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June 5, 2019

Our Heavenly Father, righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Lovingkindness and truth go before You,

The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give unto President Trump the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You: and the eyes of his heart be enlightened, that he may know what is the hope of Your calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints; Our God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made His light shine in our hearts, give President Trump the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. Lead him in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake. Deliver President Trump from evil and wicked men for not all have faith. Bring to light what is hidden in darkness, and expose the secret aims of the hearts. Protect the president, protect the government, protect the people. Deliver us from all evil, who scheme against the righteous and gnash their teeth at us. Restore us to Yourself, O LORD, so we may return; renew our days as of old, for your name’s sake. In the name of our faithful and True Witness, Christ Jesus. Amen.<

Felicia Penner
June 2, 2019

Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father, we ask you to make straight the road before our President these next 6 years. Oh Lord, we ask that you would bless the works of his hands these next 6 years. Lord we thank you that Mercy triumphed over Judgement, for surely we deserved Your Judgement, that by Your mighty hand you placed a business man in the den of political vipers and anointed him for a time such as this. We pray Revival: In his home, in his cabinet, in DC, and throughout our land. We pray for repentance and renewal in our Churches. We pray that the Womb would again be the safest place in America. We pray that our cities would be safe places to live as You, our Redeemer God, remove the drug cartels and human traffickers – that our President would accomplish these things through the office You have appointed him to. May Your Justice flow from Your throne through our Judiciary. I pray all this in the Precious and Mighty name of Jesus our Lord. Amen

Regina Caddie
June 2, 2019

As CHRIST JESUS have not come to condemn the world but to save that which was lost. LORD JESUS we pray that Donald J.Trump and all other of us as a people repent and ask you Oh GOD to forgive us for all our sins our Nation the United States of America have committed against you oh GOD and man kind. Also such as children for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. Forgive us for denying the Jews protection from the cruelty they were fleeing from and this Country turned her back to them. And HEAVENLY FATHER we humble ourselves under your mighty hand oh GOD that you may lift us up in due time. Thank you for hearing the prayers of the righteous. Not our righteous Ness but your righteousness oh LORD JESUS CHRIST in your name I come.

Regina Caddie
June 2, 2019

As CHRIST JESUS have not come to condemn the world but to save that which was lost. LORD JESUS let Donald J.Trump and all other of us repent and ask GODs forgiveness for all our sins committed against HIM and all mankind also such as children for such is the Kingdom of heaven. As is written let us humble ourselves under the mighty hand of GOD that he lifts us up in due time. It’s in the name of JESUS CHRIST we pray.

Teresa Daigrepont
June 2, 2019

I pray for Mr. Trump everyday. And his family and all those around him. Lord give him strength and endurance. Protect him m and peace Xpose and cast down all evil people.

Lynda Boudreau
June 2, 2019

Lord, we lift up President Trump as our chosen leader and ask for your protection to be upon him and his cabinet, and that divine wisdom and guidance be upon him in Jesus name. May the formidable powers of evil and darkness be repelled and bound from inflicting harm on the President through the prayers offered by practicing believers. Amen

Joseph Benoit
June 2, 2019

If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves andpray and seek my face and turn from their evil ways then I will hear from heaven,and will forgive their seen and will heal their land. God bless you for upholding man and woman as God intended as a family and remember the poor.God creatures. And God bless you.Seek wisdom of God. Keep his commandements. Jesus loves us all. African European Haitian and Mexican parents and children

    Yolanda Lopez
    June 2, 2019

    If he is guilty let him resign to save our country if he is innocent then let there be peace in the whitr house

    Artensia Barry
    June 2, 2019

    You’re speaking to the DEVIL. Open your BIBLE and read the truth and spread the TRUTH. We are asked to PRAY FOR EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING. Why, please tell me why aren’t you not practicing what the BIBLE says. JESUS DO NOT JUDGE. Yet when you people don’t like a people and your president will mock them. He’s given you full range to hurt others that are fighting for their rights. You all have got it all wrong but, GOD SEES AND HEARS ALL. Please repent and live as a GOD FEARING PEOPLE. We have always practiced to PRAY FOR ALL MANKIND. READ AND FOLLOW GOD’S EXAMPLE.

Jack Pattison
June 2, 2019

Thank you Lord for giving us Donald Trump to be our president. Against all odds. Oh Lord protect him from his enemies on the outside and heavy stress within. For no weapon formed against Trump shall prosper. May God arise and His enemies be scattered. For the battle is the Lords and He shall not lose. Amen.

Laura Thinh Nguyen
June 2, 2019

Dear Lord, Please bless Trump with everything he needs to carry out Your will in reviving our country. I praise You for being there ready to bring about amazing things and I thank You for listening to us 24/7. The almighty, all-knowing Father; the merciful, justice-seeking Son; the patient, nurturing Holy Spirit, I praise, thank and bless You. Amen.

Stephen D Bertsch
June 2, 2019

I pray for protection of Donald Trump and his administration. May you surround them with holy angels and we ask that demonic strongholds would come down and be demolished in Jesus Name which is above every name. Give President Trump and his cabinet divine and godly wisdom to lead in righteousness and justice so that we may live a peaceful and godly life in Christ Jesus in the USA. Let this country be united once again in Jesus Name, and May the Lord Jesus Bless the USA as we look to Him as the victor and the One who fights our battles. We repent of any lack of integrity and willingness to pray before this. AMEN and AMEN!

Marlene Bickel
June 2, 2019

FYI:: I have heard some Christians say, ” I can’t pray for so and so because……” and I have been guilty myself and I repented because the Holy Spirit showed me that in 1 Timothy 2:1 it is written, First of all, then I admonish and urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgivings be offered on behalf of all men,,,,,(amplified Bible).
So, as Christians, we have no excuse……we are COMMANDED to pray irregardless, for ALL MEN.

Ken Budz
June 2, 2019

Dear Lord God Almighty thank You for everything. Thank You for prayer. Please Lord help President Trump to be wise strong kind courageous and everything else he needs to be to be the best leader he can be for this country. I pray this in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

June 2, 2019

I give you thanks and praise Father God for the Mercy you show to this country in spite of all the grievous sins of this country. Thank you for your Son or Lord Jesus the Christ and his shed blood through which we have forgiveness of sins and his death, burial and resurrection to which we have eternal life. Thank you for sending Donald Trump to a hurting country as ours. You Father God install leaders and rulers. May he hear your voice and head your calls as he leads our country. May he follow your precepts and do your will as it is revealed to him. Please Lord, continue to use your servant, Donald Trump for the praise and glory of your name and for the help to our people and nation and nations of the world. Use him mightily, in Jesus’ name I pray and thank you.

    June 2, 2019


    June 2, 2019

    AMEN and AMEN 🙏✝️📖✝️🙏

Sonia Vowles
June 1, 2019

We are Australians who have prayed for President Trump before and since the 2016 election. We believe the prophets who saw that Donald (John) Trump would be elected President. We also believe the prophets who saw that he would be elected for two terms. We know his election was crucial in God’s timing for the US and we continue to pray. The enemy hates what God is doing in the US through POTUS Trump and his administration and the battle has been fierce. A lesser man may not have withstood the attacks upon him, but we pray constantly that God who appointed him would vindicate him and vanquish his enemies. What God is doing in the US is important also to the world in these days but I don’t believe He will do this without the intercession of His people. We saw such an answer to prayer recently in the election of Scott Morrison and his coalition in Australia. God bless America and God bless President Trump, his family and administration.

    June 2, 2019

    Thank you Sister Sonia and all Australian Christians who have lovingly and faithfully prayed for our beloved President and America during these perilous times! Likewise we will lift you and your nation up to our precious God who yearns to show mercy to the nations through the fervent prayers of His obedient people. Many, many blessings to you and yours in Christ. Much love in our glorious Lord Jesus.

      June 3, 2019

      Thank you Cathy. We have just seen what our Prime Minister said was a miracle result in his party’s reelection. The Labour Left (equivalent to your Democrats), were polled to win but the Intercessors were called to 21 days of fasting and prayer by one of our Nation’s Christian leaders and God was faithful to respond. The Labour Party would have taken our Nation down an increasingly dark path, similar to what the US would have seen under Clinton. The Coalition party is not perfect but our Prime Minister is a Spirit filled Pentecostal and we are very thankful.
      Voting in Australia is compulsory unlike the US and we will pray for a much bigger Christian turnout for your 2020 election. God bless you.

        Cathy Condon
        June 3, 2019

        Sonia, I am so encouraged by this, I did not know about this miracle for your beloved Australia! Prayer and fasting is definitely the key! Praise God for faithful brothers and sisters whom He has used to accomplish this miracle! This definitely shows that our God will move if we do things the Bible way. We expect Him to do even more amazing exploits–if we pray. Many blessings to you and all beloved Christians in God’s world prayer band. Much love in our gracious Lord Jesus

    June 3, 2019

    Thank you for the prayers for our nation. May God’s people on all continents band together in prayer for the strength and wisdom of our leaders to follow God’s word in their actions.

Randolph A Malone, III
June 1, 2019

Father, we are so grateful that You are in control. You have influenced Your people, and we have Donald Trump as our president. We want your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. We confess we as a nation have sinned mightily against You, and we need the power of Your Holy Spirit to revive us and move in power over us. We ask that you protect our president and his administration. We pray for Godly wisdom and a listening ear for our president. We pray that he will find favor with the people of our country, and that Your purposes will be fulfilled through him and His administration. In the mighty name of our dear Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Betty Beardsley in WI
June 1, 2019

Praise You, Heavenly Father, for Your great love for us to give us a Pres who is willing to stand for life and for Your people in Israel and in the USA. As we humble ourselves, seek Your face,turn from our wicked ways, & join together in prayer tomorrow, we ask that You hear our prayer and heal our land. Glory to Your Holy Righteous Name above all names. Amen

June 1, 2019

Facebook refuses to allow this to be “shared.” Anyone else have the same problem?

June 1, 2019

One of the most glorious things that could happen; would be for those who think themselves most righteous; to start loving God so much they would lead the rest of us into doing 2nd Chronicles 7:14! No matter what sacrifice was necessary to do it!

Sharon Pearce
June 1, 2019

So many thanks to IFA for helping mobilize this. You do an amazing job! We are with you!

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