I Prayed have prayed
Father God, please bless this gathering of Your people to seek Your face.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

On October 10-11, 2024, intercessors are seeking God’s breakthroughs in this time of existential threats to the future of all the nations. As E.M. Bounds put it: “Prayer can do anything that God can do!” Join forces with fellow believers this fall to resist the evil one’s plans and protect our nation and the global Body of Christ from his agenda.

You can pray and fast along with the National Prayer Assembly (NPA) gathering on October 10-11! Follow the prayer prompts in the agenda below. And scroll down to download the companion prayer guide!

Be a part of the breakthroughs God is bringing in America and worldwide. The inspiring song “As One We Stand” describes what the Lord is doing to connect us all for the awesome things He wants us to pray and do together for the revival and restoration of our embattled country.

October 10th Seeking His Forgiveness, Resisting the Darkness

10 am to 12:30 pm:

  • Seeking His Forgiveness of Corporate Sins, Healing of Divisions and Spiritual Revival of the Nation (2 Chron. 7:14, Ephesians 2:14-16)
  • Applying His Victory in Resistance to Forces of Darkness (Matt. 18:18-20, Luke 10:17-20, James 4:6-8)
  • Grasping His Deliverance and Destiny for America’s Future (Jeremiah 1:9-10, Isaiah 60:1-3)

12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Break

2:00 pm – Praise and Worship

2:30 pm – Repentance for Corporate Sins of America

3:00 pm – Reconciliation and Healing of Divisions in Church/Nation

3:30 pm – Repentance with Intercession for Spiritual Revival and Moral Restoration-Warwick Marsh (representing Australia’s prayer movement in alliance with the USA)

4:00 pm – Repenting for Sexual Immorality, Abortion, and LGBT issues and praying for the protection of our families

4:30 pm – Break for Liquid Refreshments (Water, Coffee, Tea, Juice)

4:50 pm – Listening to the Lord: Brief sharing of impressions or words regarding sins or other issues He is highlighting for more focus- open mic

5:00 pm – Responsive Prayer in Small Groups about additional concerns raised

5:10 pm – Praise and Worship

5:30 pm – Repentance for Government Subversion, Corruption, and Interceding for Our National Elections

6:00 pm – Recognizing and Repenting for Occult Invasion and Renouncing of False Gods

6:30 pm – National Security Threats

7:00 pm – Intercession about Islamic Jihad, Terrorism, and Subversion

7:30 pm – Confronting the threat of globalism, the NWO, and world government to America, all other nations, and their sovereignty

8:00 pm – Listening to the Lord: Brief sharing of impressions or words regarding other aspects of issues He is highlighting for more focus- open mic

8:10 pm – Responsive Prayer in Small Groups about additional concerns raised

8:20 pm – Praise and Worship

8:30 pm- End of session


October 11th   Seeking His Deliverance and Agreeing for His Breakthroughs towards a Glorious Future

9:00 am – Welcome and overview, including prayer

9:05 am – Praise and Worship

9:20 am – Praying for Our Political Leaders (President, Vice President, Cabinet, Congress)

9:50 am – Interceding for National Elections

10:20 am – Praying with and for Our First Nations

10:50 am – Break

11:10 am – Interceding for Economic Concerns

11:40 am – Interceding for Truth in Media

12:20 pm – Prayer for Reaching the Unreached and Lost

12:30 pm – Free time for prayer for one another, a brisk walk, or a quick lunch at nearby restaurants as desired

1:30 pm – Our Nation’s Families under Attack: Interceding for Our Children, Youth, and Next Gen Leaders- Kathleen Trock (possibly with children)

2:15 pm – Standing with Israel and the Jewish people in Prayer

2:45 pm – Million Women vision and how can we pray in preparation for the mall event

3:00 pm – Logistics and Other Concerns for Million Women initiative

3:15 pm – Recounting and Agreeing on Key Prayer Concerns, Trusting God together for His breakthroughs

3:30 pm – Final song- As One We Stand

3:35 pm – Prayer of Benediction over the participants and America

Speakers include Lou Engle, Rep. Michele Bachmann, Dave Kubal, Gen. Jerry Boykin, Rickie Bradshaw, Geoff Eckhart, Jonathan Fritz, Summer Ingram, Jason Hershey, Myron Lizer, George McBane, and more . . .

Please post what the Lord is speaking to you about the nation as you pray and fast!

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Darlene Estlow
October 10, 2024

Thank you for this gathering to pray and seek God! This is great.

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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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