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Father, we thank You for protecting Oklahomans from this potential attack. We pray that You would protect America from terror, both on Election Day and beyond.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The DOJ arrested an Afghan migrant and ISIS supporter for allegedly planning a terror attack for Election Day.

From Fox News. An Afghan citizen living in Oklahoma has been charged with plotting a terror attack on Election Day on behalf of the Islamic State in which he and an underage co-conspirator expected to die as martyrs, the Justice Department said Tuesday.

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Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, obtained firearms and ammunition to conduct a violent attack on U.S. soil, as well as taking a number of steps to prepare for the plot, authorities said. He entered the United States on Sept. 9, 2021, weeks after U.S. troops pulled out of Afghanistan, on a special immigrant visa and is currently on parole status pending adjudication of his immigration proceedings. …

Tawhedi was arrested on Monday and is charged with conspiring and attempting to provide material support to ISIS and receiving a firearm to be used to commit a felony or a federal crime of terrorism. He appeared in an Oklahoma federal court on Tuesday. …

Ahead of the planned attack, Tawhedi allegedly liquidated his family’s assets, resettled members of his family overseas, acquired AK-47 assault rifles and ammunition.

In his seized communications, Tawhedi allegedly indicated that his attack was planned to target large gatherings of people on Election Day, during which he and the juvenile were expected to die as martyrs. …

Federal prosecutors allege Tawhedi communicated with someone who facilitated the recruitment, training, and indoctrination of those who expressed interest in terrorist activity and who he believed was affiliated with ISIS. During a search of his phone and other electronic devices, he was seen on a video recorded on July 20 reading to children from text that described the rewards a martyr receives in the afterlife, authorities said. …

He faces up to 35 years in prison if convicted.

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(Excerpt from Fox News. Photo Credit: ronstik/Getty Images via Canva Pro)

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Mary Beth
October 10, 2024

Thank you for Your protection from this terrorist plot, Lord! We desperately need You to continue exposing evil, at every level, and frustrating the plans of the enemy. I repent that our “justice” system is so unjust, often punishing the innocent and not punishing the guilty. We continue to suffer as a society, because we do not obey Torah – and instead arrogantly replace Your ‘mishpat’ with our opinions. We renounce and reject the ideology of Islam, that leads people into such horrible deception as to honor murder and chaos. YHVH honors life and shalom., and righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne.

October 10, 2024

35 years maximum!? in jail in our country and at our expense!? for planning the murder of many and disruption of a national presidential election!? Deport him immediately! Lord, we praise your holy name as we enter your courts to put this case before you. Your word says you want that none should perish so we pray for Tawhedi and others like him to come to know you and confess that you are Lord and repent of their evil ways. Abba, grant us wisdom to know what you would have us do with these people who plan death and destruction to our people and nation. Bring your supreme justice to bear in this case and make it known that You, the Lord, have spoken!

Ann Gullen
October 10, 2024

I did not intend to send my comment as a prayer. It was purely a comment on the terrorist plot and how the terrorists involved should be treated as a result in order to protect any and all potential victims from these murderous

Ann Gullen
October 10, 2024

Isn’t plotting a terrorist attack on our nation with the willingness to die in the process considered an act of terroism?
All the communication – proof of the plot, the gathering of weapons and the trainingc of others to complete the terrorist plot an act of treason??
If those in authority in our country who have taken the oath of office to defend and protect our nation from all enemies both foreign and domesti, then any of the people involved in tge plot including those willing to die to kill Anerucans deserve to die immediately! Why should anyone allow such dangerous people to be housed and cared for in any way be supported by the taxpayers who are the very people that these terrorists were plotting to kill pay to keep them alive?
Not only are we paying to keep these terrorists alive, but there is the danger that they could escape and fulfill their plot to kill Americans. Kill them before they kill us!


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