I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray against Harris' plan to codify Roe v. Wade, especially without any exceptions or exemptions. We pray for strong, pro-life leaders in all branches of government who will protect the unborn and honor You.
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Should she take office next year, Harris plans to codify Roe v. Wade – without any form of religious exemption.

From The Daily Wire. Vice President Kamala Harris rejected the idea of allowing religious exemptions if she becomes president in her push to codify Roe v. Wade.

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Harris — who has already indicated that she is willing to blow up the Senate filibuster to ram through her agenda — signaled support for an even more extreme measure during an NBC News interview that aired Tuesday night.

Interviewer Hallie Jackson asked Harris if she would be willing to offer concessions …

“Religious exemptions, for example, is that something that you would consider with a Republican-controlled Congress?” she asked.

Harris snapped back: “I don’t think we should be making concessions when we’re talking about a fundamental freedom to make decisions about your own body.” …

What do you think of this? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Kamala Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=79476994)

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October 25, 2024

The satanic world system wants as many abortions as possible the same way a group of killers want everyone to put a bullet in the body. The more people who take an active role in the crime, the fewer who can speak against it. So a Catch-22 situation emerges. Abortion is clearly murder since all a person’s dna is present upon conception. However, to call it murder directly is too much for most who have taken part so we talk around the issue and tend to avoid stating the most obvious fact. Anyone who takes part in an abortion is a murderer. However, and more importantly, true forgiveness is possible through the shed
blood of Jesus Christ. I have empirical knowledge of that reality. As a Vietnam combat veteran I lived, as most do, with the knowledge that I had taken lives under conditions that were justified in war but would technically be seen as war crimes. For example, shooting into wounded combatants at night who may or may not have still been a danger. I could live with that because any decision made about such a close call must be made in favor of myself and my friends. A few years later, before abortion was “legal”, I drove a young lady I had dated out of state for an abortion. I didn’t think too much about it except a few times when the evil I had done suddenly became nearly overwhelming for a few minutes. Before I pushed the thought out of my mind. It was only 12 years later when I gave my life, including my sin, to Jesus Christ that I was able to admit what I had done. Forgiveness is possible because the pure Jesus willingly bore the price for not only particular acts of evil but for my entire sin nature. Politicians and medical practitioners of abortion will face a much worse eternity than those who have been tricked by a dishonest, satanically influenced culture. All however, can be forgiven if they are simply willing to confess what they did and throw themselves on the mercy of a merciful Father. He wants restoration with His children and all that is preventing it is human pride and defensiveness. Please, if you have had an abortion or a role in one, consider what I have said.

    Mary Beth
    October 25, 2024

    Don, thank you for your honesty and transparency. Your witness to the grace and mercy of our God is powerful. Our confession of sin is agreeing with God, and requires that we name it what God names it, not to excuse it or deny it or attempt to lessen it. Abortion is murder, the taking of an innocent life. I’m thankful to call you brother – another sinner saved by grace!

Renee Newman
October 24, 2024

The fact that they are being denied the ability to use abortion as a contraceptive is what they hate.
What about the Father? Doesn’t he deserve to choose what happens to his child?
Flat out EVIL.

Mary Beth
October 24, 2024

She continues to expose what she believes, even if she doesn’t mean to. May that exposure not fall on deaf ears and blinded eyes, Lord. May those to whom it is being exposed recognize it for what it is – evil, and renounce and reject it.

Robert Mallory
October 24, 2024

If the unborn baby was a part of the woman’s body the child to be would not have DNA different from the mother. Every part of a person’s body has their DNA and nobody elses. So if the baby’s DNA differs from the mother it is because they are two different people!

Darlene Estlow
October 24, 2024

Father may November newly elected officials honor you and not give way to abortion in our country. I repent on behalf of our nation for the murders of unborn human beings. I ask that you would turn the hearts of people who want to destroy unborn children. Change their hearts and minds to faith in Christ and walking in his ways through his word.

October 24, 2024

I pray that Kamala Harris will never, ever be president of the United States.

I also pray that Donald Trump will win this election by a landslide, that he will be the projected winner on the night of Nov. 5, that Kamala Harris will concede on that night, that the elections results will be certified, that Donald Trump will be sworn into office in January 2025 as the 47th president of the United States, that God will protect him and guide him, and that he will be an excellent prolife president.

I also pray that the people of this nation will reject the abortion agenda of the Democratic Party, and continually reject the Democratic Party itself more and more until the leaders of that party repent and it becomes a morally upright party.

I also pray that the Republican Party will always be prolife in its candidates, its actions, and its policies, and that those candidates who do act prolife will in office will be blessed by God, and that those candidates who say they are prolife will not betray us, will not betray the unborn babies, will not betray Jesus Christ.

In addition, I pray that Republicans, especially prolife Republicans, will win all of the elections in the House, Senate, and state and local seats of government in which that would be a better moral outcome than the alternative, and that they also would be excellent prolife leaders.

Finally, I pray that this nation truly will become and always be one nation under God with equal justice under law for every human being in this land, born and unborn. And I pray all of this in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the World. Amen.

October 24, 2024

Father, it is written “Thus saith the Lord GOD, It shall not stand, neither shall it come to pass” (Isaiah 7:7), in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, amen.

October 24, 2024

Father God, only You know why Kamala’s heart is so hardened against Your most beautiful Gift of Life in the womb. Praying LORD that the strongholds that are holding her captive to support death over Life will be revealed to her and that if she will choose to repent she will be set free. In Your Redemptive, Merciful Name I pray. Amen.

October 24, 2024

I pray for Kamala Harris, that she will turn from her wicked ways and that the scales come off her mind, her eyes, her ears and her heart in Jesus name. I pray that Kamala Harris will hunger for the truth of Jesus Christ and I pray also that Kamala Harris will yearn for what is right and righteous through Jesus and Kamala Harris will desire to change her ways and fall to her knees with repentance by the power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus name. I call Kamala Harris into the Kingdom of God for salavation and to be spirit filled by the Holy Spirit. And that Kamala Harris will not want abortions for any pregancies term and to not want to abort any babies that is in a Mothers womb. I call forth the Holy Spirit to minister to Kamala Harris while she is asleep in the night to be ministered to by the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth about abortions and the truth to her about her in her own life, as the Holy Spirit sees fit to minister to Kamala Harris. And to also woo her to Jesus and bring her to her knees and to repent of her sins., in Jesus name. Father God, please have mercy upon us as we continue to pray against abortions and against the evil in the United States. We pray for inro the Kingdom of God and with miracles, signs and wonders and salvations to come in like a flood to the people you have called into the Kingdom of God for such a time as this, across the entire United States of America that you founded and love and we seal this with the Holy Spirit amen so be it in Jesus name. Thank You Father God for answering our prayers and I thank you Father God, that you will bring a mighty move of God in the United States. Thank You God for all that you do and we thank you for everything in our lives and that you do good things.

Joshua Kemmerer
October 24, 2024

I pray that Kamala Harris will see the evil spirit behind the words she has spoken, and I pray that the fear of God will be put in her so she can realize the evil she is promoting, turn away from her sin, and receive salvation leading to eternal life.

October 24, 2024

Anyone that causes an accident that kills the baby of a pregnant woman is charged with killing of the baby. So it is murder to abort a baby especially for any reason at any time 😢 so sad. God send your light of truth to all those who perform, assist with, and support abortions so that they will see and hear Your words.

October 24, 2024

Our bodies are God’s, He created us all. The choices we make have consequences both good and bad depending on the choices. The demonic democrats who want to force their beliefs on everyone will do and say anything to achieve satan’s goal. The constitution of the US and those who trust in God and His words of truth, the bible, are in the democrats way. God’s day of judgement will not go well for them if they continue to choose satan’s ways. May all who are working against God bow and pray for God’s forgiveness before it it too late for them. God I pray that you protect and guide all of us who trust in You. Amen. 🙏😇🙏

Brian Lynch
October 24, 2024

Lord Jesus, please don’t allow this ungodly and deceived woman to become our President in the upcoming election. In Jesus’ mighty name, I take authority over her. Show her the error of her ways, and cause her to repent. Thank You Jesus.

Alcyone Moore
October 24, 2024

When a woman is pregnant, two bodies now exist — hers, and the baby she is carrying. The baby is a human, with spiritual, physical and constitutional rights. The infant cannot speak for themself, therefore, we have a duty to recognize their inalienable rights to LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as granted under the Declaration of Independence — and by God, our Creator.


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