I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for protecting Trump from all supernatural attacks. We ask You to continue protecting him, and we pray that he would recognize Your awesome power.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The occult is becoming increasingly common these days. People speak of things like “karma” and the will of the “universe” in casual conversation. Witchcraft is prevalent, both as a serious spiritual practice and as a fun pastime for teenagers. Many of these witches, whether they are serious or not, are exerting a sinister, demonic influence on the United States.

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One such way that witches are seeking to influence our nation is in politics and government. In particular, many of these witches despise former President Donald Trump and want to stop him with supernatural power. We covered these efforts back in July with both an article and a prayer guide, aiming to equip intercessors to counter these attacks in prayer.

Now, months later, it seems like our prayers have been answered. Witches are unable to attack Trump, but not for a lack of trying.

Popular X account @reddit_lies posts often to Elon Musk’s social media about the extremism found on Reddit, a forum known for its far-left, anti-Trump culture. Most recently, the account posted about how users of the subreddit r/WitchesVsPatriarchy are unable to attack the former President effectively. A user said in a comment, “some other witches have mentioned that doing spells directly against Trump are not as effective as we might hope as he seems to have some kind of protection around him.”

This is incredible news! Even witches are acknowledging that Trump is being protected. While they might not be able to identify precisely what is guarding him, we know that the mighty hand of the Lord is protecting him.

Everyone has seen that God is protecting President Trump. Everyone watched on July 13 when a bullet barely missed him in what can only be described as a miracle. Everyone saw on the news that the next assassin failed to get close. As these attempts continue to be foiled, it is clear that a much higher power wants Trump to live. God is not done with him yet!

This protection from witchcraft is only the latest example of the Lord protecting the President. It is also a direct answer to our prayers. We prayed for Trump to be protected from all attacks, both physical and spiritual. Now, God is answering those prayers.

We cannot, however, stop praying because of this victory. As our article on the supernatural attacks against Trump explained, witches are not done trying to bind him. We have to continue interceding on behalf of the former President so that God may continue to protect him from all harm.

Furthermore, we should pray for the witches to realize God’s true power through this protection. Just as the demons had to recognize the Lord and flee, we should pray that the witches targeting Trump will realize God’s power and protection. Only then may they abandon their sinful ways and turn to the God who protects His people.

Were you encouraged by this article? If so, share it!

(Nathan Tabler is IFA’s Communications Coordinator. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=66881730)

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Elaine Patterson
October 28, 2024

I pray God will continue to protect President Trump from these evil witches. Our God is awesome. I pray President Trump will give God the glory and continue to watch over him.
James 4:7-8 says “Submit to God but resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you “

phyllis c close
October 28, 2024

I am amazed how Christians embrace Halloween, often with a soft wink. cutie “ain’t this memorable fun”, not ever understanding the honor they bring to the darkness all around them. It seems a project only God ca expose for what it really stands for.

October 28, 2024

No weapon formed against you shall prosper,
And every tongue which rises against you in judgment
You shall condemn.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their righteousness is from Me,” Isaiah 54:17

October 27, 2024

Father God I thank You that You hear our heart prayers. I thank You that You desire to answer our prayers. Your Word says that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in us, and so I pray that as believers in The Word, we would rise up and take authority over the rulers of darkness and bind them in The Mighty Name of Jesus! “Receive this truth: Whatever you forbid on earth will be considered to be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you release on earth will be considered to be released on earth. We take our God Given Authority over the up coming Election, we bind the enemy whose only purpose is to steal, kill & destroy Our Country. We bind you and your cohorts at every voting facility, you are banned. We loose The Spirit of TRUTH to fall on Our Country, and The Light will Shine So Bright that people will finally see what “they” are trying to do to destroy this Country! Anyone cheating Will Be found out & prosecuted! LET GOD ARISE AND HIS ENEMIES BE SCATTERED!! AMEN & AMEN! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

Ann NMN Shaw
October 27, 2024

Hallelujah praise the LORD.

October 27, 2024

Gracious Lord, please keep Trump close to you, which is the safest place to be. We’re glad that an undeserved curse does not alight. Please have mercy on him and us, and preserve his life to be a witness to you, and don’t let him forget to lean on you and acknowledge you. Because of Jesus, we give no ground to the enemy the devil here.

Dave K
October 27, 2024

We claim Gods supernatural protection for President Trump, now and forever. We pray he will continue to stand against those who are trying to persecute him and put him down.
We pray for another term for President Trump in the White House..
We ask it all in your Precious Holy Name. Amen.

Carol Demery
October 27, 2024

Yes I was greatly encouraged by this article. Thank you.

October 27, 2024

God does have for President Trump and all those who are praying and fighting for His will to be done. May those who are working in the occult see the light of truth and change their ways and repent. May their change be like that of Saul to Paul and their energies spent on God’s plan for all mankind. Amen

October 27, 2024

The LORD is great and greatly to be praised! Help us to stay awake and be watchful in prayer with thanksgiving. Be with every one of our brothers and sisters who are fervently involved in this spiritual battle. Protect us and let us dwell in peace in You, spirit, soul and body. May Your name be lifted up continually and Your purposes for our beloved America be fulfilled through Mr. Trump and his team in the next four years or even eight years if You will. Have mercy on America and remember Your steadfast love and faithfulness to us! In Jesus’ name, we pray, amen.

October 27, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: We thank you for protection for Mr. Trump and his family. We ask for continued protection not only for him but Israel, the Heritage Foundation and all of your children who are followers fighting to uphold your statutes and commandments. Keep shining your exposing light into the darkness and thwart all the plans of the enemies of the cross. We stand on your word father. Be strong and of a good courage. Fear not, nor be afraid of them, for the Lord thy God he it is that doth go with thee. He will NOT fail thee, nor forsake thee. (Deuteronomy 31:6) Help us to Hold fast to the confession of our faith without wavering for he who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23). We know you are an AWESOME God who does not lie and whose word will not return to you void. Thank you again Father for every blessing and protection. To you be all Glory, Honor, Power, and PRAISE for you ALONE are Worthy to be PRAISED! We pray this prayer in the Mighty Mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, Healer, Protector, Best Friend Ever — OUR EVERYTHING! Amen

Rich Swingle
October 27, 2024

Thanks for this excellent and encouraging article, Nathan!

The witches next “Bind Trump” event will be October 30: https://www.facebook.com/share/g/LRnVJiyJuKHhsgMC/?mibextid=WaXdOe

The IFA NY State Prayer Group will be praying at 10:00 that night to break curses as they’re made: https://ifapray.org/states/new-york

Lord, hear our prayers and continue to protect President Trump for your purposes!

Don Peter
October 27, 2024

I believe this report. I also believe it had a profound effect on Trump himself. I am not sure where he is in his relationship with the Lord, but may this, and other indications of divine protection, lead him to completely commit his life to Jesus Christ by faith.

October 26, 2024

Lord, thank you for Protecting President Trump, – it is so obvious that you selected him for such a time as this. I never thought I would actually be living in these end times or experience the insanity that is being revealed in the human race -, that it would be so present in our time.. and so unavoidable. Thank you that our only solution to this is to seek you more fervently, to stay in your word more regularly..and to at least for me take in the encouragement from prophetic speaking voices.. that underscore to us that you will have favor on us the way you had favor on your children Israel in the land of Goshen-,when Pharaoh’s children were being assaulted by plagues- but those did not come close to the children of Israel. I am also grateful for the definition of courage being .. walking through the storm, even though we are frightened. Lord thank you for allowing us to see behind the veil so to speak.. and help me to continue to realize that the cause of these things are the Demonic entities that are ruling Havoc over the people that have not found you and your salvation. Thank you for all that you are and all that you provide

In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

Sarah Cohen
October 26, 2024

Please pray for Trumps family members, every one of them. And Vance and his family also.
All witchcraft defeated before it leaves thier mouth.

Linda K Stucky
October 26, 2024

I took the 90 day Challenge to pray Psalms 91 daily for Donald J Trump its the Psalm of Protection and I will continue doing so even into 2025.

October 26, 2024

Instead of using the word witches, why don’t you use the word demons?

    October 26, 2024

    The word witch is actually in the kjv..pastor Greg Locke has made reference to it on at least one occasion that I remember

    Mary Beth
    October 26, 2024

    Witches are human beings, demons are supernatural beings – big difference.

    October 27, 2024

    Demons are the spirits of the Nephilim that search for a body to inhabit. Witches are humans who are working in/with the demonic. Witches may be possessed by demons but they are not demons.

October 26, 2024
October 26, 2024

IFA – Please AMPLIFY the question, “Kamala, Where is Jonah Rief?”

BTW – She is a high priestess witch.

Ronda Orchard
October 26, 2024

Lord. We continue to lift up President Trump and ask for your hand of protection over him, his family and his staff at all times, reminding them that no weapons formed against them shall prosper. May the name of the most high God be forever on their lips and etched in their hearts. May your holy spirit be a shield about them.

Melech ozair umah sheach umagein.

Joyce Swingle
October 26, 2024

Great insight and encouragement in our continuing prayer to destroy the stronghold of witchcraft in America. Thank you!

Brandon Maddox
October 26, 2024

Very encouraged by this article, and it’s telling that even Witches acknowledge that we witnessed a miracle July 13th! They’ve seen their spells thwarted, and God is using Trump to preserve America for His Christian People. The End will come, but perhaps, Trump is part of God’s Plan to let revival come and save souls BEFORE that time comes! God is a merciful God!

October 26, 2024

Tell me who you hang out with and I’ll tell you who you are. Proverb that states that a person’s behavior and properties are generally judged by the company and people they hang out with.

Believe in YAHUAH Our CREATOR not in any flesh
Invoke to new Kingdom Oír Messiah one

Bryan Cooper
October 26, 2024

I am trying to join this group. But do not know how to join and receive emails

    October 26, 2024

    Go to ifapray.org and sign up for updates – this is on first page.

October 26, 2024

Not a good idea to list their website/spells.

Lord, have mercy.

David Scott
October 26, 2024

Reading this reminded me of things I learned from a dvd by Tom Horn entitled America’s Secret Destiny. Tom reported that whenever a president is inaugurated, 33rd Degree Freemasons meet at the Scottish Rite Temple in DC to invoke demons to possess the new president. I was once personally acquainted with a former 33rd Degree Freemason in the Scottish Rite, who informed me of similar things that Tom Horn reported. After God had mercy on my friend with His saving grace, he promptly resigned from Freemasonry. He devoted the rest of his life to helping other Freemasons find the truth of God’s saving grace. Thus, Trump needs protection from Freemasons as much as witches. It should also be noted that Tom Horn’s dvd exposes much occultism behind all of the government buildings in DC. The dome of the capitol building contains so many occult designs that it was designed to be a portal for demons to come and go from that building so they could influence what Congress does. The statue on the top of the capitol building is one of the Baals. A pastor in Oklahoma City wrote Binding The Strongman Over America. His book goes into the origins of Baal worship. Baal was know as “the god of 1,000 names. His book exposes many of those names that are used in America. The stature on top of the capitol building is Baal-Columbia. The Statue of Liberty is actually another Baal that was constructed by Freemasons in France. When Walter Martin wrote Kingdom Of The Cults, he should have included Freemasonry among them. Freemasonry merged with the Illuminati in 1783 at the Conference of Wilhelmsbad.

Mary Sexton
October 26, 2024

Interesting that they are so against Project 2025 from Heritage Foundation. Their goal is to protect the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and to restore the U.S. to one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

    Brandon Maddox
    October 26, 2024

    They are against Project 2025 because it’s contrary to the evil agenda Satan has for this country. Project 2025 is a GOOD THING, and the corporate Media has demonized this very good list of guidelines put together by the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is for Fiscal Responsibility, America First, among other things most Christians who hold a Biblical worldview, would say are positive things! Trump’s not part of Project 2025 or Heritage Foundation, but these guidelines aren’t bad things for the Country!

Jennifer Naglieri
October 26, 2024

yes and AMEN!

Jolayn Christofferson
October 26, 2024

Show your marvelous, loving kindness by your right hand, Lord, our God. O Lord, save those who trust in you from those who rise up against your people. Protect President Trump and JD Vance and all those he’s appointed in leadership with him. Please Lord keep the USA as the apple of your eye as you do Israel. Hide us in the shadow of your wings from the wicked who oppose President Trump & the values professed.

May the evil schemes of the wicked not remain over this land allotted to the righteous. Destroy O Lord and divide the tongues of the wicked.
Rise Up! Amen

Zoe Ella
October 26, 2024

Let us absolutely keep praying, but not blame witches for everything that happens. We ourselves have also responsibility to act to support godly values. Pray, yes, pray without ceasing, but let’s not create another Salem.

    Mary Beth
    October 26, 2024

    Acknowledging something exists does not create it. But it does warn people to be aware and take appropriate action. Witchcraft, whether evident or largely hidden from view, has been around since man rebelled against YHVH – that’s why the Torah condemns it – it is an abomination to Him.

Deborah Brown
October 26, 2024

I had a dream several years ago concerning Trump. I was in the White House with a group of people. Trump was the president. Chaos broke out inside the White House, and we were quickly ushered down a hallway into an inner chamber with him and some of his closest colleagues that had gained his trust. We locked the doors of this inner chamber, and as I looked around the room, I saw one large television screen. It was turned on and we were able to see what was going on outside the chamber. I saw a crowd gathering on the White House lawn. I noticed a sniper with a gun amongst them. I saw that he had targeted Trump through a window, and I told everyone to close the drapery, and for Trump to get down low. He dropped to his knees at a couch, and I went beside him. We were all praying. He was praying. Then there was shouting from outside. The demand was for anyone who wanted to be saved to go out of the chamber now, and it would end up well for them. Some of his most trusted colleagues did exactly that. They rushed out, leaving Trump in a state of disbelief and brokenness of betrayal. We knew that we had to leave this chamber once there were only a few of us left. We discovered a secret passageway that led down to an underground bunker. As we were going through the passageway, Trump made a comment, “Well the children will be safe down here..” When we got down below, I observed the surroundings we were now in. It was very plain, with some simple lighting and furnishings. There was a small television there, so we still had access to knowing what was happening up above us. There was an elderly lady down there showing us around. She pointed out a table that had three items on it. A Bible, a prayer cloth, and communion elements were sitting on this table. She said, “These are what will sustain you now.” At some point in this dream, I had managed to sneak out of the group, to go find out what was happening outside. I remember crawling on my knees and then my belly. I remember going very low so as to not be seen. When I got out on the White House lawn, suddenly I was in a fast red sports car with another lady who I worshiped with on a praise team. We were laughing and shouting and worshiping, driving full speed ahead straight through the angry mob! Afterwards, I went back to the inner circle of people who were surrounding Trump with prayer and support. Not sure what all this means, but felt led to share. Praying for us all to stay steadfast in the Lord, to meet in unity at the table of the Lord, going low in humility, and giving our highest praise to Jesus throughout all the chaos, tearing down the kingdom of darkness.

    Mary Beth
    October 26, 2024

    Personally, I think your synopsis/prayer is accurate for an interpretation although there may be more. “Praying for us all to stay steadfast in the Lord, to meet in unity at the table of the Lord, going low in humility, and giving our highest praise to Jesus throughout all the chaos, tearing down the kingdom of darkness.”
    Thank you Lord for continuing to guide us, even in dreams!

Sherry Wells
October 26, 2024

Thank you LORD JESUS for putting a hedge of protection around our former President! Only you can protect him. That is your POWER only! Lord we ask that he will be our next President Donald Trump! In YOUR HOLY NAME! JESUS CHRIST ! Amen!

Rolf Thomsen
October 26, 2024

God Bless President Trump and his Family and Followers againt all Witchcraft.

Ron Deere
October 26, 2024

1 Tim 2:2 says that we are to pray for our authorities [in order that] we might live quiet lives. I believe that certain of God’s people need to live a LOUDER lives for Christ.

October 26, 2024

Praise God for the protection He has place around President Trump! Thank you for this article

October 26, 2024



Elaine Patterson
October 26, 2024

I pray protection for President Trump, for all Christian leader in office, that prayer and God’s wisdom will make America great again and God be given the glory.

Linda Hudgins
October 26, 2024


October 26, 2024

Yes, Trump is being protected in large part due to His answering of your prayers. However, I have long suspected that Donald Trump asked Jesus to forgive his sin, come into his heart, save him, and to be his Savior. He is a baby Christian who is growing! This article is proof to me that this is true. Only the indwelling Holy Spirit can provide this kind of spiritual protection! PRAISE GOD!

Loretta Thompson
October 26, 2024

I love hearing answers to our prayer!
ALL GLORY to our God in Heaven!!🙌🏻

Garland Slate
October 26, 2024

I was enlightened and encouraged by this.

Thank you for all you do.

Garland and Jane Slate

October 26, 2024

Yes LORD, we thank You for Your divine protection and intervention in the covering of not onlybPresident Trump, his family and supporters but also ALL Godly candidates, families and workers who are actually campaigning for Your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. We ask You to continue to bring to our remembrance for the importance of continuing prayer covering after the election and through the nextv4vyears. ThankbYou, LORD.

Sue Nofziger
October 26, 2024

God is always watching and defeated the devil from the beginning. Tn Jesus Name we ask and thank you Lord for showing your light in the darkness and continue to bring glory to your name with safety, succes and miracles to those doing your will.

Rose Pewitt
October 26, 2024

Bible example, Baalam was paid to curse the children of Israel 🇮🇱 but he could not because what the Lord has blessed, the enemy cannot curse.
Numbers 22 – 24

Baalam Blesses Israel 🇮🇱

God is not a man, that he should lie,
nor a human being,[cv] that he should change his mind.
Has he said, and will he not do it?
Or has he spoken, and will he not make it happen?[cw]
Numbers 23:19

For there is no spell[dg] against[dh] Jacob,
nor is there any divination against Israel.
At this time[di] it must be said[dj] of Jacob
and of Israel, ‘Look at[dk] what God has done!’
Numbers 23:23

Numbers 24: 9

Blessed is the one who blesses you,
and cursed is the one who curses you!’”

Greater is he who is in you, than he who is in the world 🌎 To obey is better than sacrifice.



Sister 🌹


    October 26, 2024

    Thank you for sharing His Word. These scriptures are perfect reminder

Mary Beth
October 26, 2024

YHVH, thank you for being merciful to President Trump, his family, and associates and granting them divine protection. Please continue to overshadow them. Lord, I don’t just want them preserved for the purpose of leading this nation – I want to hear testimony that they have been drawn into intimate relationship with You through Your Son, Yeshua. I know that is Your desire, too. Draw them unto Yourself, and reveal their need for salvation. Holy Spirit, please convict of sin, righteousness and judgment. For those who may have already come to faith in Yeshua, may they lean not on their own understanding, but in all their ways acknowledge You, so You can direct them in all their ways. Transform them from within, that their lives may glorify You alone.

Nancy Rife
October 26, 2024

So glad to get this report!!
You, O Lord, are a shield for Pres Trump, his glory and the lifter of his head. Psalm 3:3

Roselyn Brown
October 26, 2024

Holy Righteous and Eternal Father, thank you for your covering over President Donald Trump, his family, his VP, RFK, Elon Musk and others that are around him. We continues to bind and rebuked those evil attempts from around them. Thank again Master for your complete protections now and throughout this election. Dirty Satan you cannot hurt them, they belongs to Jesus. Returned to your sender in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Elaine Heistad
October 26, 2024

Prayer covering personal and political are necessary daily. Every day is a new day for the occult so we must continue invoking the supernatural. In Acts Simon the sorcerer wanted to buy “the power” so the witches today are seeing that same power, the power of the Holy Spirit. Daily we say thank you for this church age that was given the Holy Spirit. Let’s use the power invested in us to fight evil and see signs and wonders so that many will believe.

Faye Georgeo
October 26, 2024

This is absolutely correct. Thank you for reminding us to KOP (Keep on Praying)

Rodney Crumpacker
October 26, 2024

Praise the Mighty Lord who lves above time for His divine protection over President Donald Trump and that He will continue to protect him and his family. We place this election in your capable hands. Thank you for a Trump victory in November.

Colleen Fraser
October 26, 2024

Praying this for Trump, God’s people and Israel!

“Those who trust in the Lord are as unshakable, as unmovable as mighty Mount Zion! Just as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord’s wraparound presence surrounds his people, protecting them now and forever.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭125‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Linda Lucas
October 26, 2024

Heavenly Father God, we praise You and thank You for covering President Trump and VP Vance and their families with Your supernatural power of Grace and Love for both of them. I am sure that President Trump is aware of Your Power and Protection with the force of Your Heavenly Host. He has given thanks and credit to You, Lord, for protecting him from certain death from assassination from the evil ones. He has frequently said that but for Your mighty hand covering him, he would surely be dead. It is right that he should give You the praise and thanks for this, as You are constantly covering and delivering him from all harm. Lord, please continue to look after him and Vance as this ellection continues until Jan 21st and even after, as You know the evil ones will try many times to destroy him. Thank You, Jesus, for your continuous vigilance and love toward our President, and the love you show to each and every one of us Your children. Please continue to deliver us from evil, in Jesus’s mighty Name above all Names, Amen! Thank You, Jesus!

October 26, 2024

Much prayer, individual and group, went up last evening during the “Black Mass” in Atlanta, for protection against the enemy’s intentions.

Jeff Johnson
October 26, 2024

Father, Jehovah GOD! YOU are THE POWER and GLORY FOREVER and EVER! You always have the final say. Please protect Donald J. Trump from the attacks of the evil one, and use him for your Glory! I pray also for the mixed up children and people involved in these evil attacks. Send your powerful Spirit across this country and crush this evil. Amen🙌🏻🙏

Armando Mejia
October 26, 2024

President Donald J Trump

It’s Written

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭54‬:‭17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

October 26, 2024


Victoria Ferris
October 26, 2024

I pray for President Trump’s safety from ALLmehonseeknhim hurt AND I pray for his family too. As he wins this last battle to a 2nd term, keep him close to you and healthy and PRAISE to you ALMIGHTY Father we are blessed to know! Hallelujah


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