I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You leading Trump to recognize what Your Word says about sex and gender.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

At a recent rally in North Carolina, Trump affirmed God’s creation of two genders, promising to make the government agree if elected.

From Catholic News Agency. Former president Donald Trump continued courting Catholic and other Christian voters at a campaign rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, accusing Vice President Kamala Harris of being “destructive to Christianity” …

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The Monday evening “11th Hour Faith Leaders Meeting” rally came 15 days before Election Day in the important battleground state that Trump won in 2016 and 2020. …

“[Harris is] very destructive to Christianity and very destructive to evangelicals and to the Catholic Church,” Trump told rally-goers. “… She is your worst nightmare. Much worse, much worse than [President Joe] Biden, and he wasn’t so hot.”

Trump referenced a leaked Richmond FBI memo, which outlined plans to investigate a supposed link between so-called “radical traditionalist Catholics” and “the far-right white nationalist movement.” The document, which was later retracted, suggested developing sources within Catholic churches that offer the Traditional Latin Mass and within traditionalist Catholic online communities.

“The FBI would send spies into Catholic churches [if Harris wins],” Trump asserted. …

After the memo was leaked to the public and retracted, the FBI asserted that it was the product of “one FBI field office” and “did not meet the exacting standards of the FBI.” A House Judiciary Committee investigation, however, claimed that multiple FBI field offices collaborated to facilitate an investigation of Catholics. An internal review by the FBI and a report from the Biden-Harris Department of Justice claimed there was “no malicious intent” on the part of FBI officials. …

At the rally, Trump promised to sign an executive order to ban “transgender insanity” in public schools and to impose a national ban on transgender surgeries on minors, which he called “child sexual mutilation.” He also said he would “keep men out of women’s sports.”

“I will take historic action to defeat the toxic poison of gender ideology and reaffirm that God created two genders, male and female,” Trump said.

Trump also said he would prevent the IRS from using the Johnson Amendment to punish churches and pastors who speak out on political issues. …

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(Excerpt from Catholic News Agency. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Donald Trump, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=121268832)

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Kathy Emahiser
October 27, 2024

Heavenly Father, we thank you for using President Trump to lead this nation back on the path that aligns with your principles. Please encamp your angels around him and his family for protection. We come against any spirits of fear and intimidation. Our prayer is that he will seek a stronger personal relationship with you that will embark on every aspect of his life. We pray that he will win this election and that if it’s your will for him to do so, absolutely no weapon formed against him will prosper and every stronghold will be brought to naught. We also pray that the enemy may sway people to vote for the opposing candidate, but they will find themselves voting for President Trump. We also pray for election integrity, including not allowing illegal immigrants to vote. Thank you Father. We ask this in Jesus name, amen.

Peg B
October 26, 2024

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your precious word given to us. Gen. 1:27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. From the very beginning Lord, You established us in love and in truth. We praise You for it. Thank You for Donald Trump giving utterance in alignment with Your word of creation. May it continue to come forward and be received. Rescue and save those ensnared in the lies of the enemy. As we submit to You in obedience and resist the devil – may he flee! In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.

October 25, 2024

People go insane and entire cultures go insane. Anyone who thinks there are more than 2 genders, aside from very few severe biological defects, has gone insane. There is really nothing to debate here. There is no “female” brain or “male brain. There is no ability to re-define physical reality to fit one’s own wishes. 2 + 2 = 4, not 5. And when an entire culture sits on the cusp of insanity, anarchy ensues and the stage is set for a totalitarian takeover of society. Thus the globalist mantra, “out of chaos, order”. That means order which is imposed by a police state after people find out they cannot live with chaos. The globalists hate Trump because he threatens their march toward complete power. If one understands this then everything else going on makes perfect sense. The coming New World Order will be a harsh fascist state and, except for the direct intervention of God, would succeed. The prophecies of Daniel, Zechariah, Revelation, Isaiah and several more books are coming more into focus. Everyone will have to decide who they serve…the true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob or the false god who is headed for perdition and wishes to take as many
humans along with him as he can. The current assault against God’s order is an attack against God Himself. There are two genders. Life begins at conception. Reality is real. Eternity is real. Choose wisely.

M. Wagatha
October 25, 2024

My neighbor and I were at a support Trump group meeting holding up signs and American flags when a Harris supporter across the street doing same for her campaign came over and harassed a couple of ladies. Police were called and the drunk supporter assaulted the officer and was arrested. We noticed they had no American signs in their group. They truly hate America and what it stands for and are always looking for a fight or destruction of property or human life. They are a godless and lawless people.

Jerilyn Gilman
October 24, 2024

Thank God for President Trump

October 24, 2024

Thank God for Trump!!
At least he does recognize that there is a God. Otherwise he would not be alive today
Kamala Harris is ungodly, and so is Joe Biden. She hates American People and she hates God!! She will burn in Hell.

    Francine Cunningham
    October 25, 2024

    I believe that we should not condemn people to hell but pray that they receive the love of our Father through his word and salvation. He commanded us to love and not hate.

Mary Beth
October 24, 2024

I am always encouraged when I hear the truth of God’s Word declared as truth. God created us male or female, no other possibility. If I had a choice to elect Yeshua, I would – because He is the only possible “perfect” candidate for leadership in any capacity – spiritual or political or anything. Since that isn’t possible until His millennial reign, and my vote will have no say in that coronation anyway – for now I’ll be content to determine my vote by judging between two sinner’s platforms and their voting records. The only question that matters is how they align with Biblical Truth. I’m not trusting any human being to be “the answer” to our nation’s very real problems. My trust is in God alone. I just know that at some point YHVH must allow judgment to fall, and how this election goes may determine when that judgment falls. It isn’t a question of whose side He is on, but “Who is on His side?” Whose policies will most likely align with the express will, purposes, plan, and character of God according to His Word?

October 24, 2024

I see there are some Marxist trolls on this forum (yes, Harris and Walz are known Marxists) who I believe are here strictly to harass Christians. There are many verses in the Bible stating that homosexuality is an abomination unto God. If you believe in multiple genders, homosexuality, etc., and especially forcing it upon children, sorry, but you are not a Christian. Like Kamala said, you don’t belong here. It is not possible to be a Marxist and a Christian. You need to repent of your sinful ways and receive Jesus as your personal savior. If you don’t, the Bible says you will not see the Kingdom of God. Think about it trolls, do you really want to spend eternity in hell just so you can be cool? You trolls who love evil are serving Satan. Oh, and if you continue, Satan will have his way with you in hell. It’s not worth it. Repent and serve Jesus who loves you. Satan hates you and is using you.

    M. Wagatha
    October 25, 2024

    The bible says you cannot serve God and Mammon. Matthew 6:24

John Soccre
October 24, 2024

Jesus taught that the most holy/God-like thing you can do is to treat all people equally (Matt 5:43-48). These articles do not treat Harris and Trump equally. Articles intended to elevate Trump and slam Harris are published here repeatedly, with no references to Trump and concerns about him. Where is the article of concern about Trump’s chief of staff saying that he would rule as a dictator? Where is the concern about Trump saying he wants generals loyal to him, like Hitler? Where is the article on the new report that Trump groped Stacey Williams, as part of his friendship with child molester Jefferey Epstein? I work in a diverse environment, trying to defend Evangelicals who are regularly mocked because of the hypocrisy of giving Trump a free pass on all moral issues; adultery, felonies, attacking women. Why? Because of abortion? Making abortion illegal does not reduce the number of abortions and Jesus understood that laws do not change the heart. The witness of the church is greatly hindered by this whole hearted allegiance to someone as morally corrupt as Trump. This should be an issue for prayer. See https://johnmwoodman.medium.com/as-a-christian-should-i-support-republicans-or-democrats-0d03061ae7a0

    October 24, 2024

    And why is Stacey Williams coming out now. could it have anything to do with the upcoming election? Also have you heard of the guy who came out recently claiming Tim Walz molested him when he was teenager. Politicians are all basically corrupt. I’m not voting for Trump because I think he’s a saint, I’m voting for his better policies and against Kamala who is far more lacking in morals, if you know anything about her and her past.

      John Soccre
      October 25, 2024

      Because you will believe absolutely anything that might somehow seem to show Trump is not a con artist. So you don’t believe Stacey Williams because she comes out now, but what about E Jean Carroll who he was found guilty of assaulting by a jury. We don’t believe Stormy Daniels because of what? And the Tim Walz thing is fake news. The account used was not from the actual person. Politicians may be corrupt, may not be saints, some are honorable, but none in our country have been as much of a con artist as Trump. All he has is what you are saying… he attacks everyone else so in comparison he doesn’t seem quite so awful. No politician has sunk as low as he has. The vast majority of his former cabinet refuse to endorse him. But of course you who have never met him know his character better. Never have we seen anything like that in our country’s history. Oh, yes, but all politicians are bad. Where are all the former staff of Harris and Walz who are warning us about them??? Crickets….

        Susan CC
        October 25, 2024

        John, Jason (another Christian attacker) called Trump evil. My response:

        No, he is not but what you and others like you John are doing is. Evil is characterized as morally wrong, sinful, or wicked; but it can also refer to anything that causes harm or lacks goodness. Actually, the danger of lying and false representation will be on you…. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” That my friend speaks to the power of the Word of God. Check it out, Hebrews 4.

        And to all who are reading your stuff, “I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those like “John and Jason,” who create divisions and obstacles that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Turn away from them. Romans 16:17

          John Soccre
          October 25, 2024

          I quoted the teachings of Jesus, and then I made a few statements, all of which are absolutely true. The first person to respond to me made a clearly false statement about Tim Walz. The account accusing him of wrong doing does not belong to any person who was a student of his. It is false information. Then my actions are called evil because you disagree about politics, not because anything I said was false and again, I quoted Jesus. Because you disagree with where I am politically, you accuse me of evil wrongly. You are the one practicing idolatry, putting your political views over commitment to God/Christ. You are the one who will have to explain your actions to Jesus when you meet Him face to face.

October 24, 2024

Amen- God I thank You in advance for victory over the plans of the enemy to steal our children’s future!

Darlene Estlow
October 24, 2024

Father, thank you for President Trump’s stand for the biological issue. I pray for his protection and for growth in you. May lies be revealed and dealt with and truth come forth.

October 24, 2024

Trump also wants the U.S. military to attack U.S. citizens who oppose him. He also wants to use the U.S. military against those who oppose him. 140 former members of his staff wrote the 400+ pages of how to become a dictator once he immediately takes office. Check out Project 2025. Included in it are ways to destroy public education, privatize the USPS, keep gays out of the military, etc. . Project 2025 is a political initiative published by the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation in 2023. The project aims to promote conservative and right-wing policies to reshape the federal government of the United States and consolidate executive power under the premise that Donald Trump wins the 2024 presidential election.

    Shirley p
    October 24, 2024

    This rhetoric is insane.! It is poison! God is our reshaper and drastic measures may need to be implored. If that is the case it will be to overturn the enemy of the Republic that America is! We are not a democracy, never meant to be! We are a Republic of the people, for the people and by the people! Propaganda must be plod under in order to grow a harvest of truth. Sodom and Gomorrah ring a bell? I pray we do not have to go there! This is a Red Sea time we had better realize we have never been there but may face the facts we may be!

    October 24, 2024

    Wow. Shameful you believe these lies. Actually, the Biden-Harris Administration DOD just passed a mandate to allow the military to fire on U.S. citizens and the mandate doesn’t mentioned “armed” citizens. Look it up.

    Trump has NOTHING to do with Project 2025. You should know Obama used the Heritage Foundation to create Obamacare. Did it ever occur to you that Obama hired the Heritage Foundation to create the extreme Project 2025 to use against Trump because he knew simple-minded gullible people (like you) would believe the lie that this is Trump’s plan.

    Sadly, Satan has a big hold on you. If you can’t see God saved Trump’s life (be 3 cms) in Butler, PA “for such a time as this”, you are not listening to the Holy Spirit. You are an unwise virgin and if the rapture happened tomorrow you most likely would be left behind. Do you worship God, repent, pray, pray in tongues, read your Bible, meditate on God’s Word, and sit quietly waiting for the Holy Spirit to speak to you ON A DAILY basis? If not, that explains Satan’s hold on you.

    I recommend reading evangelist and Prophet Mario Murillo’s blog. You can also listen to him and numerous pastors, evangelists, and prophets on YouTube: Johnathan Cahn, Dutch Sheets, Franklin Graham, Jimmy Evans, etc. who can all tell you Trump is God’s choice. Here’s one of Mario’s blog posts you need to read:
    This is a prophetic warning. It is the first time the Holy Spirit has ever compelled me to prophesy over an election.

    The Holy Spirit is warning you that Kamala will cost you your children’s future.

    God is warning you that she will take us into wars.

    The government will take the best. Her socialism will impoverish American workers to enrich the ruling elite.

    But here is the ultimate question: What does it mean for a Christian to vote for Harris?

    That is the most chilling part of this prophetic warning. After Samuel took great pains to show them the calamity their choice would bring, He gave them the ultimate warning:

    18, “And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.”

    God is asking you a question. How can you possibly believe you will emerge unscathed knowing you are violating everything the Word of God teaches, and then vote for her anyway?

    October 24, 2024

    EXACTLY! We CHRISTIANS DON’T want the CORRUPT, WICKED public schools to teach our children filth! The FED Govt DOES NOT belong in EDUCATION! The state can handle that! So Trump is right! #2 We “CHRISTIANS” don’t want homosexual in the Military! It’s BAD for moral and “you’re” sexual preference and perverse lifestyle has NO-PLACE in the workplace, Military or Civilian! So maybe you need to “come to Jesus” and be SAVED! If you vote for Harris, you’re not a follower of Jesus Christ! Harris made it CLEAR in Her Wisconsin rally, Jesus is NOT WELCOME in her campaign!

    October 24, 2024

    How come he never did any of these things in his first term of office??? You are spewing hate!!

    Susan CC
    October 25, 2024

    Orangputeh, John and Jason (other Christian attackers) called Trump evil. My response:

    No, he is not but what you and others like you are doing is. Evil is characterized as morally wrong, sinful, or wicked; but it can also refer to anything that causes harm or lacks goodness. Actually, the danger of lying and false representation will be on you…. “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.” That my friend speaks to the power of the Word of God. Check it out, Hebrews 4.

    And to all who are reading your stuff, “I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those like “John and Jason,” who create divisions and obstacles that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Turn away from them. Romans 16:17

Gary Wade Wadsworth
October 24, 2024

Abba Father, we are most thankful for You raising up Donald Trump for us the people of America to go to the pools and vote into the office of President of the United States of America. It now falls to us the Christians of America to do exactly that. Use him then, mightily for Your utmost honor and glory and send Your protective Angels to cover him with protective powers from on high. In the mighty name of Yeshua Christ our Lord and Redeemer, Amen & AMEN!

October 24, 2024

Lord God, thank you for raising up President Trump to stand boldly for Biblical truths. Please protect him and Melania and Barron. Convict the people who are doing evil. We trust you Lord! Amen

Octavia Drigo
October 24, 2024

Hallelujah. Father, thank you for a President that will stand for your agenda. Rain down your justice and judgment on the wicked and bring them down. Let them know that you are the only God and that You rule and reign in the kingdom of men. Cause this election to be too big to rig, as you release the angelic hosts to remove every illegal ballots and you influence the hearts of men as they enter the ballot box, in Jesus’ name

    October 24, 2024

    It pretty bad that people like you all can side with trump on him saying God created two sex , male and female and some how misses all the other things in God words thats also goes against God, but you all will not say anything about them, so just as sure as God created male and female ,He also gave us all free will to do and choose what we want, so why you all so quick to give a praise to this, but what about all them lies trump have choose to tell and still telling ,lying gose against God just as a man a man with each other just as a woman and woman with each other, just having sex outside of a marriage, just as have sex with someone other than who you are marriage, just as treating people wrong , and so much more things that goes against God, but I do not still hear any you all saying anything against any of those things, you can not be for one and excuse all the others wrongs that goes against God, thats make each and everyone of you nothing more than the very worst of being Hypocrites,and just me .you trump and anyone else who would do and be this way, we all are going to answer to God one day if not sooner because God words also says the we reap what we sow, trump sowing hate and other wrongs ,we shall see it for our selves one day, so do not be mad at me , but take it up with God, I dare any of you dare tell God about His doing and saying about it all be bless all

      October 24, 2024

      You are not listening to the Holy Spirit and either are fraudulently relying on your own understanding, or worse being influenced by Satan. I recommend you read some of evangelist and Prophet Mario Murillo’s blogs (or watch on YouTube Jonathan Cahn, Jimmy Evans, Dutch Sheets, Franklin Graham, etc):

      Evangelist and Prophet Mario Murillo wrote on his blog:

      This is a prophetic warning. It is the first time the Holy Spirit has ever compelled me to prophesy over an election.

      The Holy Spirit is warning you that Kamala will cost you your children’s future.

      God is warning you that she will take us into wars.

      The government will take the best. Her socialism will impoverish American workers to enrich the ruling elite.

      But here is the ultimate question: What does it mean for a Christian to vote for Harris?

      That is the most chilling part of this prophetic warning. After Samuel took great pains to show them the calamity their choice would bring, He gave them the ultimate warning:

      18, “And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the Lord will not hear you in that day.”

      God is asking you a question. How can you possibly believe you will emerge unscathed knowing you are violating everything the Word of God teaches, and then vote for her anyway?

      Susan CC
      October 25, 2024

      Oh my goodness….

October 24, 2024

Thank You Father God for using President Trump as a Godly man, a Godly leader for the Untied States of America to wake up the people in the United States of America. We pray for divine protection for President Trump and Melania and families and all that protect him and we reuke the onslaught of the enemy and command the enemy to be stopped NOW in Jesus name! All attacks against President Trump toi be stopped and render powerless in Jesus name. We lose the Angels that are assigned to President Trump for protection and to minister to him and comfort him from all that he had to go through this year. We say no more attacks to him in Jesus name! I pray for the fire of the Holy Spirit to be imparted in President Trump and Melania and families and I pray that the Lord will continue to watch over him and to protect him even the day he goes to VOTE himself and that his Wife and familiies will also be protected in Jesus name. I thank you, Lord that President Trump is standing on the word of God and speaking the Word of God to all people. God’s word will not return void. God created male and female. ADAM AND EVE UNITED AS ONE COUPLE!! So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Gensis 1:27 NIV

October 24, 2024

Best I can recall, the word ‘gender’ entered the lexicon rather than ‘sex.’ In the early 2000s, maybe. So initially thought ‘gender’ was more sophisticated, but no longer think that way. God made two ‘sexes’, that’s it. HE didn’t make two ‘genders’ rather HE made two ‘sexes.’ Words matter. And look where are are in 2024.

Stanton Whitmore
October 24, 2024

I believe President Trump is God’s man in this hour in time for our nation. I have great admiration and respect for him.

He has been under constant attack since he first announced his candidacy before the 2016 election. The fact that he is still standing should be prove enough to anyone who is fair minded that he is God’s man. His enemies have tried to discredit him, impeach him, throw him in prison, and have accused him of all manner of things.

In spite of the treatment he has received from the media and his political enemies he has remained relentless in his pursuit of leading our country to greater days. It is remarkable that after going through what he has gone through for more than eight years he still has the stamina and drive to keep up the fight. I believe God’s hand is upon him.

We must all keep him in our prayers and stand behind him. He needs our prayers for protection from assassination and wisdom going forward.

Tony Perone
October 24, 2024

God raised up President Trump for such a time as this. Whatever people think of him personally, his personality, is not as important seeing the way God has given him a mission and used him to foster moral and righteous acts in his role in governance of our nation.
Let us pray for him to be Christ-centered and ushered into office for God’s purpose.

October 24, 2024

Thanks be to God!!

Connie Segeleon
October 24, 2024

Absolute truth. God created 2 genders! No matter how twisted Satan tries to make some people believe otherwise, God is our father!

October 24, 2024

So the weaponized FBI going after Catholic and Christian churches and supposedly far right nationalists? This is definitely illegal why don’t they go after Islam for the terrorists ties or the far left with their communist socialist agenda??

    D. Smith
    October 24, 2024

    Because if they went after them they might find them!

Dan P Moylan
October 24, 2024

Exactly unless Jesus is on the ballot we are voting for fallen humans so it is incumbent on us to vote for the people who more closely stand and will govern in the most Godly way.

Mildred Hall
October 24, 2024

Praise God for his stand on the right side! Lord, open the eyes of the people to turn from evil

October 24, 2024

You are correct to trust in God and if you are saying President Trump is spreading the lies and hatred you should do some research. All that is evil has been coming from the democrats for decades. From Bill Clinton’s distorting the truth to Joe Biden’s crime family making deals with our enemies to enrich themselves. It was the democratic leaders who murdered many Americans with their idiotic handling of pandemic, murder of babies at anytime of pregnancy for any reason which is child sacrifice that satan wants, indoctrinating our children to not respect their parents and to change their sex if they wish, etc. The list of evils is more than I have time to identify. Yes I believe that God has chosen President Trump for a purpose and God’s plan will be done. Nothing can stand against God not satan nor any one of any party, religion, or ethnic background. Let us all TRUST IN GOD’S PLAN and pray for forgiveness of our sins. Amen 🙏😇🙏

October 24, 2024

Dear Lord help the American citizens who are actually overseas to be encourage to vote biblically, get them the trusted* resources to vote and stop the enemy from stealing the ballots

Brian Lynch
October 24, 2024

I agree.

October 24, 2024

I do not trust anyone but God. This is not of God, he sent his son to for this reason. : hatread, lies against they neighbors. Hiw can you believe in Christ backing this person spreading division abd hate? Something is wrong. Look up the story about the fallen angel!

    October 24, 2024

    You need to turn off mainstream media. It is poisoning your mind. Listen to what the man is saying. Use the discernment of the Holy Spirit. He wants to protect children from irreversible harm! How can you argue with this? Seriously, wake up!

    Doug Brown
    October 24, 2024

    Sister, how can you blame Trump for spreading hate and division? The Democrats have been spreading hate toward Trump ever since he was elected the first time. The message being spread by the media ever since then has been “hate Trump”. You need to listen to some of his rallies to understand what a kind, caring, and genuine person he is. May the Lord open your eyes to the truth about this.

Monica Hall
October 24, 2024

Thank you Lord Jesus there is someone with the courage to speak YOUR TRUTH! PLEASE keep President Trump and his family safe and remove all those people that are wolves in sheep’s clothing. In Jesus name! AMEN!

Allena Jordan
October 24, 2024

Father, nothing is impossible with You. Cause Your Spirit to fall not only upon this man, but also cause Your Spirit to invade his soul. Because You do this, this man will say things he didn’t even know possible. Use him to speak up and stand up for the orphan, the widow, the downtrodden and poor, the vulnerable, and our little ones, both pre-born and newborn, children of all ages. I thank You Holy Spirit for using this man to bring glory to God the Father. Amen.

October 24, 2024

Remember Guys.. we are not voting for a spiritual leader but for a leader of our America. The candidates have clearly stated which values they will promote. We must get out every Christian to hit the poles or our bedrock of belief will only be laughed at !!! JESUS CHRIST is Americas savior and lord .. Hallelujah !!!

skye alison
October 24, 2024

Thanks be to God!


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