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The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association is threatening to sue Evangelicals for Harris over its new ad depicting the late Billy Graham.

From The Christian Post. Legal counsel for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association recently sent a cease-and-desist letter to Evangelicals for Harris after the political action committee rolled out a $1 million ad campaign last month using footage of the late Rev. Billy Graham to attack former President Donald Trump.

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A spokesperson for the Charlotte, North Carolina-based nonprofit told The Christian Post that the organization generally avoids commenting on current or potential disputes but confirmed that Evangelicals for Harris has been threatened with a lawsuit for alleged copyright infringement.

“We have communicated directly to this group our concerns about the unauthorized, political use of BGEA’s copyrighted video, and we will continue taking appropriate steps to address the matter,” the spokesperson said.

Evangelicals for Harris has featured multiple ads using decades-old sermons from Billy Graham to imply Trump is not a candidate Christians should support. In its latest ad, titled “Keep Clear,” the PAC pulled from a 1988 sermon Graham delivered on 2 Timothy 3:1-5 to suggest Trump exhibits the character of evil men in the last days.

The BGEA spokesperson suggested that Graham himself, who died in 2018 but expressed regret in later life for getting too close to politics, would have been offended that his sermons proclaiming the Gospel were being used to attack a presidential candidate and make a political point.

“It may be worth noting that, in all of his years of ministry and across relationships with 11 U.S. presidents, Billy Graham sought only to encourage them and to offer them the counsel of Christ, as revealed through God’s Word,” the spokesperson said. “He never criticized presidents publicly and would undoubtedly refuse to let his sermons be used to do so, regardless of who is involved.”

Evangelicals for Harris responded to the cease-and-desist letter by issuing a formal legal response arguing that “limited use of Billy Graham’s speech falls squarely within the fair use protections afforded by Section 107 of the Copyright Act.” The PAC also fired off a series of posts on X alleging that Franklin Graham intends to “silence” them because he is “scared” of their ads.

The eldest son of the late evangelist has been an outspoken supporter of Trump’s policies and has claimed that Trump was the last presidential candidate his father voted for. After they dropped their first ad featuring his father in August, Graham wrote on X that they “are trying to mislead people.”

Evangelicals for Harris, which was founded by former Evangelical Environmental Network and Evangelicals for Biden head Rev. Jim Ball, also issued an extensive statement Tuesday that essentially accused Graham of idolatry.

“Franklin has placed his hope in a man and a darkness we saw manifest when police lines were overrun at our nation’s Capitol on January 6, in Springfield this past month, and in the spirit of fear and anger fed at every Trump rally Franklin attends. Our hope is not in any man or woman but in Christ alone,” the PAC wrote.

“Our call is to serve, to witness Christ’s love and compassion, and to follow His example of standing between the hypocritical religious leaders and the social outcast. We know the law is on our side in this case. If Franklin follows through on his threats, we’ll see him in court,” they added.

Evangelicals for Harris made headlines in August when Jerushah Duford, who is Franklin Graham’s niece, suggested during a Zoom call organized by the PAC that Trump supporters are causing people to turn away from Christianity.

Duford, who has ties to The Lincoln Project and whose website describes her as an “LGBTQ+ friendly” licensed professional counselor in Greenville, South Carolina, has been outspoken for years against Trump. In an op-ed in 2020, she urged Christian women to reject him, claiming “the church honors Trump before God.”

Echoing attacks from Evangelicals for Harris, Duford also accused her uncle last week of abandoning his family in western North Carolina to survey the hurricane damage with Trump in Valdosta, Georgia.

“I’m glad he had the time and resources to fly to Georgia just so he could stand next to Trump. While his 79 yr old sister, my mom, is stranded with no food or water,” Duford wrote in an Oct. 1 post on X, adding, “#wwjd.”

Days after meeting with Trump in Georgia, Graham spoke to CP from western North Carolina, where he said his own home in Boone remained without electricity and was relying on a generator.

What do you think of this ad? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

This article was originally published at The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Paul M. Walsh – Billy and Franklin Graham, CC BY 2.0,

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October 14, 2024

During the first and second diasporas, Jews were split. During the latter, some were Hellenic Jews meaning they were kind to idolatry and sexual immorality. Also, when one reads 1 & 2 Maccabees (crucial in getting a clearer understanding of Daniel) some Jews preferred abandoning Israel to defending their God given land. In fact, Acts talks much about Jews who were against Paul. In short, the lust of the flesh took and takes violent precedence over the God Who paid for them. Lastly, we must understand that the Adversary also has evangelicals.
Father, forgive us. Take the hearts of stone out of those who reject you and replace them with hearts of flesh. Give us patriots who love You, defend Israel, protect the unborn and our borders and who want to end human trafficking in the USA and Israel. Lastly, Father, utterly destroy everything baal, ishtar and molech.

October 14, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: I am so sorry that there are people who call themselves YOUR followers who are believing lies and trying to, in effect, exalt themselves above you. Standing for and agreeing with a group who are clamoring to kill innocent babies you formed and have purposes for, lying to young people saying they can change even the gender you created them to be, and believing it is alright to have men lay with men and women with women when your word in Romans stands firmly against that. If they were EVER real followers of yours, please convict their spirits concerning their sin and open their eyes to YOUR Truth. Bless those who, even when faced with condemnation from those mislead, such as Mr. Graham, that they have your strength and courage to stand for what is right. We thank you in advance for answers to prayers and give you all Glory, Honor, Power, and PRAISE for you ALONE are WORTHY to be Praised! We pray this prayer in the Mighty, Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, Savior, Healer, Protector and Best Friend –= Our EVERYTHING! Amen

T Mc
October 14, 2024

Idolatry is a charge that should be taken seriously – and comments on this site are well on the way. Church historians in reviewing Billy Graham’s blessed ministry observe that one glaring weakness was that he was ‘political naive’. Franklin may well be similarly endowed.

Ann Shaw
October 13, 2024

God knows the whole truth and I trust God

October 13, 2024

Was it not satan the serpent who “was more cunning than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made” say to the woman, “Has God indeed said, “You shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” Genesis 3:1
Cunning he was and is.

“The serpent said, “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:4

“Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.”
Genesis 3:7
“In Eden, the devil sold slavery to Adam and Eve, but called it independence;
he sold them wisdom, but it turned out to be mental darkness;
he put forth a beautiful vision of who they could become, but his offer was sweetly poisoned.
He promised them fulfillment and gave them guilt.
He appealed to their pride and gave them despair and an empty life.
He promised like a god but paid them like the devil he was.”
Erwin Lutzer. “We Will Not Be Silenced”
The likeness is astounding. This “antic”, along with many other political ads from Kamala’s camp, reads so much like satan in the garden that it was the first thing that came to mind. Deceit, delusion then destruction.

God Most High, Yahweh: You are the divine intercessor for Your children. You have intercessed – come between – us and the evil one on so many different occasions: You parted seas, You averted armies, You made donkeys speak, You guided slingshot stones and sank them into the giant’s forhead, You went to the Cross and defeated the grave. I pray for Your divine interruption in this mess of lies, corruption, deceit and dishonor to You and one of Your most trusted servants. Open eyes once again, and again and again.

In Jesus Name. Amen

Tory Laine
October 13, 2024

If my mom had been without food or water I WOULD BE TAKING CARE OF HER MYSELF – not expecting my uncle to do it. That comment says a lot more about Jerushah Duford than Franklin Graham,

Kelli N
October 13, 2024

Is it just me, or do these Evangelicals for the Democrats sound hateful? They are actively engaged in trying to deceive people.

Susan Eddlemon
October 13, 2024

Billy Graham’s niece most likely believes the lies that she is speaking on behalf of her group.
She is sincerely but most certainly wrong, just as the Sadducees were wrong in Christ’s earthly ministry.
Speaking the truth from a position of recognized authority often brings the speaker down on one or the other side of a political issue.

Susan Eddlemon
October 13, 2024

Where Billy Graham here today he would almost certainly say, ” I am Billy Graham, and I did not approve my niece’s message!”

October 13, 2024

Lord, My heart is grieved over this public display of slander and acrimony from supposed followers of Christ’s Way of Love. We pray against and bind the demons of darkness that stir up strife in the public arena. We ask for you to pour out calm patience, kindness and generosity toward anyone who holds opinions different from our own. Guide and help your people, Lord, and bring gentleness of heart to those suffering with anger and hatred. Amen

October 13, 2024


Barbara Vaught
October 13, 2024

well, folks, we can see who are the wolves in sheep’s clothing who have infiltrated our churches for Satan’s bidding.

Brenda Lunn
October 13, 2024

Praying everyday for the lies and deceit to stop. The government and the media will do anything to remove President Trump. We need Godly men and women in our government.

October 13, 2024

Wow !!! Time to pray boys and girls !! Have we failed our country and our savior that such a lie can exist that would allow a “Christian “ to maintain the values of the democrat’s party !!! We have messed up so tragically that only GODS merciful fist can bring redemption to America …. Please Father keep our eyes on YOUR truths and be not swayed by the outcome of this election. May YOUR kingdom come and YOUR Will be done in YOUR America this day … Amen


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