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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, you have appointed your people to pray for those who are in authority over our nation so that we all may live peaceful and quiet lives in godliness and holiness. May our elected representatives in the House and Senate come together in agreement and in the unity of your Holy Spirit, the one, true Unifier of minds and hearts, to follow your Word. In Jesus Name, Amen
Reading Time: 4 minutes

I have watched every State of the Union (SOTU) address since President Ronald Reagan’s first one in 1981.

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Honestly, I have never seen one side be so shockingly disrespectful to a president of the opposing party as I did on Tuesday. The progressives decided to throw a temper tantrum during the President’s Joint Address to Congress in ways that have NEVER been done before.

Perhaps you remember a Congressman named Joe Wilson who shouted, “You Lie,” at President Obama’s SOU when the president discussing Obamacare said, “The reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally.”

The AP called Mr. Wilson’s true statement an “extraordinary breach of congressional decorum” and reported how he had “shattered the decorum of the House chamber.” Mr. Wilson quickly apologized to Obama.

The Left Breaks Protocol

Flash forward to today and the opposition heckled the President throughout his speech, holding up ping pong paddles saying “False” (you lie), “Musk Steals,” and others. It’s not how we expect or want our elected representatives to act.

For starters, the elected minority leaders, Hakeem Jeffries and Chuck Schumer, refused to be part of the escort waking into the Chamber with the President of the United States. A stunning breach of protocol.

Liberal lawmakers also refused to stand as the President entered the Chamber and walked to the podium – another stunning breach of protocol that showed a complete lack of respect for the office of the President.

Once President Trump began speaking, liberals shouted and heckled the President’s opening remarks to the point that Speaker Johnson had to use his gavel to quiet the chamber and ask the Sergeant of Arms to remove Congressman Al Green, who refused to stop.

While I didn’t expect the opposition to stand for the President’s policies they disagreed with, I was disappointed to see them refuse to stand for the everyday Americans President Trump introduced who shared their stories.

What Liberals Won’t Stand For

  • A police officer’s widow whose husband was killed by an illegal alien.
  • Brokenhearted mothers whose lovely daughters were brutally murdered by illegal aliens.
  • A Russian hostage released by President  Trump’s efforts and his 95-year-old mother who had asked the then-presidential candidate to rescue her son moments before he was shot in Butler, Pennsylvania.
  • A heroic border patrol agent who came under drug cartel fire, but managed to save his partner.
  • A hardworking steelworker of 27 years that made a good living, raised seven children, and fostered many more thanks to tariffs.
  • A young woman whose dreams of a college athletic scholarship ended when she was hit in the face by a volleyball and suffered a permanent brain injury from a male playing on the opposing team as a trans female.
  • A young man whose dream was to attend West Point and serve his country. President Trump announced his acceptance to the military academy.
  • And perhaps most egregiously, progressives couldn’t stand for or acknowledge a 13-year-old boy who had beaten brain cancer and whose dream was to be a cop. President Trump made him a Secret Service agent.

In addition to refusing to stand with everyday Americans, liberals also would not recognize the president’s actions with sky-high approval of the American people, such as:

  • Elon Musk and the work of DOGE going after fraud, waste and abuse, saving hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars and reducing the bloated size of government.
  • The 90+% decline in illegal aliens crossing the border since President Trump became president.
  • The illegal criminals and gang members taken off our streets by Tom Homan and ICE making America safer.
  • President Trump’s efforts to end the Russia-Ukraine war. In fact, when the President asked if attendees wanted the Ukrainian war to last 5 more years, Senator Elizabeth Warren shouted, “yes!”
  • The spike in military recruitment numbers to its highest levels in years with men and women eager to protect and defend our country.

What Holds the Left Together?

Their performance showed that liberals are out of touch with what a majority of the American people voted for in the last election.

They appear to not to want to stand with everyday Americans. It leaves you wondering… what will they stand for? Billions in wasted spending? Illegal criminals? Endless wars? Open Borders? Unfairness in girls’ sports?

The only thing that seems to hold them together is their overwhelming hatred of President Trump and everything he stands for.

You don’t have to like the President, but to oppose every idea he has is toxic for America.

As President Trump said on Tuesday night, “for just this one night, why not join us in celebrating so many incredible wins for America? For the good of our nation, let’s work together, and let’s truly make America great again.”

In the United Kingdon, parties out of power are known as His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. I’ve always liked that phrase. It signifies loyalty to your country, your institutions, and to the rules of civility and decorum.

Perhaps the Left needs to remember its loyalties should lie with the American people.

“The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the Lord, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green, proclaiming, The Lord is upright; He is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in Him” (Psalm 92:12-15 NIV).

What did you think of the protests against President Trump’s address? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

Belinda Brewster analyzes cultural, political, and world events from a biblical worldview. Belinda’s passion is to equip, support, and encourage parents and grandparents who are courageously battling against the spiritual and cultural forces impacting children and grandchildren. Photo Credit: WIN MCNAMEE/POOL/AFP via Getty Images.

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March 6, 2025

The Democrats have proven they don’t care. They don’t care about children, women or American citizens. They are the “disloyal opposition.” They have such bad cases of “Marx Madness”, they no longer perceive realty. The only thing apparently important to them is socialist over throw of American Liberty.

God, please remove the blinders from the leftist Democrats so they may repent of the many evils they have forced on the United States of America. May there be a great awakening among them to their need for and acceptance of the grace of Jesus Christ. In his powerful name. Amen.

Brian Lynch
March 6, 2025

In my opinion, the “left” is nothing more than evil. They must exist; however, I cannot and will not EVER respect them for any reason. Lord Jesus, I thank you that good overcomes evil. May Your will be done in our nation.

Paul Cole
March 6, 2025

I thought it was great. President Trump handled it well and the Dems just kept digging their hole deeper. Thanks Pocahontas!

March 6, 2025

It was shameful, disrespectful, unAmerican and an embarrassment for our country. How can they be so blind as to be in solidarity against EVERYTHING that was said during the speech? Are there no individuals in the Democrat Party that can think for themselves and conclude that their rebellious and hateful behavior is so damaging to all of America? Are any of them listening to their constituents who are sick and tired of this Trump derangement syndrome? Their behavior is sophomoric and completely foolish. I pray that their individual eyes will be opened to the truth.

Margaret Chair
March 6, 2025

I felt that the blatant show of disrespect for the Office of the President was incredibly disrespectful. Failure to honor those deserving of it is so unfathomable. Open the eyes of those that elected these to office to see the truth!

March 6, 2025

Send your warrior angels to subdue the demons ruling over these America hating people. Rule them with a Rod of Iron O God. Psalm 18.Revelation 19. Game on🇺🇸

Susan CC
March 6, 2025

I would (respectfully) like to reverse this to: “What The LORD Won’t Stand For”

In Proverbs and just before reading what the Lord hates, the malicious person is described. As a reminder, malice is defined as the intent to cause harm without legal justification or excuse. Maliciousness is spiteful, vicious and full of hatred.
Proverbs 6 addresses this person as:
* worthless
* wicked
* deceptive
* a plotter of evil
* a troublemaker

…and following we read what the Lord hates and what is detestable to Him.
* arrogant eyes
* a lying tongue
* hands that shed innocent blood
* a heart that plots wicked schemes
* feet eager to run to evil
* a lying witness who gives false testimony
* one who stirs up trouble among brothers

Dear Heavenly Father, in Psalm 19, David asks for You to keep him from unintentional sin, to cleanse him of his hidden faults. The Left cares nothing about pleasing You. David asks for Your protection from being willful and blatantly rebellious. The Left is actively focused on just that. But because the list of Your good gifts would NEVER end, I simply say, “thank You.” You have done EVERYTHING for us, even giving us The Holy Scripture to deliberate and to pray, KNOWING Your Word will not return void. Please keep us Right so we will flourish and grow. Please keep us strong, to bear good fruit daily. But most importantly, please help us to continue honoring You, The Rock on who we stand. You are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and Right in all Your ways. You are fully able to keep us Right and safe from the Left. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

    Belinda Brewster
    March 6, 2025


    Thank you so much for your comments. They are so true and I wish I had put those truths into my article. God bless. And thank you to everyone’s prayers and comments

March 6, 2025

LOR, thank You for making it so clear to the whole world the deprivation that has been pervading our country. Thank You that this blatant disrespect is now out in front of the world so we ALL may know the true colors of the enemy and vote these people out of office so this disrespect will be brought to an end

March 6, 2025

We pray for these men and women. We pray you’d soften their hearts of stone and make them hearts of flesh again. Save their souls and give them Your perspective in all of these things. Let them be brought to their knees in repentance and be given mercy. Let that mercy change them so that you can use them to do Your will.

Pat M
March 6, 2025

Jesus, I remember being at a military function and sitting down during the Star Spangled banner. It was disrespectful and I ask forgiveness. The culture in the 60’s demanded resistance and how had I caught this contagion? Today Father, two generations plus have succeeded mine and our sin is more blatant. Forgive the promiscuity that is normal, forgive the savage protests that burn buildings and kill people, forgive abortion that makes us more savage than Hitler 100x plus around the world, forgive our mouths that speak, yell, curse and defame one another and more so Your Holiness. We say One Nation Under God but we confess the need for forgiveness and a true need for Your Holiness to return to this land. We will never be perfect but with the Blood of Jesus, You can see usA that way again if revival comes to heal usA. We cry out for mercy, mercy, MERCY because we are your children, Your prodigals and we cling to the hope of our labors for Your Kingdom to march forward every day in this nation to the ends of the earth. Our hope is in You, alone! Come Holy Spirit and flow in this land with the fire that does not consume but enflames us with Holy Passion for our King Jesus!

kathy bender
March 6, 2025

Totally shameful. We were taught you didn’t have to like the person or agree with them but you respect the title. Trump is President/ Chief commander.
If the President of the corporation someone works at came in and you disrespected
your fired. Extra shameful was not standing for the civilians that got acknowledged. Everyone should not be reelected

Carrie Snidarich
March 6, 2025

President Trump’s addressed to the nation was excellent and transparent and compassionate, kind and he even acknowledged God Almighty as a reason why he’s here today and he believed that God saved him to save America and I believe that too

Peggy Innes
March 6, 2025

It was shameful. These people seem to be full of hate and disrespect. They showed their contempt for the American people as well as
President Trump.
God Bless President Trump!

Joyce Swingle
March 6, 2025

Thank you for this recap, Belinda. I also was appalled at the behavior of the Democrats. I see them as a cult now with the following indications:
Filled with error.
All parroting the same language (see all the videos released at the same time by a number of politicians.
Dressing the same (Pepto-Bismol pink as someone put it)
All behaving the same.

Time for this cult to be dismantled so that truth can arise.

Laura Ryan
March 6, 2025

Throughout his speech Tuesday night, my husband and I kept wishing Trump added, “Who wouldn’t love that?” to every good thing he shared! Well, the monstrous Dem’s showed their pure, demonic hatred in the chamber that night, and we pray the voters wake up to their treason to our beautiful country!🙏

    March 6, 2025

    Yes that would have been awesome if he said that. Great idea

March 6, 2025

I was very proud of Mike Johnson who called for the ouster of Al Green as the gentleman would not sit down and kept yelling. but for him to go outside and speak to the press like it was just so much theater, where is the humility? where is the change of heart. I have often remembered a story about a little monkey who spotted a banana through a small hole in the fence and he reached his paw through the hole to grab the banana and then he could not get his paw back because the banana would not fit through the hole. some people are holding on to ideologies like that little creature, not willing to let go. this is one time I dearly wish we still had Billy Graham. for we need someone with the heart of an evangelist to help all the democrats (and RINOS too) draw near to God and be refreshed with His gift of repentance.

March 6, 2025

Truly a display of Trump Derangement Syndrome which is a real demonic spirit that lies, steals, mocks, is hard – hearted and narcissistic. It gloats in division and engages in delusional thinking and actions. At the core, satan is using these folks to carry out his plans. Let us pray that they be delivered and set free and like the Apostle Paul (a true Road to Damascus experience) be able to experience the true love, joy and sound mind that can only come through our Lord Jesus!

Sandra Barringer
March 6, 2025

Shameful displays by supposed professionals. In corporate America they would be reprimanded for their breaches of etiquette, but in political arenas they get away with ridiculous and childlike behavior! Then they gloat on social media about resisting progress for America and congratulate each other! Whose side are they on? Their own, not the side of Americans. President Trump is a leader not everyone will like, but he does exactly what he says he will, and then most of the time more. “Leadership is the art of accomplishing more than the science of management says is possible.” – Colin Powell. This is what President Trump does! We didn’t vote for a personality, we voted for a brilliant businessman, turned politician, who knows what it takes to get things done whether people like him or appreciate his efforts. It takes a very strong man to stand up to the evil behind American politics these days. Donald Trump is that man. I’m thankful everyday for his leadership and willingness to take the abuse he has endured for the good of all Americans, whether everyday Americans, poor Americans or rich Americans. We are all Americans!!! I thank God for protecting us from the inept administration that was vying for the highest office in this land! I shudder to think of what would have been the headlines if the presidential election had turned out differently. We have much to be grateful and thankful for right now. Let us not back down in prayers and supplications because of this victory. The battle is far from over!!!

March 6, 2025

Our prayer should be God our Heavenly Father, please remove all corrupt politicians from office and replace them with godly leaders in Jesus name. Amen

Rita Burkholder
March 6, 2025

Dear LORD and Savior I come to you in prayer for the members of congress who showed their allegience to disorder and misconduct. I pray they still have pliable hearts. You are a God of order speak over disobedience. I pray Father you deal with them, because your justice is true and fair. These kinds of outbursts are eggregious and embarassing to the American tax payers. People are working two and three jobs to simply cover our monthly bills and feed our children and grandchildren, to see all this waste is abominable while we continue to cut back for outrageous and back breaking taxes. Please keep our families, those who have lived here for generations and generations, with broken backs for all the tax expected. Then to look at the disrespect to our Leader to be broadcast over world networks, was a moment that I was embarassed for them. Father help us who still pledge alliegence to our Country and our Leader, who is desperately trying to help the middle class of American, just to be overtly disrespected. We are the ones who work to produce the revenue to help this country operate and it should be done with prudence. I pray that if they don’t want to be here they move to their country of choice. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Victoria Vawter
March 6, 2025

I believe the liberal/woke left showed their true colors. They have hardened their hearts and become demonically infused with hatred for anything godly or even mildly righteous. When they all ran out of the room at the end as if it contained poisonous gas, I thought, “They have just sealed their fate and gone too far. God will remove them from their position.”

    Mary Beth S
    March 6, 2025

    Yes, Victoria, I agree. We would all be wise to remember what happened to Pharaoh when he hardened his heart, instead of responding to the warnings YHVH provided through His 10 judgements on the ‘gods’ of Egypt. He met the same doom as the ‘gods’ he worshipped.

Robin Boone
March 6, 2025

Response to question in One word: SHAMEFUL

Maria Parker
March 6, 2025

The blatant disrespect for the office of the president by the democrats says to me that they do not care about America or the American people at all. I believe there needs to be some way to repromand their dishonoring our President.
If I were a citizen who voted for an elected official who was a disrespectful Democrat, I would ask for their apology, or their resignation or I would change parties.
They should not be allowed to even be in the room if they cannot honor the office of the president, that the majority of the people elected.
We live in a free country, but not free to disrespect and dishonor our authorities.
How sad that it has come to this. Prayer is definitely needed. The Word tells us to Pray for those in positions of authority. And to give honor where honor is due.
Anyone who cannot follow these rules, should be ousted from their position.

Sherri Harp
March 6, 2025

I am proud of President Trump and those who are working with him to restore and renew America implementing peace, unity, prosperity and strength. To watch the Democrats and those who we pay to be government officials left me totally repulsed and praying for God judgement for their evil actions and at the same time for Yeshua to penetrate the hearts of stone urging them to repent and allow God to give them hearts of flesh. Yeshua even says we will know them by their fruits, and the fruits of the Democratic party is bitter, hard, spoiled and downright dead, the walk around as whitewashed tombs. It is beyond sad how disrespectful they were and their loyalty to hatred for President Trump births hatred to America and its people. They need to be reprimanded for their childish actions. I believe congress needs new rules in place to be upheld during speeches that produce peace even when the sides don’t agree. Be adults who care for the American people and give God the honor he deserves as our King and Creator. I have prayed for those in opposition and I have even had to go to God for strength and repent for the anger I have those who are acting out in evil giving Satan a foothold. We are to pray for our enemies, but they are making harder and harder to pray for them now I just want God to rain down his justice on those who promote evil and give the demonic forces a platform in our government. I stand in faith that the Spirit of God will continue to move on our nation birthing his plan of redemption and strength in America and drawing individuals to true repentance and surrender to Yeshua! God bless America, its governing authorities, and the people who are fighting for its life! I declare We will live under the authority of Jesus Christ and we will see America fully restored to Almighty God flourishing in prosperity and peace!

    March 6, 2025

    May God bless you…and thank you for your excellent response. The Democrats always bragged that they “…were for the people.” That can’t be further from the truth, as they prove that time after time.

    Mary Beth S
    March 6, 2025

    Sherri, I stand in complete agreement with you. James 1:19 makes clear,  “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.” Your comment reflects that you understand that. However, there are times that it is not our own wrath that we are experiencing, but the righteous anger and wrath of YHVH. Knowing which one we are experiencing, and then handling it appropriately is essential, so that His righteousness results. We feel split and divided when we experience mixed and presumably opposite emotions, like compassion and anger, at the same time. But we need to remember that the Lord experiences them both and expresses them both in perfect justice and in righteousness. May we learn how to do likewise, as He enables us. 


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