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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we lift up this gathering before You. We ask You to bless those in attendance, and to let this gathering shift the atmosphere in our capital!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

On October 12, a million women and men are expected participate in a solemn assembly crying out to God for the nation. IFA will be there. Will you?  

From Charisma News. People across the U.S. and abroad are preparing to journey to the National Mall in Washington, D.C., for the “A Million Women” solemn assembly on Saturday, Oct. 12.

Post a prayer for your state!


For those who are unable to unite in person, the prayer, fasting and repentance assembly will be livestreamed through and other social media platforms. …

Lou Engle, president of Lou Engle Ministries, says, “When there is no hope for a nation, when there is no remedy, God still has a holy prescription. Blow the trumpet in Zion, consecrate the assembly and call the fast! America is in a Joel 2 crisis.”

Engle, a visionary and co-organizer of the assembly, and other leaders are asking people to come in person, if at all possible, and to fast as they are able. …

“What a wonderful assignment to usher in the presence of God into the nation’s capital, appeal to the Lord for mercy on our nation, and share hope for our future,” says Kris Kubal, chief program officer of Intercessors for America.

“Intercessors from around the nation have been praying over the event, and many of our state leaders are holding prayer events in their capitals in support and intercession for this event.” …

The Oct. 12 solemn assembly will be held on the Day of Atonement “to fast and pray in unity as a last stand moment for America,” Engle says. He noted that the only day the Jews were commanded to fast was the highest holy day of them all—the Day of Atonement. They had to humble themselves to obtain a verdict of mercy on one day, rather than a verdict of judgement. On that day, the Lord would remove the iniquities of the land in a single day. Oct. 12 is that day—and let the church fast alongside the Jewish people for mercy for America.

The general prayer topics will include: return to our first love, behold the lamb, repentance, take the corporate posture of humility to repent together for national sin and guilt over various areas, reclaim/ revival, declare the authority of Jesus over our nation, reformation, take our place as women and mothers for the benefit of future generations, remember, gather as a nation around the table of Jesus and apply the blood of Jesus over the doorpost of our nation. …

Share your prayers for the “A Million Women” assembly below!

(Excerpt from Charisma News. Photo Credit: Ross Dunn – National Mall from the Lincoln Memorial, CC BY-SA 2.0,

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Iris Winters
October 14, 2024

Prayers and fasting for The UNITED States of America to return to being united under God as it was at the beginning when we actually dedicated
the land to Jesus the Christ for the salvation of the world and to spread the Gospel and the government to hold the Bible as THE LAW of the Land.

October 14, 2024

This was awesome – praying it resonates throughout America for the destruction of every evil stronghold, in the omnipotent name of Yeshua HaMashiach! ✝️🙏

Evelyn Steele
October 13, 2024

I stand with Heavenly Father God Christ Jesus and Holy Spirit for Gods ways to shine forth everywhere and be number one in our United States everywhere.. Lord help the ones that need clarity.
Heavenly Father God I pray for Trump and Vance to WIN for our nation needs .The Trinity with Trump and Vance.

Nancy Krueger
October 13, 2024

Lord Jesus I ask the your gift of Repentance flood this Nation every heart coming to you and ask for mercy and forgiveness for all of our sins as we acknowledge before you today we have forsaken you and turned away from you, bring us back and cleanse us renew our minds and transform our hearts as we acknowledge our iniquities to you Father, In Jesus Christ name, Amen

October 13, 2024


October 13, 2024

People keep asking me if I have found any trace of a rally at the National Mall on Saturday Oct 12 2024 because no one can find any pics online of the rally itself . A couple articles ( The Guardian and NBC) written early timewise spoke of a rally thousands and tens of thousands large. Thats news all things considered. But but no one can find it! Just a few close up shots of single individuals and 1 pic of a small group standing in front of a not so large TV. The streaming and you tube were all posted pre rally date and showed only pics from other rallies of all types including the Woman’s March protesting Trump. People are simply curious. Was there a rally , why is there no video or chatter or pics of a rally? If there is film what are they waiting for?

Larry Weiler
October 13, 2024

May God soften the heart of those who have chosen the evil ways of satan so that they repent and save their soul. I Trust in God’s plan.

Doug Milbourn
October 13, 2024

We have humbled our selves in repentance submitting to you.. Hear our cry for our Nation and for Israel. Deliver us from evil. We stand in the gap. Thank you for hearing our cry.. we trust in your name, you will deliver our nations.

October 13, 2024

It was So..glorious. I hope yall were able to attend online at least..I did. So blessed.
So intense!!

Carolyn D'Angelo
October 12, 2024

Lord I earnestly pray for New Hampshire and our local elections. Help us to see clearly who would best reflect godly/Biblical policies for our towns and schools. We have moved so very far from Your Biblical mandates and Your absolutes. Have mercy on us Lord God and help us to vote in godly men and women who will help us turn back to You. Also, I pray that our country and our government will once again be one nation under God, united together to bring back virtue and integrity into our political system. Protect the voting process so we will have honest elections. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord Almighty.

October 12, 2024

Dear God in Heaven, I pray for the state of Michigan. I pray for our elected officials, that you would touch their hearts. I pray that they would value life as you do. I pray for Michigan’s children, that you would protect them from all evil. I pray for the upcoming election, that honesty and security of the polls are protected by You. We know that You will prevail. Your plan is above all others. Thank you God for your love and salvation.

October 12, 2024

Oh Father I lift up my voice in agreement with this gathering in DC praying for our nation. I confess along side of these women repenting of the wickedness that has taken up root in America. My heart grieves for America. Father your word says if my people who are called by name will humble themselves and pray seek my face turn from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven forgive their sin and heal their land. Take notice Abba your people are doing according to your word. Oh God heal our land send revival. Father let the fire of your Holy Spirit be poured out on America upon the people. Open our eyes to see Jesus, he is the way the truth and the light to this nation. I call out for your mercy and forgiveness. Your word tells of your faithfulness and so I give you praise and thank you for what you are doing and what you will do. This is your nation you formed it to serve you and to bring light to the nations restore us once again to that place, bringing honor and glory to you. In Jesus name. Amen.

October 12, 2024

Dear Lord Jesus,
Please turn away those who are trying to turn Ohio blue. As Christians we desperately need Your
help as we are fighting a huge battle that only You can solve. We ask for Your help and guidance
and strength to achieve this. We ask for wisdom on how to defeat such evil that our country is
We ask these things in Jesus name. Ame

October 12, 2024

Lord, I thank You for this movement of prayer and fasting for our nation and for Your chosen Israel who has yet to fully know of Your Complete Once for All Atonement in Yeshua. Hear from heaven our grievous supplications in repentance for the evil of shedding innocent blood, engaging in every perversion, idolatry, the casting off of all restraint, and not blessing Your people Israel. The time of Your prophecy through Habakkuk will come because You have ordained it. Only You know when the fullness will be. So we ask for a cleansing, a return of hearts to You in the churches, in government, leadership throughout our land and may Your word and truth be spoken from the mouth of babes. Turn us from evil. And Lord bless and protect Your household, bring home our prodigals, have mercy Oh God of mercy

Rich Brokaw
October 12, 2024

We had eight intercessors who met at the State Capital of New York in Albany at 12 noon to pray, to declare and decree the Word of the Lord over NY and America. One intercessor had received a revelation to bring a bucket of sand. He poured the sand on the concrete before the steps to the Capital and drew his staff across the sand indicating the line had been drawn and judgment against the standard of the Word of God had come.
We marched around the Capital decreeing, then met in front of the Capital to continue praying against abortion, gender confusion, and the LGBTQ movement. We prayed awakening in the Ecclesia, and the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to change mindsets and hearts.

Frank Blackwood
October 12, 2024

Dear Lord,
Our nation has turned its back on You, disobeyed You, and blasphemed Your Holy Name because of human pride..We confess these sins to You and repent of them.
Thank You for giving us Your Holy Word as a map for our lives.May we
daily seek You out in Your Word and. mercifully give us hearts for joyful obedience.In Jesus’ Name I pray.Amen.

Bob Stier
October 12, 2024

Over the years, great Christian leaders have said that revival in the nation will not come before humble repentance and revival in the Church. Revive your church, O Lord! Humble Your people to confess personal and national sin and intercede for all govt leaders. AMEN!

October 12, 2024

I also am joining in a fast today b/c it is the Day of Atonement and we are Spiritual Israel and I’m joining you all in spirit! I pray that this Solemn Assembly of women intercessors will get to the ❤️ of Abba Father Yah, blessings are in Christ and I agree with you all and am praying that it might make Father relent from further devastation as I understand it will happen – may it be that Father will hear everyone gathered today amein! GBY all.

October 12, 2024

Let us pray that our Country will be healed and restored to the Christian nation it once was. Help us be ready for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ as the signs are all around us and may we help to bring as many believers with us as we are taken to our forever home. In Jesus’ name we pray!

October 12, 2024

Let us pray that our Country will be healed and restored to the Christian nation it once was. Help us be ready for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ as the signs are all around us and may we help to bring as many believers with us as we are taken to our forever home. In Jesus’ name we pray!

Sherry Wells
October 12, 2024

Lord JESUS I pray along with the women that there will come a Revival across our land ! In Kentucky as in all of USA states! We all need to repent! For all abortions here and all the evil that is done here! Save us LORD JESUS! YOU ARE THE WAY THE TRUTH AND LIFE! Help all the lost and those who have fallen away Church’s that don’t preach the Bible and who preach the Bible’s HOLY WORD! Thank you LORD for how You have blessed our land so much! Have mercy on the USA all people who don’t believe our LORD Is WORTHY! ONLY LORD JESUS can HELP US! I pray for GODLY people to be elected this election!

October 12, 2024

Praying and fasting on this day for a Presence in Washington of Truth, Kindness and Love for all life, along with Respect and Honor and Praise for our Perfect Father and Provider, Sovereign and Lord.
God bless each person in attendance, and may His will prevail in this gathering.
Wish I were there, Mariana (TN)

October 12, 2024

Jesus asked that He be remembered at the 3:00 hour – the hour of great mercy. The hour in which He gave up his life and paid the price for our sins. Many of us will be joining all at the Mall in prayer – esp at the 3:00 hour as we pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet – For The Sake of His Sorrowful Passion Have Mercy on Us and on the whole World.
Eternal God in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible – look kindly upon us and increase your mercy in us that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent but with great confidence submit ourselves to your holy will which is Love and Mercy itself.
May those praying on the Mall today be surrounded by angel armies and protected and may all prayers rise like incense to the throne of the Father.

October 12, 2024

Father I ssk for forgiveness from personal sin. National sin. All kinds of disobedience and perversion, failing to love and honor you and your Word.
I pray for turning from wickedness. Turning to you. Turn our hearts toward you LORD.
I pray for the pulling down of strongholds and wickedness in high places
I pray for the unveiling of deception that we will have eyes to see Truth. For forgiveness and healing of our Land. I pray fir your child Israel for the salvation protection and peace of Israel.

Mark Vice
October 12, 2024

I join with the myriad of us standing in prayer for the Lords Will to be done in this important area. Please Lord open the eyes of all of your people to see Your perspective…that each life is special and to be cherished. Help us oh Lord.

Catherine McCandless
October 12, 2024

May God bless them all we need this so desperately God will hear our prayers I wish I could be there but am praying everyday for our country and my fellow citizens.

October 12, 2024

Lord lift up the United States and the people to receive your great glory. I pray for all those in DC and at home praying for your grace. I pray for all those affected by the hurricanes and those able to assist the people. Amen

Melody Downey
October 12, 2024

Lord, let Your presence fall upon all who are gathered as they stand before You in prayer for this nation. Lord Your Glory fall and let it be seen. We cry out for Your mercy upon us as a nation. We repent for our sin as a nation and ask that You forgive us and re-establish us on the path of righteousness, truth, justice and true freedom that only comes through following You.

Mary Shields
October 12, 2024

EVERYTHING changes today!!! Our God is a covenant keeping, prayer answering God, and there is no way that He will not hear and answer what is being prayed today on His solemn day, the Day of Atonememt🙏🙏🙏He is answering that prayer for MERCY not judgment on our nation!!! Thank you Jeshua😇😇😇

October 12, 2024

Lord, I lift up all those in attendance at this gathering, I also lift up all those who are at home praying. LORD hear our Prayers and answer them in your time; it’s YOUR schedule and Purpose we want to follow. Amen

October 12, 2024

Praying with all and for NC Mark Robinson and Hal Weatherman..,

Adrienne Donnelly
October 12, 2024

Praying that God will bless all those in attendance and God bless America. ❤️🙏🇺🇸

Stanton Whitmore
October 12, 2024

Lord Jesus, I thank you that you have called a million people to cry out to you for our country in Washington today. We desperately need you in every phase of our country. I pray you will cleanse our country from evil . Lord we need you in every area of our country. Lord we need you in our families, in our church, in our economy, in our government, in our schools, in our media, and in our arts and entertainment. Lord , we are seeking you to bring your mighty power to bear on our country. Let the fear of the Lord fall upon our country. Let God be exalted and His enemies be scattered. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!

sally Edwina akin
October 12, 2024

I prayed seven times over the doorposts of the nation. Over Congress and those in authority

October 12, 2024

God bless all these women and God bless America in Jesus name I pray. Lord help us to regain some balance in our lives and our world. We need you more than ever to help us to watch over us to guide us to protect us and to heal this land.

Monica M Forrisdahl
October 12, 2024

Abba Father Jesus Holy Spirit I join my brothers and sister I enter Your gates with thanksgiving and Your courts with praise for all You have done are doing and will do I come boldly before Your throne of grace I humbly ask for forgiveness for all my sins my families sins and the sins of my country I we repent break the generational curses and any strongholds please have mercy on us help us to be hearers and doers of Your word and Your will help us to love one another as You have loved us help us seek ye first the Kingdom of heaven help us to walk in Your fruits of the Spirit which are love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness faithfulness and self control and walk in the gifts You choose for each one of us according to Your good and perfect will mature us help us remove any thing in our lives that is not essential to kingdom building help us hear Your voice above all others and go and do whatever Your good and perfect will calls us to wearing Your armor my we bring glory and honor to Your name it is in Your precious name Jesus that I pray also thank You so very much for allowing us calling us to be Your children i am forever grateful My God My Lord My King My Savior My everything good I love you 🙏😭❤️

October 12, 2024

Our Father who art in Heaven, hollowed be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen. 🙏🏻🙌

October 12, 2024

My prayer is with you change the hearts and minds of our leaders bring them back to you o Lord! Crush this woke agenda and humble us all . We repent for what our country has done forgive us for our sins and they are many. Amen

Stanton Whitmore
October 12, 2024

I admire everyone who made it to the “A Million Women” event. Our country needs a move of God so desperately. I am expecting God’s hand to move mightily in response to a million voices calling out to their creator and Lord! Praise the Lord!

Keith Knapp
October 12, 2024

Lord Jesus, thank you for being my savior and giving me and all of your people, the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Bless this assembly in Washington DC today and may their presence change hearts in DC today. We know that their collective faith can move mountains and tear down strongholds, according to your will Father.
We adore you and praise your Holy Name, God!

Anita Malaro
October 12, 2024

Lord Jesus be exalted as You cover Your people thank You for grace & mercy that triumphs over every lie of the enemy! Thank You that Your Name is higher than any other. And we come in agreement with Your will for our country. We raise up Your standard and we say no more of the arrogance & deceit the enemy is defeated. King Jesus thank You for protecting & providing for every believer at the great event. Thank You for America, Israel, & every nation that seeks to exalt You. Our elections we trust in Jesus Name, Amen!

Anita Malaro
October 12, 2024

Praise for all He is doing! I pray His grace & His mercy covers every believer & every prayer is answered in His will & His name! Jesus is Lord over all!

sue justice
October 12, 2024

Lord we place our sons, daughters, ourselves, our bloodlines, and our total nation into Your capable hands! We cry out for outpouring, & we and people respond to Your wooing and return to You fully– with willing and obedient hearts! Your merciful heart be poured out!!! Let us respond!!! God SAVE! DELIVER! Heal our land!!! As we repent & humble ourselves and turn from our wicked ways!
We declare a tsunami of Your Spirit is being unleashed across our land, and upon all hearts in our nation, from this holy assembly and epicenter! You are hearing and responding to our humble, desperate, unified prayers to You Almighty God!!! We declare a deep well be opened as we stand in the gap & a national Spiritual flood cover our land … We declare “the knowledge of the glory of God fill the earth as waters cover the sea” as we intercede as Esthers (Your Holy Bride) for all hearts in our land…. Not only in our land… but ACROSS THE GLOBE! Your will be done, Almighty God!!!! Be glorified! We love you! We want You. We need You. You are ALL in all!!! GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD, FOR HE IS GOOD, HIS MERCY AND LOVING-KINDNESS ENDURE FOREVER!!!

Carol Farrington
October 12, 2024

Lord I pray for your blessing on all aspects of this event. May the prayers of all of your people be heard and may they lead this nation to repentance and back to you….we need to look up, keep our eyes focused on You and have You guide and direct us in all of your ways….

John A. Spalding
October 12, 2024

Lord, I pray for our nation with these wise, godly, and powerful daughters of the King. Amen.

October 12, 2024

Lord, we claim victory in Your name over the enemies of Israel and the United States today. May Your name be honored and glorified at this great assembly of believers.

Sue M Nofziger
October 12, 2024

Lord reign over this event and bless all who ame. Let their prayers be heard by You and all over the nations as we seek to lift You up and tear down spiritual bondages. Bless my children Emily and Mikey who sacrificially gave of their time and money to attend. Let the coverage of this be positive and the results be glorious to Your honor, Amen.

Daniel Felice
October 12, 2024

Lord, we pray that you will hear the crying out from Esther’s people up to 1 million voices crying out to protect Israel, let this administration hear and also reach out and equip Israel, in Jesus name.

Susan Eddlemon
October 12, 2024

From Psalm 124 :7:
” The snare of the Fowler is broken, and they have escaped!”
The captives of Hamas shall be released in Jesus’s name and under his authority. Amen

Colleen Waiss
October 12, 2024

Almighty God, hear our cries today at this gathering. Father as we bow in unity and agreement in confessing our nations sins.. I lift up all gangs , murders, terrorist all those who have entered America to do evil and harm. I ask through the power of Your Holy Spirit “ to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in Me ( Jesus Christ).. Almighty God may You be glorified and praised. In the Wonderful name of Jesus. Amen

Brian Lynch
October 12, 2024

Lord Jesus, I pray for the outcome of this event in Washington D.C. Please protect and bless all of the people who are in attendance today. I pray especially for a change in the atmosphere in D.C. May Christianity receive its proper place in our society. May God once more be an important, crucial part of our government and society in general. Thank you, Jesus, for what You are about to do!

Jeff Baker
October 12, 2024

Praying that a true spirit of repentance will bubble up starting in DC and spreading to all 50 states – followed by a sweeping revival the likes of which the US has never seen.

October 12, 2024

Praying for All Our Brothers and Sisters All Over the World!! Praying Every One Will Love Each Other Like Jesus Loves Us!! What a Beautiful World We Would Have!! In Jesus Name Amen!!

Jeff Hikton
October 12, 2024

Dear Jesus – Thanks for these modern day Esters. For their prayers to be heard and for our nation to repent and fall to its knees in Your presence Father. To scour away evil from our leadership. For Your spirit to fall mightily on those who love You and call out Your name Jesus – Lord of Lord’s and Kjng of Kings! Amen

Marianne Johnson
October 12, 2024

Praying for Israel! Bless this nation! Bless the USA again Lord! If His people will humble their selves…! Praise Jesus our savior! Lord, let us seek your face!

Ada Norton
October 12, 2024

I pray that the Lord will turn the hearts of the millennial and Gen Z towards Him. I pray for a great revival among them, a great hunger for righteousness and truth through the Lord Jesus Christ.

October 12, 2024

Father God in the name of Jesus, I come before you, asking you to forgive me of my sins that I may be worthy to come before you in prayer on behalf of others, Lord bless this gathering, keep the people safe, let your word be spoken before this nation, let the people hear and take heed, your will is that none should perish, we know your will be done, in heaven and on earth, have your way on today in Jesus name!!

Toni Kushner
October 12, 2024

Father, It is with humble hearts we come ask to forgive us of our sins, turn our hearts to You. Rebuild our nation and help us to live a HOLY life committed to Your ways, we know you love your people and desire that non should perish, but all come to eternal life. We need You Lord , we surrender our lives to You. For You are the HOLY ONE, the God of our salvation.

October 12, 2024

Prayed the Holy Rosary in Adoration chapel before the Blessed Sacrament for America to return to God!

October 12, 2024

Father God in the name of Jesus, I come before you, asking you to forgive of my sins that I may be worthy to come before you in prayer on behalf of others, Lord bless this gathering, keep the people safe, let your word be spoken before this nation, let the people hear and take heed, your will is that none should perish, we know your will will be done, in heaven and on earth, have your way on today in Jesus name!!

Katherine Havens
October 12, 2024

I pray for our nation and all the lost souls out there. God blanket us in protection.

Mary Ann Bishop
October 12, 2024

May our faithful Father hear our prayers and turn the heart of our nation and South Carolina back to Him. May His powerful Spirit sweep this land with a fresh awakening and anointing that we might return to our first love and be the light and the salt to an increasingly dark world.

Michele Simard
October 12, 2024

Heavenly father, with love, Thanksgiving, repentance, and petition I pray for the state of Tennessee. I pray for the state of our nation, oh Jesus. Guide us, direct us Lord and lift us before you. In Jesus name, I pray amen.

jeannie seck
October 12, 2024

Thank you for this visionary and obedient response to our Lord and Father as corporate prayer and fasting before Him for our nation and leaders. Our country needs the Savior , and true repentance from the evil that has overtaken our steeetscand our states. I pray – May He bless us with spiritual revival .

Ronda Orchard
October 12, 2024

May your presence Lord lead so many to your truth. May you open the blind eyes and shod the feet of your people to stand in your presence. Give hope to the hopeless and peace to the brokenhearted. Amen

Gayla Margene Voss
October 12, 2024

Lord, I pray for our nation and each of our states, especially Iowa, my state, my prayers are that our nation can return to a Christian nation, as we once were. May the peoples call upon you and you Lord will hear our cries, repent of our sins and turn to you as our Lord God and Saviour> I pray for the coming election, Lord will your will be done. In Jesus name. Amen

Judy Guilfoil
October 12, 2024

Joining you in fast and prayer today through Our Lady of the Rosary

Barbara Baumann
October 12, 2024

Praying for the Blood of the Lamb to cover the United States of America ❤️

    Carolyn Cornette
    October 12, 2024

    YesFather cover us by the blood of Jesus

October 12, 2024

Praying for our country. Without hope we have nothing. All of our hope is in Jesus.

Mary Holmberg
October 12, 2024


Sharon Wolf
October 12, 2024

Lord, I come before you in prayer and fasting today, October 12, 2024. I praise your holy, beautiful name – the name above all names … Jesus, YHWH, the Great I AM.
Lord, your name is the name above all corruption and lies that have been spoken over this beautiful Nation – a land ordained by you. Your Name is the Name above the United States of America. Lord you tell us that no plan of yours can be thwarted and you have a plan for the United States of America. Lord, I [we] pray that plan into being. We pray Your plan for the United States WILL be realized and truth, blessings and righteousness be revealed. I [we] pray YOUR WILL BE DONE in these upcoming elections and that our Nation will be redeemed!
I love you, Lord!

    Sharlene K Fleming
    October 12, 2024

    100% agree! God, YOUR WILL BE DONE! Praying salvation for the lost, scales to fall off their eyes, and hearts to be softened. Praising Jesus for His faithfulness!

Jean Schue
October 12, 2024

My heart is broken for all that has taken place in our country the past several years. (and way before that) I thank God He opened my eyes to see his Word for this country and that it is still possible if we humble ourselves and come in repentance He will save us. Lord we pray for more hearts to turn to you, for more eyes to be opened, for more arms to gather those who are led astray and love on them. Thank you for giving us Your son to lead us in this fight. Help us to be His hands & feet as we walk in His strength to come back as a nation that puts You in front, middle and end of all our policies, laws and governing. May God find us faithful as He walks among us. I pray in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen

Frrancoise Merry
October 12, 2024

Praying right now for that big gathering in DC. Praying for protection, for great faith, even for salvation for those who join but are not saved yet!

Mary Beth
October 12, 2024

We will be joining by livestream from Longview, TX. Lord, we ask that You bless, protect, and guide this gathering in D.C. to align with Your heart and mind. May it release waves of glory, revival, and awakening throughout our land. In Israel, Lord, may this Yom Kippur, Day of Atonement, be unlike any known before. May they behold Yeshua, their Messiah, who as our Great High Priest went into the Heavenly Tabernacle to sprinkle not a bull’s blood for His own sin – for He was sinless – or to sprinkle the blood of the goat whose lot fell to YHVH – but to sprinkle His own blood. You, Yeshua, have provided to all who would receive it, atonement and cleansing. Thank You!! We give You all the glory!!

Michele Trangsrud
October 12, 2024

Lord, have mercy on us! We pray for your forgiveness for turning away from our first love, for letting the enemy steal from us, for being quiet, for the millions of babies we have let be aborted, and so much more. Forgive us, cleanse us, and save us. Let your people shine with the light of your glory!

October 12, 2024

Lord I pray for this event in Washington DC. Lord our nation needs Your mercy. We deserve judgment, but we’re humbly asking for mercy. Please forgive our sins and heal our land. Holy Spirit blow Your wind of revival across this land, from sea to shining sea and awaken Your church. Save millions of lost souls Lord for Your Glory. In Jesus Name I pray. Anen

October 12, 2024

Father God, we praise You and give thanks to you for the hearts of many that are crying out with repentance and for the healing of America. Heal America O God, display Your mercy and reveal Your glory in Your absolute sovereignty, that You do whatever You will and no one can question it. We thank You for the precious blood of Your Son Jesus that washed away our sins, giving us the privilege to cry out to You with a heart purified and a conscience cleansed. America needs You. May this gathering be pleasing in Your sight from beginning to end. May Your name be glorified. And may the deep conviction of our personal and national sins be in every heart of Your people–that we may strive for holiness all our days–and in the heart of unbelievers–to give them a new heart and a new spirit to worship You. The LORD is great and is greatly to be praised! Hallelujah! In the precious name of Jesus we pray, amen!

Paul J Fishman
October 12, 2024

Today I will be doing a March for Jesus in Tucson AZ doing the same in solidarity for the Esthers and Mordecai standing in the gap for our cities and nation before the elections.

Maribessl Powell
October 12, 2024

Lord, please send a Great Awakening to America and save the lost. Please send revival to those who are saved and repentance to all of us who have allowed the worldly, ungodly thinking and acting to take over our hearts and lives. Revive us again! Let our hearts be in tune with Your heart and help us to obey You, Almighty God. We love You! We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and King.

October 12, 2024

Father God I lift up this prayer time in DC today, asking for your protection, your abundant blessings, and that as they cry out to you, I pray, Father God you would hear their prayers hears our prayers, Lord change the people in this nation back to you, Father so that you are honored and lifted high in this event in Jesus name may there be changed lives in Jesus powerful name I pray amen

Dennis Smith
October 12, 2024

Father, awaken your people to the lateness of this hour. Restore our land to the covenants our forefathers made with you. Forgive us for breaking them and forgetting you and your blessings throughout the years. Save the lost! Reform our institutions! We have no King but JESUS!

Lena Awad
October 12, 2024

Lord we pray for this Nation. Let Your Truth be revealed to the blind. Let Your light shine through Your people Lord. Thank you that Jesus sits at your right hand interceding for us. Thank you for hearing our prayers. We pray Psalm 91 over all that gather in Washington. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Paul Taylor
October 12, 2024

I have been fasting and praying for our nation, our children and the awakening that is needed in our nation to shift! This is the end of the 21 day fast. As I feast praying this morning and listening I received a word from the Lord that we are to mark this day. The Lord has heard our prayers and He will shift this nation, our State of Maine and move upon the hearts of people. We will see signs and miracles like never before. We will see what was thought impossible, take place and we will be able to say, “This was the hand of the Lord!” When I finished journaling, I got up and looked outside and there was a rainbow in the sky. I don’t know how to post the picture of the rainbow, but I have it and know it is confirmation to all that is taking place today in Washington DC. Praise God.

    Susan CC
    October 12, 2024

    Paul, Ha’El hanne’eman is Hebrew for Faithful God, which is what came to mind as I read your “share.” I wanted to find a scripture that expressed my feelings….then I stumbled upon this article. He (truly) rewards the faith of those who passionately seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) I share this with you and thank God for His Faithfulness and your passionate faithfulness to Him, it is humbling. As for your word, may it be so Lord.

    The Meaning of Amen and the Hebrew Word for Faith

Vincent J Serino
October 12, 2024

Let the church rise – fall on her knees – let us repent and humble ourselves and ask the lord for forgiveness of our sins as a nation. Let us turn back to the founding fathers vision of “In God We Trust” – let us pray for his continued Blessings upon this nationand for revival to bring back God in our country!
‘May the Lord bless us
and protect us.
25May the Lord smile on us.
and be gracious to us..
26May the Lord show us. his favor
and give us. his peace.’

Debbie Rine
October 12, 2024

I’m praying for our land to be covered in revival. For Jesus to hear our plea for the United States of America to once again be a land “In God We Trust”
I’ve lived in SC all my 71 years and have watched things change -some things for the better-some not so much.
I am proud to be an American and would pray we can still be the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.
If my people will humble themselves and pray….
Jesus went up to the mountain to be alone with His Father…
Jesus prayed in the Garden, not my will but Thine…
Remember: In God We Trust!!
Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your mind and lean not unto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths.

Pamela Ennis
October 12, 2024

We must humble ourselves and seek God for His mercy on our land. We pray for restoration in our families. Holy Spirit, please guide us today in prayer, we love You, we worship You. In Jesus’ precious name

Carol Schulstad
October 12, 2024

God in your sovereignty and might, your faithfulness and mercy, hear the prayers of your Saints today. As we lift up those affected by hurricanes, provide for them. Remind the weapon of death against the precious babies and children in our land. Restore value of life your creation, in the hearts and minds of the people. Bless America with righteous leaders in the elections. No weapon formed shall proper. Bless Israel as she fights for her land and people. No weapons are mightier than your strong hand O God. Keep safe the gathering today at the mall. In your Holy name. Jesus. Amen

Josué Toro
October 12, 2024

Padre nos unimos en clamor pidiendo misericordia para US, nos humillamos delante de ti, restáuranos, sana nuestra tierra y familias, devuelve al hijo pródigo a tu casa, oramos por un avivamiento del Espíritu Santo, te presentamos las elecciones para que nos guíes, pedimos sabiduría para las personas que están en autoridad, líbranos de los malos gobiernos, te lo rogamos en el nombre de Jesús, amén

    Susan CC
    October 12, 2024

    I had to translate Josués prayer and share…it is beautiful. Amen y gracias mi amigo.

    “Father we join and cry out for mercy for the United States, we humble ourselves before you, restore us, heal our land and families, return the prodigal son to your home, pray for a revival of the Holy Spirit, (we) present the elections to you to guide us, (we) ask for wisdom for people who are in authority, deliver us from bad governments, We beg you in Jesus’ name, amen.”

    Josué, que Dios te bendiga y te conceda los deseos de tu corazón. Que Él te bendiga y te recompense de acuerdo a Su Palabra. Shalom

Doris Matherne
October 12, 2024

Thank you for your prayers…. Pray -Fast -Stand .. God will Heal our Land , this a 2 Chronicles 7:14 moment.. Glory to God!

Genevieve Abalos
October 12, 2024

King Jesus,we unite together this day, the of Atonement on behalf of our nation. Lord God, we ask that Your breath blow over our nation drawing men’s hearts to respond to you. We ask Father, that you draw the hearts of Your children back to You. And the hearts of stone be removed allowing for You to replace them with hearts of flesh. Make us tender for You and tender for each other. Let Your kindness draw all prodigals back home. Let Your kindness show up on the darkest places causing salvation to turn into the greatest adventure the Americans have ever known. I ask that the news of revival in the hearts here would spread to every nation on earth and that Your breath would fill the lungs of a new movement toward holiness. I ask, King Jesus that You cause our leadership to take the proper steps to protect our ally, Israel.
Please Lord provide abundantly for those in the wake of the recent hurricanes. The survivors. Bring glory to Yourself through the destruction of darkness. Raise up Your Lingdom and turn our focus toward You. Shine brightly in us as a nation once again.

    Susan CC
    October 12, 2024

    I was reminded of this song reading your beautiful prayer Genevieve, “Let Your kindness show up on the darkest places causing salvation to turn into the greatest adventure the Americans have ever known….Bring glory to Yourself through the destruction of darkness. Raise up Your Kingdom and turn our focus toward You. Shine brightly in us as a nation once again. Amen”

    Shine, Jesus, shine, fill this land with the Father’s glory
    Blaze, Spirit, blaze, set our hearts on fire
    Flow, river, flow, flood the nations with grace and mercy
    Send forth Your word, Lord, and let there be light

    Amen and amen!

Paula Moore
October 12, 2024

Lord Jesus, King of kings and Lord of all, we thank You ,not only for prompting this Million Woman Assembly in DC, but that You are in our midst, leading us forth. “It is God who is at work in you, both to will and to do of His good pleasure.” As we cry out before You in both personal & national repentence, we are in joyful expectation of our Hope, that as we call upon the Name of the Lord on this day, the Day of Atonement, that you hear our petition, Father God. And as You hear our cry, we put our Trust & confidence in You to answer! Father God, in Your great mercy & grace, forgive our sin, both personal and national, and accept our sincere petition to Revive and Restore our Republic and its People, that we may stand & endure before You as Your Sheep nation! We love You because You first loved us. We invite & welcome Your Holy Spirit move of Salvation all across our land, from the White House to our own house! Praise You Father God, and be thus glorified in Your Son, Jesus Christ, as it’s in His Name and because of His shed Blood on our behalf we come before You. In Jesus’s mighty Name we thank You for hearing and answering our cry unto You, Heavenly Father! In Jesus’s Mighty Name, Yes & Amen!

    Susan CC
    October 12, 2024

    “We invite & welcome Your Holy Spirit move of Salvation all across our land, from the White House to our own house!”

    SMILIING BIG….yes, indeed! Amen and amen.

Dawn Jarvie
October 12, 2024

Dawn Jarvie
October 12, 2024
Lord thank you for this day of prayer and fasting. Lord release your revelation knowledge on your people and send a wave of revival that awakens America. Let your mercy abide and release such love amongst your children and create clean hearts so your will shall be done in earth as it is in heaven. Protect your people as we put on the full armor of God to stand against the wiles of the devil. We stand therefore having our loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: above all, taking the shield of faith, where we shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. We pray for the protection and peace over Israel for you have desired it for your habitation. Let us all dwell in unity as we raise up a standard and fight with you Lord Jesus to make America great again as it should be One Nation Under God Amen!

Carol Ann
October 12, 2024

My precious heavenly father, I come to you, you my Lord with the anguish of a mother with prodigal children. Please hear my prayer and all the prayers of the people are praying for their loved ones to come to know you as our lord and Savior our heal our land forgive our sins save our children, save our grandchildren Show the world that when we pray to the true living God, you hear us and that your word iwill not return void you have a covenant with us your word that you put in our mouth will not depart from our mouth or the mouth of our children and our grandchildren from this day fourth We’re desperate for your Lord may our prayers go to heaven and accomplish what you say that it where two more people gather in your name you’re there whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven I believe it. I pray Lord suave deliver restore our faith family in Jesus Holy name I pray amen And 🙏🙏🙏💕💕💕 will be watching online and agreeing and praying from Florida in Jesus name amen

    Susan CC
    October 12, 2024

    Carol, (for years) I have declared this passage in Isaiah and pray it again with you for your children and your family. I add, “Is not My word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that smashes a rock?” Yes Lord! In Your Mighty Name Jesus, do this work in us all.

    Isaiah 59: 21“As for me, this is my covenant with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit, who is on you, will not depart from you, and my words that I have put in your mouth will always be on your lips, on the lips of your children and on the lips of their descendants—from this time on and forever,” says the Lord.

October 12, 2024

O Lord bring us back! O great God of the universe we lift up our prayers to you!

Dawn Jarvie
October 12, 2024

Lord thank you for this day of prayer and fasting. Lord release your revelation knowledge on your people and send a wave of revival that awakens America. Let your mercy abide and release such love amongst your children and create clean hearts so your will shall be done in earth as it is in heaven. Protect your people as we put on the full armor of God to stand against the wiles of the devil. We stand therefore having our loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, our feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: above all, taking the shield of faith, where we shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. We pray for the protection and peace over Israel for you have desired it for your habitation. Let us all dwell in unity as we raise up a standard and fight with you Lord Jesus to make America great again as it should be One Nation Under God Amen!

Tom Norton
October 12, 2024

Father, pray for a hedge of protection around this event today. Let absolutely nothing cause it to be harmed. Assemble more than 1 million prayer warriors in DC today.

Elizabeth Casale
October 12, 2024

Dear Lord
I thank you because you loved us so much to die for us and give us eternal life. We praise and give you honor. Hallowed be thy name. Protect those that are standing in the gap for our country. Strengthen our America and give courage to those in authority to stand on your word. Lead them and bless our country. Help those who have been afflicted by the storms. We pray for Israel. Protect your children they need victory over those who want to destroy them. Protect the young children from this wokeness that has gripped so many. Give wisdom to our leaders and open their eyes to truth. We ask for guidance and need your hand to move upon those who want to destroy our country and take our freedom from us. Be with our veterans who have given so much to secure our nation. Put those in authority that will keep our nation under Christian Judeo values. Protect president Trump and bring those forward that should support him and stand united under God this season of election. Heal our land Lord “ If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and I will forgive their sin and heal their land” 2 Chronicles 7:14. In Jesus name I ask. Amen Amen

Patricia Collins
October 12, 2024

Jesus, send Your Angel army in to take back the Spiritual atmosphere of this country, bringing awakening and repentance. Let all them that are written in the Lambs book of Life turn to You in repentance and salvation, returning this country into one Nation under God once more. Let your will be done. We love you, Jesus!

Ann Mroz
October 12, 2024

Praying in Connecticut. Streaming event at my church.

October 12, 2024

Father, our hearts @ souls have been decimated by the evil that has saturated this land & plummeted it into darkness & deep corruption, BUT JESUS, You are the light of the world that obliterates darkness! Today Lord, hear our collective hearts cries to heal our land as we stand in the gap in repentance for our sins! We implore your Mercy oh Lord! Surround this glorious prayer event with 1 million of your heavenly host to cover & protect your people & all the surrounding property! We bind any & every attempt of the enemy & his kingdom from causing any distraction or harm to your interceding people oh God! THANK YOU LORD for putting this day of repentance gathering on Lou Engle’s heart & enabling him & his team to ACTIVATE the church to seek Your face on this solemn day. Use this Lord to spread repentance throughout our nation, that You will hear our momma’s hearts cries, heal our land, & restore us to bring one nation UNDER GOD, in Jesus mighty name, AMEN!

June Schuldt
October 12, 2024

Song of Repentance for our nation.

Praying in New York State. Day of prayer at our church.

Monty Fritts
October 12, 2024

We are praying in Tennessee.

October 12, 2024

Father, we lay bare before You today some of the darkest chapters of our history as a nation. Have mercy, Lord, and give grace to these pray-ers on the national mall today. Thank you for the states that have enshrined life for babies in the womb since June of 2022…Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Texas. Bless these states in ways that will humble neighboring states and further open eyes to your peace and generosity and love for the unborn You have created. Send rebukes to the remaining states that are undeniably tied to their killing of babies in the womb. We thank You for this historic day. Lead and protect every pray-er on the Mall today for Your glory and their joy. Amen.

Lin Wilder
October 12, 2024

Triune Gosed we know well of the vastness of our sins and therefore wholly deserving the wrath of Divine Justice. But we implore your great mercy and ask that you hear and answer these faithful daughters with love and mercy.

Jamie Hotelling
October 12, 2024

Lord Jesus please protect this prayerful gathering today. Let your name be proclaimed! HS speak to the hearts of those in our government to turn from their wicked ways! Forgive us Lord Jesus for complacency! Stir the hearts of your people to return to their first love! Revive us oh God! Have mercy Father God on America. Lead us in the paths of righteousness for your Names sake. Be glorified Yahweh today!!

October 12, 2024

Please, Father, remember our faithful brothers who are languishing in prison, having been railroaded by a corrupt judicial system. Comfort them, deliver them, and hold those accountable who falsely accused them and denied them the justice they are due, both as American citizens and children of the Most High.

October 12, 2024

Heavenly Father, I pray that 🙏 your Holy Spirit will rest upon this Solemn Assembly today & your Holy Spirit will rest upon this gathering.
I pray that we as a nation will turn back to you. Hear our prayer, Father.
In JESUS name, Amen.

October 12, 2024

Praying for protection of this gathering.
Lord hear our cry for repentance and reclaiming of our national heritage. One nation under God
In Jesus name


Jane Schmitt
October 12, 2024

God the Father, Jesus is son and our savior, and the Holy Ghost that lives in us. All are welcome to show up in Washington DC and the states of this nations today. May this make our nation turn back to your ways spelled out in the Bible. Amen

Linda P May
October 12, 2024

I am standing for this nation in prayer. We plead the blood of Jesus over this gathering. Let Jesus be glorified in everything said and done. Let His name be lifted up! I pray for healing and restoration, a fire of awakening to spread across this Land. Satan you cannot have our kids! We claim each one for the kingdom of God! They will fulfill the identities first which they have been created! God bless all those in attendance and all those standing at home alongside them. God let your fire and presence come! Heal our land Lord! It’s in Jesus name, we pray! Amen,

October 12, 2024

Lord, we cry out to You in humility and repentance, seeking Your forgiveness and mercy. Forgive us as individuals, as your Ecclesia and as a nation for turning away from Your Father’s heart, ways and Word. Restore us unto Yourself, oh Lord. May this be a turning point to run to You and into Your arms of love and forgiveness. We thank You, Father, that You hear our prayers and petitions. We stand together for Your will to be done on earth as it is heaven, in the mighty name of Jesus. We will not be distracted and will remain on the wall of prayerful intercession for our nation, children and families for such a time as this!
2 Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.

October 12, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: We pray a hedge of protection around all of those attending this rally. That it will not be misconstrued by the government or media and will instead bring YOU the Glory and Honor intended. That because of this rally, revival will start in our land. That blinders and scales will fall from the eyes of those the devil has led astray and a Holy Love and Fear of You will flood our nation as we repent and turn from our evil ways. To you be all Glory, Honor, Power and PRAISE for you ALONE are Worthy to be PRAISED! We pray this prayer in the Mighty Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Our Lord, Savior, Healer, Protector, Provider, Best Friend Ever — Our Everything! Amen

Margarita Rose Bailey
October 12, 2024

Lord Jesus please pour out your Holy Spirit upon those in attendance. Your will be done. In Jesus we pray. Amen.

Trina H
October 12, 2024

Oh Lord, as we battle for America in prayer, we ask for forgiveness for misrepresenting You. Forgiveness for staying silent as your precious one little ones are continually sacrificed. Forgiveness for not speaking out against the castration of our children. Forgiveness for not voting for Biblical principles. Forgiveness for tollerating evil. Forgiveness for our nations dark past. Forgiveness for not defending those that cannot defend themselves. Forgiveness for being a poor example to other nations. Forgiveness for being so selfish and self-centered. Forgiveness for not being a good steward for all that you have so greatly blessed us with. Forgiveness for failing to place others needs before our own. We know You are a merciful and loving God, and that Your mercies are new every morning. Please help us in Your body to remember that we are a new creation, and help us to learn to walk in our new creation every day. We humbly ask for help in turning our nation back to You. Show us the way. There are no perfect human leaders, but we ask for a leader that will stop the killing of Your children, and that will bless and support Israel. We also ask for blessings over the Esther event tomorrow, and we thank You that we still live in a land that allows such an event to occur. May the prayers and petitions lifted up bring glory to our Lord and King, in Jesus name amen.

P Neondo
October 12, 2024

Lord, move by Your Spirit to forgive, awaken, heal, restore, deliver America back to Yourself. Would You revive America again, Lord? Would You restore her first love for You, Lord? Would You rescue her for Your name’s sake, Lord? Would You remember the labour of earlier fathers of faith (as You did concerning David) and restore America back to Yourself, Lord?

Thank You Lord for honouring America with Your presence and wiping away her sins IN ONE DAY!

Ruth M
October 12, 2024

Lord, we lift up this gathering before You. We ask You to bless those in attendance, and to let this gathering shift the atmosphere in our capital!
That your will be accomplish and your name lifted up. That this gathering glorify your name. That the Word of God go forth and draw many to Christ in Jesus’ Mighty Name! Open the windows of heaven and send down your rain, and let revival begin and spread out through the United States and all over the world in Jesus’ name. Amen!

October 11, 2024

Thank you Lord for Your mercy. Bless this gathering. Holy Spirit please move mightily. We pray Your hedge of protection over everyone and this gathering. Forgive our sins,
for the shredding of innocentlives . Restore America, awaken Your people. Bless Your people, the faithful remnants in America. In Yeshua ‘s name, I pray 🙏

Sandra Perkins
October 11, 2024

El Shadai, We come to you with repentant hearts for having allowed You to be removed from so much of our lives, and for the babies who are being aborted. I always thought the people I elected into office had our best interest in mind, so I didn’t engage the way I should have. Thank you for waking us up to the truth. Let every Christian stand up, step out, and speak up (verbally and by our votes) in order to bring righteousness back to our nation. We know this is not a battle of flesh and blood, but a spiritual battle. We ask you to send your warrior angels with their shields up and arrows drawn to protect everyone who is standing up for Biblical values from evil attacks. We ask you, Lord, to move this mountain of evil that has overtaken our nation. Have mercy on our nation as we look to you for protection, courage, wisdom, discernment, and guidance. Above all, Thy will be done.

October 11, 2024

Father I pray protection on the saints that are going to be a the mall on this historic day. I pray that will be covered by the main stream media so people can witness a mighty move of God. In Jesus name.

    Susan CC
    October 11, 2024

    Dear Rose, I so agree with your prayer. Yes Lord, protect each person in attendance. Yes Lord, may those looking on ( and media) hoping to disparage in any way, be saturated in the torrential love that I believe will be there. Amen

October 11, 2024

Dear Lord i come to you with a thankful heart. Thank you for minimizing Hurricane Milton.
Lord, I pray for our upside down world. From this day forward, I pray that the Mountain of Evil will be removed. Praying and believing by faith that my prayers will be answered. In Jesus’ name!

October 11, 2024

Tzom Kal “easy fast” for all y’all.
FATHER, Thank You for sending Your SON, Yeshua HaMashiach who is the fulfillment of Jer31:31, source of Your New Covenant.
Thank You for collapsing hurricane Milton eye wall before making landfall. We lift up the people who lost property from tornadoes and water damage.
Thank You for protecting Israel from ballistic missles, rockets, mortars, antitank destruction of homes.
Thank You for Lou Engel, Million Esther’s & Mordechai’s calling for restoration of America. America shall be saved IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

October 11, 2024

I am praying and fasting and calling forth the mercy of Lord God Jehovah. This Nation shall be saved. God will hear and honor our repentant cries of God forgive us, God save us. We declare that Jesus Christ is Lord and He is our soon coming King!

Cheryl Woods
October 11, 2024

I’m on my way there now. Holy Spirit is already moving and preparing the way….🙏🙏🙏
Praise God, Praise the Lord!!!


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