I Prayed have prayed
God, we come against the influence of the CCP in prayer and may we guard and protect our valuable intellectual property.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The nation’s former leading high school allegedly sold its intellectual property (including curricula and floor plans) to the CCP. Now 20 clones of the celebrated school are running in China.

From National Review. The State of Virginia has promised to look into Chinese Communist Party influence in Fairfax County Public Schools, after National Review reported a bombshell allegation that administrators at Thomas Jefferson High School sold the public school’s intellectual property to America’s adversaries. 

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Parental-advocacy organization Parents Defending Education claimed on Thursday that a nonprofit organization affiliated with TJ High School, and run partly by the school’s administrators, made contractual agreements with three CCP-linked Chinese entities to exchange intellectual property for $3.6 million in cash payments.

TJ High School, which was for years America’s leading science, technology, engineering, and math school, was replicated in China at least 20 times, under a program named the “Thomas Schools.” Chinese officials who sought to “clone” the Virginia public school did so successfully, and with the help of TJ officials …

“Governor Youngkin has been clear about the extent of the deeply disturbing efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to infiltrate educational institutions in the United States,” Youngkin press secretary Christian Martinez told National Review. …

A spokesman for the Virginia attorney general’s office confirmed to NR that “we are aware of the issue and will be placing it under review.” …

What do you think of this allegation? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from National Review. Photo Credit: Mark Nolan/Getty Images)

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T Mc
October 15, 2024

Seems a good idea. Millions of Chinese students study overseas, USA, Australia, Canada, UK, etc. to add an American model of schooling to the mix at home seems a great way to go. Congratulations to TJ High School.

October 15, 2024


Peg B
October 15, 2024

Heavenly Father, we seek Your forgiveness in selling the blessings You had given and entrusted to us for a price. Lord have mercy on us. Luke 22:40-46 Tells us as Jesus was in agony on the Mount of Olives, that He gave these instructions to His disciples “Pray that you may not enter into temptation.” vs. 40 Again in vs. 46, “Rise and pray that you many not enter into temptation.” Lord we hear Your instruction and know when we lack in this, this is exactly how we become deceived and misled with every kind of evil. Thank You for this sound wisdom. Please remind us daily to exercise this valuable teaching. As we submit in obedience to You, You redeem us and this nation and set us on the straight path. Glory to God! In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Mary Beth
October 15, 2024

The god of mammon is still calling the shots in many people’s lives. Lord, may we recognize the fact that You are YHVH Yireh – our Provider – and cease bowing down to any other – only You deserve our allegiance and worship.

Flora G Vela
October 15, 2024

Number one question ? Where did the money go? To line the pockets of the board, or to further education?

Darlene Estlow
October 15, 2024

Father, we look to you to protect our nation from China’s desire to destroy us. May we be faithful to you and repent of our sins so you can protect and restore us, defending us from our enemies. I pray for China’s leaders that you would turn their hearts to you and to your truth.

October 15, 2024

There is a reason that these mindless “education”bureaucrats are becoming obedient globalists. Oldest reason around…they are corrupt and being bought. The real players pushing globalism are financial and/or political insiders are overtly satanic. They know a shallow interpretation of the Scriptures and are hoping that satan can pull off his rebellion, maintain control of the earth and reward these fools with eternal power right here on
earth. In fact they will suffer the worst eternal punishments of any and these lower level players will not end up in a much better place. The average know nothing liberal who vaguely supports globalism but doesn’t really know why, should realize they have been subtly brainwashed by the totalitarian-minded main stream media and have opinions totally ungrounded in reality. An example is supporting an empty pantsuit who hates this country and will do whatever she is told to bring about its demise. The main point is that all these silly globalist projects…such as selling out to the Chinese Communist party…reflect a hatred for God
and the vain hope that mankind can set up utopia on earth and prevent the return of Jesus Christ. That is a loser’s bet for sure.

Nancy Bell
October 15, 2024

Responsible persons MUST be held ACCOUNTABLE! Let God have his turn on Judgment Day! Lives have been impacted! This must cease!
Bless & SUPPORT Parents Defending Ed!

October 15, 2024

The officials within that school who made the deal with the CCP should be tried for treason.

October 15, 2024

Dear God,
Open the eyes of Americans to the infiltration of our society by communists and radical Islamists, so we would resist instead of helping our enemies. Bring revival so many would be saved from the evil that has blinded them. For, you are greater than the enemy of our souls. Amen

October 15, 2024

I continue to pray for God’s Holy intervention. My heart’s cry is for God to save us and I keep declaring that Jesus is Lord over all. May God be glorified!

October 15, 2024

The article is quite short. Some nations have only a desire to tear down America and will do so using any means possible. Infiltrating our nation through any loop hole provided by use of the carrot on a stick of dollars is just easy reliable access. works every time.

God is not selling out America and we must stand with Him. What Esther said is what we must say, if I perish, I perish. NKBJ


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