I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for the protection of our military bases and secrets. We ask You to guide our leaders so that they may respond to these threats quickly and effectively.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Chinese nationals have been caught around the nation spying on our military bases. Meanwhile, our leaders are unable to react quickly, bogged down by red tape and safety concerns. What is the solution?

From Campus Reform. Five Chinese nationals, all recent graduates of the University of Michigan (UMich), have been implicated in a federal investigation related to their suspicious activities at Camp Grayling, a military base in northern Michigan.

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The individuals, identified as Zhekai Xu, Renxiang Guan, Haoming Zhu, Jingzhe Tao, and Yi Liang, face charges for “[f]alse statements, conspiracy, [and] [d]estruction, alteration, or falsification of records in federal investigations,” according to an FBI complaint filed on Oct. 1.

The complaint states that the five Chinese nationals were caught while taking pictures close to “numerous military vehicles, tents, and classified communications equipment.” …

Describing the incident in more detail, the complaint states: “The SUBJECTS stood near the boat launch. When questioned, they said they were taking pictures. When the [sergeant major] asked what they were photographing, Subject 1 replied, ‘We are media.’ The SGM asked if they were with the Taiwanese, and Subjects 2 and 4 responded that ‘We’re Chinese.’ The SGM firmly told them they had to leave …”

As seen from records of conversations between the students on WeChat, a Chinese messaging app, the suspects seemed to have “coordinated their statements regarding the incident and discussed the deletion of photos from their electronic devices to prevent them being seen by law enforcement.” …

From The Wall Street Journal. U.S. Air Force Gen. Mark Kelly wasn’t sure what to make of reports that a suspicious fleet of unidentified aircraft had been flying over Langley Air Force Base on Virginia’s shoreline. …

For several nights, military personnel had reported a mysterious breach of restricted airspace over a stretch of land that has one of the largest concentrations of national-security facilities in the U.S. The show usually starts 45 minutes to an hour after sunset, another senior leader told Kelly.

The first drone arrived shortly. Kelly, a career fighter pilot, estimated it was roughly 20 feet long and flying at more than 100 miles an hour, at an altitude of roughly 3,000 to 4,000 feet. Other drones followed, one by one, sounding in the distance like a parade of lawn mowers. …

Officials didn’t know if the drone fleet, which numbered as many as a dozen or more over the following nights, belonged to clever hobbyists or hostile forces. Some suspected that Russia or China deployed them to test the response of American forces.

Federal law prohibits the military from shooting down drones near military bases in the U.S. unless they pose an imminent threat. Aerial snooping doesn’t qualify, though some lawmakers hope to give the military greater leeway.

Reports of the drones reached President Biden and set off two weeks of White House meetings after the aircraft first appeared in December last year. Officials from agencies including the Defense Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Pentagon’s UFO office joined outside experts to throw out possible explanations as well as ideas about how to respond.

The sightings revealed the dilemma of defending against drones on U.S. soil compared with the ease of deploying or battling them abroad. Drones have become a deadly and cost-effective tool of war, capable of carrying surveillance gear, explosives or lethal chemicals. Yet shooting down suspicious aircraft over the U.S. risks disrupting or endangering the lives of Americans the military is sworn to protect. …

Flying blind

The drone swarm was reported to the Pentagon office of the National Military Command Center, which is responsible for dispersing emergency messages to U.S. military commanders worldwide.

A report went to the White House Situation Room, and the president learned about it in his daily briefing.

U.S. officials didn’t believe hobbyists were flying the drones, given the complexity of the operation. …

Homeland Security Advisor Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall convened the White House brainstorming sessions. One official suggested using electronic signals to jam the drones’ navigation systems. Others cautioned that it might disrupt local 911 emergency systems and Wi-Fi networks. …

Others suggested that the U.S. Coast Guard shoot nets into the air to capture the drones. An official pointed out that the Coast Guard might not have the authority to use such a weapon in this instance. …

On Dec. 23, the drones made their last visit.

In January, authorities found a clue they hoped would crack the case.

‘Worst spy ever’

During a rainy morning on Jan. 6, Fengyun Shi parked a rented Tesla near 65th Street and Huntington Avenue in Newport News, Va., 11 miles from the Langley base. …

Shi, a student at the University of Minnesota, told nearby residents around midmorning that he was flying a drone that got stuck in a tree. As he tried to free it using his controller, a neighbor called Newport News, Va., police. Officers asked Shi why he was flying it in such foul weather, and they told him to call the fire department for help.

Shi instead returned his rental car an hour later and took an Amtrak train to Washington, D.C. The following day, he flew to Oakland, Calif. By chance, the drone fell to the ground that same day and ended up with federal investigators. FBI agents found that Shi had photographed Navy vessels in dry dock, including shots taken around midnight. Some were under construction at the nearby shipyard.

On Jan. 18, federal agents arrested Shi as he was about to board a flight to China on a one-way ticket. …

U.S. prosecutors charged Shi with unlawfully taking photos of classified naval installations, the first case involving a drone under a provision of U.S. espionage law. The 26-year-old Chinese national pleaded guilty and appeared in federal court in Norfolk on Oct. 2 for sentencing.

Magistrate Judge Lawrence Leonard said he didn’t believe Shi’s story—that he had been on vacation and was flying drones in the middle of the night for fun. “There’s significant holes,” the judge said in court.

“If he was a foreign agent, he would be the worst spy ever known,” said Shi’s attorney, Shaoming Cheng. …

“This isn’t a tomorrow problem, this is a today problem,” said Tom Karako, senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a national-security think tank in Washington. “It’s not an over-there problem—it’s an over-there, over-here and everywhere problem.”

U.S. officials confirmed this month that more unidentified drone swarms were spotted in recent months near Edwards Air Force Base, north of Los Angeles.

Share your prayers about this critical national security issue below.

(Excerpts from Campus Reform and The Wall Street Journal. Photo Credit: Przemyslaw Ceglarek via Canva Teams)

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T Mc
October 17, 2024

Does anyone seriously believe that the US intelligence services have not always been spying on and gathering information on Chinese military bases and capacity. It is a normal part of political life.
The Chinese are not going to invade the USA, don’t be paranoid – after all they print the ‘Trump’ Bible at very modest cost so that the ex-President can make some money.

Darlene Estlow
October 17, 2024

Father, open the eyes of Congress to change the law so that we can shoot down the drones. Thank you that they did get one drone. Foil the plans of the enemy, Father. Help us not to be foolish but to act with your wisdom and with open eyes.

October 17, 2024

This should absolutely not be downplayed. The fact is that China is going to attack America. They have kicked every foreigner out of their own country because they are preparing for war with the US and don’t want their plans leaked. They are going to attack and we will not be ready for it. We aren’t even on the offensive mindset. We are just sitting ducks. The Lord himself will have to direct our path as He has not been directing this country or many of it’s leaders. We cause wars all over the world, we fund more wars all over the world, we overthrow peaceful governments of countries because we profit off of war. May God have mercy on us all.

October 17, 2024

I ask and pray that Americans would be vigilant in reporting drones flying near sensitive areas related to the military. May they be exposed and dealt with in Jesus name. Protect our country for the sake of freedom. Praises be to God who is omnipresent, omnicient and all knowing.

October 17, 2024

This is truly a scary situation. First that we cannot detect these intruders and second that our military strengths (and weaknesses) are probably being shared with our enemies. With the borders being open and open to everyone (including sabotagers, spies, foreigners to destroy our country, etc.), I feel that our country will fall from within. There are betrayers to our country and working in our present administration that are part of the CCP. Little by little things get leaked out but I’m sure if we knew the true situation, we would be very appalled and feel very betrayed. I am really surprised we haven’t been invaded yet. I pray that we stand firm in our Faith in GOD, continued strength in our military and defense, and eradicate any evil intrusions come our way.

Ron Deere
October 17, 2024

This snooping and needs to STOP!!

October 17, 2024

None of this makes sense. It seems like it’s intentionally being allowed to happen. Is it a distraction? Or could it be true that the current president is owned by the CCP?

Dear Lord, expose the truth of the situation of the Chinese spying on US military within the US. In the mighty name of Jesus amen.

Mary Beth
October 17, 2024

Lord, we cry out to You. In this high-tech world, it appears that whoever has the best and latest has the upper hand. However, we know that You are a sovereign, almighty God – YHVH – and all the earth is under Your watchful eye, as individuals, families, peoples, and nations. As we remain under Your authority, and align with Your will and purposes as a nation, You will be our refuge and sure defense. So my prayer is that we will do so, and thus be “One Nation Under God”.


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