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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently, scientists have confirmed that discrepancies between measurements from the Hubble telescope and earlier telescopes. Their conclusion is that the universe is expanding at a much faster rate than previously thought.

According to a news release from NASA’s Hubblesite:  “New physics may be needed to rectify the universe’s past and present behavior.

There is something wrong with our universe. Or, more specifically, it is outpacing all expectations for its present rate of expansion.

Something is amiss in astronomers’ efforts to measure the past and predict the present, according to a discrepancy between the two main techniques for measuring the universe’s expansion rate – a key to understanding its history and physical parameters.

The inconsistency is between the Hubble Space Telescope measurements of today’s expansion rate of the universe (by looking at stellar milepost markers) and the expansion rate as measured by the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite. Planck observes the conditions of the early universe just 380,000 years after the big bang.

For years, astronomers have been assuming this discrepancy would go away due to some instrumental or observational fluke. Instead, as Hubble astronomers continue to “tighten the bolts” on the accuracy of their measurements, the discordant values remain stubbornly at odds.

The chances of the disagreement being just a fluke have skyrocketed from 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 100,000.

Theorists must find an explanation for the disparity that could rattle ideas about the very underpinnings of the universe.”

CNET summed it up this way: “[T]he discrepancy strongly suggests there’s a piece missing in the puzzle that scientists have put together over the years to model the history of the universe.”

We know the missing piece of the puzzle! The awesome majesty and mystery of the Creator God! If you have never watched the video below from a few years back, take time to marvel at the way the heavens declare the glory of God.

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