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Father, we pray for reform in our government. Guide our leaders and let them use taxpayer funds to help Americans, not to fuel problems like the border crisis.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Despite what some may say, FEMA money is being used to help illegal immigrants. The people responsible for this might not be who you expect.

From Just the News. In the midst of the last major budget crisis in Washington, Democrats diverted money and the legal authority to put the nation’s disaster relief agency into the business of caring for the millions of illegal immigrants who crossed the border on the Biden-Harris administration’s watch. And now both parties seem to be trying to obfuscate the truth.

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White House spokeswoman Karine-Jean Pierre took the lead in trying to suggest it was a “conspiracy theory” to suggest the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was using its resources to aid illegal aliens. Republicans countered with surprise and shock that FEMA had routed $640.9 million in grants to nonprofits aiding immigrants, many of whom have crossed into the U.S. illegally.

But the truth is both parties signed off on a budget deal earlier this year that increased funding for the new mission authorized in 2023 for FEMA, which is now reeling from a double-barreled hurricane crisis that has led to frustration over alleged missteps by the agency as millions of stranded and needy Americans in the Southeast await help.

“FEMA, as well as this whole Biden administration has is here to protect Americans, our citizens, and hurricane Helene has put a tremendous burden on us, but, get this, follow these funds that have been directed at anything but Americans: $110 million in FEMA funds went to the emergency food and shelter program to assist migrants,” Congressman Ralph Norman, R-S.C., told the “Just the News, No Noise TV show Monday.  …

FEMA has disputed the Republican characterizations in recent days that disaster relief money was diverted to fund illegal immigrants, instead pointing out that Congress appropriated funding for the immigrant programs separately during the budget process.

“This is false. No money is being diverted from disaster response needs. FEMA’s disaster response efforts and individual assistance is funded through the Disaster Relief Fund, which is a dedicated fund for disaster efforts. Disaster Relief Fund money has not been diverted to other, non-disaster related efforts,” FEMA said in its Hurricane Helene Frequently Asked Questions page. …

A Democrat-run Congress [in 2022] created the Shelter and Services Program (SSP) was to replace a similar program formerly run by DHS, which was directed to transfer $800 million of its appropriations in 2023 to the emergency management department. Though FEMA is a subagency of DHS, it represented a transfer of the core responsibility for illegal and legal immigrant support to the agency dedicated to disaster relief.  …

By 2024, the program was well established at the agency when Republicans and Democrats alike voted to fund it to the tune of $650 million with the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024—a minibus bill passed by the House and Senate in March, both with significant Republican support, and sent to President Joe Biden’s desk.

Now, Republicans have placed the program under a spotlight after widespread flooding and damage from Hurricane Helene left several southeastern regions devastated and tens of thousands of citizens without basic resources. But, so far, few who originally supported the bill have owned up to their role in passing the budget stopgaps last year funding the very programs being placed under the spotlight. …

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(Excerpt from Just the News. Photo Credit: ajay_suresh – Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), CC BY 2.0,

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Sheri Jean Dammarell
October 10, 2024

Homeless people in our country including many veterans have suffered from fa failing government that promises assistance to housing and yet these millions of Illegals are being given housing vouchers , $2 thousand dollars a month as well as voting rights that are not legal, all for the sake of taking our tax dollars to fund the 2024 Election!
God please stop the wicked plans of these ungodly Senators, Representatives and those Democrats who will do anything to win! This is Not your plan for our United States of America 🙏

Beverly Steckler
October 10, 2024

I believe the Rinos in the Republican Party knew exactly what they were doing with FEMA and funneling money to the illegal immigrants… no self respecting person would ever take money away from American needs first.

Mary Beth
October 10, 2024

I grieve over the financial mismanagement of the current administration and Congress, and the border crisis, and numerous things – but my focus is on the fact that this is a great opportunity for God’s people to do what they were called to do – to care for the poor and needy. Perhaps this is God’s way of rebuking us for trusting government to do what He told us to do. Are we investing in what He prioritizes – which is people – not buildings, and other such things?

October 10, 2024

It’s sad A few Republicans didn’t even know they voted for
This because NO ONE ever reads these bills. This has to stop. Pray for our legislators to have the boldness to reduce the size and scope of bills so not only they can read them fully before voting. And we can read them and call before they vote and our voices can be heard

October 10, 2024

How do I/we receive the information on who wrote, who compromised and the roll call vote for the “Shelter and Service Program” and the other misnamed, felonious appropriations act? Where is the true, unredacted info

While there are American citizens, families busting their butts to make ends meet, Veterans, elderly, children – there are politicians stealing monies in astronomical amounts to give to this and God only knows other leftist camps.

Yahweh, Yahshua, Holy Spirit: You opened the blind man’s eyes: open the eyes of the American public. Open them with the knowledge of what has happened and what is happening in this country. Then… give them wisdom and courage to take the steps to change it and change those who continue to perpetuate this evil.

In Yahshua’s Name . Amen

    October 10, 2024

    It may be in the story from Just The News if you can find it


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