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Lord, we come against abortion, as well as all the misinformation surrounding the killing of the unborn. We ask You to let Your truth prevail over the lies!
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Florida is calling out the FCC for ardently defending pro-choice ads the state calls “dangerous” misinformation.

From The Daily Wire. As Florida seeks to combat misinformation about the state’s abortion laws, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is drawing fire for defending local TV stations airing false pro-abortion advertisements — and claiming that it is “dangerous” for the state to push back on these ads.

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In a letter to FCC Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel obtained by The Daily Wire, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody tore into the agency for defending TV stations that aired an ad falsely claiming a woman in Florida with brain cancer could not get an abortion to save her life. In Florida, the state’s attorney general pointed out, pro-life laws allow exceptions to save the mother’s life and to prevent permanent injuries.

“I am shocked that you would use the power of the FCC to promote such an obvious misstatement of fact, which undermines the mission and credibility of your agency,” Moody wrote in the Oct. 16 letter.

The controversy comes as Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his administration aggressively push back against the pro-abortion ballot initiative Amendment 4. The initiative would massively expand abortion access in the state, superseding Florida’s law protecting unborn babies with a heartbeat, and would establish a “constitutional right to abortion before fetal viability,” before a baby can survive outside the womb. …

Pro-abortion groups behind the amendment, such as “Yes On 4 Florida,” argue that Florida’s pro-life laws put women’s lives in danger, but have failed to provide concrete evidence of such claims. The group’s latest ad, “Yes on 4 Florida,” depicts a cancer patient inaccurately claiming that pregnant women diagnosed with cancer cannot get abortions in Florida. …

The state’s Department of Health previously sent a cease and desist letter to TV stations airing the ad, saying that the “advertisement is not only false; it is dangerous,” and warning that DOH has the ability to “institute criminal proceedings in the county court.”

“Women faced with pregnancy complications posing a serious risk of death or substantial and irreversible physical impairment may and should seek medical treatment in Florida,” wrote DOH General Counsel John Wilson.

“However, if they are led to believe that such treatment is unavailable under Florida law, such women could foreseeably travel out of state to seek emergency medical care, seek emergency medical care from unlicensed providers in Florida, or not seek emergency medical care at all,” he added, according to Florida Politics.


In Moody’s letter to Rosenworcel, the Florida attorney general slams the chairwoman for making a statement to the press that is “wrong, both morally and legally.”

Rosenworcel had condemned the Florida DOH’s warning to TV stations, claiming that the move infringed on free speech and that “threats against broadcast stations for airing content that conflicts with the government’s views are dangerous and undermine the fundamental principle of free speech.”

“I write in response to your recent press statement…in which you suggest that the First Amendment prevents Florida from addressing false speech that jeopardizes the health and safety of women,” Moody wrote. “Your press statement is wrong, both morally and legally, and I was disappointed to see you use the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to support an obvious misstatement of fact.” …

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Manny Becerra on Unsplash)

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George Leaf
October 23, 2024

Father forgive them that have been involved with this terrible deception. Open their eyes and hearts to see the slippery slope they walk upon for due time is coming. Amen


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