I Prayed have prayed
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you (Isaiah 41:13).
Reading Time: 3 minutes

While Americans are still reeling from the unexpected mass impact of the inland hurricane with Helene, yet another powerful storm is poised off the coast of Florida ready to wreak havoc. IFA intercessors across the nation have been praying about the results of Helene–praying for families, praying for disaster relief, praying for infrastructure, praying for leadership. And we are now praying about Milton.

There are many challenges in disaster recovery. If you have never experienced being in a natural disaster such as a hurricane, tornado, fire or flood, you may not have thought of the kinds of decisions and actions that go into relief efforts. Some are short term, but much of the recovery effort is a long-term project. In an attempt to provide truth, prayer direction, and hope in this shared disaster, IFA is encouraging you to use our comments section to both ask for prayer if you or a loved one is in the path of the storms, or to offer prayer, encouragement and hope to those who need it. We will continue to offer updates from our relief partner, CityServe, who is currently on site in the southeast and is already positioning for efforts in Florida.

Here are some points of prayer over the situation:

  • Pray for the immediate needs of families to be met: Rescue. Medical attention. Food and Water.
  • Pray for roads and bridges to be evaluated and repaired to bring more accessibility to areas hardest hit.
  • Pray for wise management and distribution of relief resources. It can be difficult to manage a wide supply chain of donations, maintain safe and organized storage, and then distribute items needed to the appropriate locations and families.
  • Pray for housing solutions for families who have been displaced.
  • Pray for the body of Christ to lead the way in offering help, prayer, support, and community.
  • Pray for the restoration of infrastructure, including electricity, gas delivery, road repair, and communications.
  • Pray about debris clean-up, which is a huge undertaking that requires many people and the right equipment to reach strategic locations.
  • Pray for families who are dealing with loss of life, loss of homes, and loss of jobs.
  • Pray that Americans would continue to actively help efforts, donate toward recovery, and pray for those in need.
  • Pray for those providing assistance: linemen, clean-up crews, aid workers, truck drivers, pilots, cooks, chainsaw teams, civil engineers, construction crews, warehouse workers, counselors, and general volunteers.
  • Pray for mayors, city workers, officials, firefighters, police, and the governors of affected states.
  • Pray for affected citizens to be able to vote in the elections in affected states and for safe and legitimate voting methods.
  • Pray for long-term projects to rebuild homes, towns, and businesses and revitalize communities.
  • Pray for those in the path of Milton who are yet to be impacted. Pray for strategic preparations.
  • Pray for the Lord to calm the storm and for minimal impact.
  • Pray for the body of Christ to shine in the midst of darkness in our nation!

IFA is holding a time of prayer over the next 24 hours beginning at 5pm ET this evening on our SPECIAL EMERGENCY conference call line for all of these efforts and the incoming storm Milton. Dial (605) 472-5104 and use code 4999075# to join the call.

Click here to get on our text list for urgent prayer efforts.  Be sure to check the box subscribing to texts.

Join in ministry to people who need our prayer right here! If you or someone you love are in an affected area and are in need of prayer, post your prayer request in the comments below.  Let’s reach out to pray over those requests and offer hope, encouragement, and answers to prayer! It is a great time to show how the body of Christ can meet the needs of hurting people!

(Photo courtesy of CityServe.)

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October 8, 2024

Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, we bind any and all forces of evil, deception, schemes, ill plans, deceitful agendas, injustice, and weapons formed against the targeted areas of the hurricanes and those battling the after effects. Lord, You who are able to pull a gold coin out of the mouth of a fish surely are still able to reach the known and unnamed needs of Your children. We thank You for Uour unwavering character which anchors us during these unsettling times. We thank You for exposing truth in the midst of everything and thank You for moving Your will through action in the hearts of all believers so Your glory can be demonstrated through the love and provision extended fromYou and yours. We pray in Jesus’ name Amen!

October 8, 2024

May God turn the winds and rain back.

October 8, 2024

Lord Jesus, I asked that your grace and mercy be upon everybody in the state of Florida my sister, brother-in-law, my brother and dear friends, please Jesus less in the storm by your power and every community together working together and helping each other out Lord Jesus make it so that there are no casualties and the storm lessons it’s strength please Lord Jesus we ask you this in your holy name amen🙏

Joy Almond
October 8, 2024

Lord I have been praying and weaving as I see the news, we do have family in Asheville and the surrounding area in North Carolina as well as many areas of Florida. Such beautiful land, beautiful ocean, but a nightmare for those who are living in the aftermath of the hurricane helene,. We pray and ask for your mercy with this newest storm hurricane Milton. I pray that it will break up and lose strength before hitting land. We remember in job that you alone make the borders between Land and Sea you have walked on the sea you have calmed the sea you have split Waters into for people to flee, nothing is impossible for you and we are asking for you to hear our prayers and have mercy on the people and property and animals in these areas. We also know that you have given us gifts as Christians to share our time talents or Treasures with others as well as our comfort. Please press upon the hearts of those who are able to give creatively. We know that no storm in life is without a purpose you will bring good fruit even from what appears ruined. Thank you Jesus for all the Miracles, thank you for miracles that we don’t even know about that happened last week. I know people will be testifying about your goodness and coming to know you through this time in Jesus name amen

    Diane Green
    October 8, 2024

    Biggest Hallelujahs 🤩in total AGREEMENT with Prayer Warriors TAKING AUTHORITY OVER THESE STORMS BY SPEAKING TO THE STORM ITSELF as JESUS DID in Mark 4. He didn’t pray to His Father but spoke TO the storm. . He died to give AUTHORITY BACK TO HIS BELIEVERS
    1.2.3. GO✝️🩸💒💥🙌🏻

Lewallen Farnham
October 8, 2024

Dear Lord protect all residents in Florida especially my older brother Larry and his wife Dee.Also weaken the storm so they’re not hit too hard.Also send angels to be with my nephew Brian and his wife Stacy and All of their children.I pray this in Jesus precious name Amen

October 8, 2024

Father, we ask for the release of your pre-ordained provision to meet the needs of those disadvantaged with unique physical,, emotional , medical requirements including the homeless and those with pets or animals that need your support.

    Joy Almendarez
    October 8, 2024

    Amen,yes Lord. Be with the families and adults and kids who are caring for others in wheelchairs or with other deep medical needs. Also, please protect and heal the Mental health of those who are struggling, and will miss counseling appointments. Or medication. Please stand in those gaps. You SEE. In Jesus’s name

Jim R
October 8, 2024

Thank You for Your love, mercy and grace. Thank You for the protection across the country, and be with those victims, the families, pets, property, livelihoods.

May this be a turning point for those needing to be closer to You,
May this be a a wake up call for the lost and cold toward You.
May difficult times be a motivation for all of us to get our lives straight.

Show us where we are not aligned with Your will
and help us get under Your plan for us, Your protection for us, Your direction for us … within Your perfect will for us.
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Marilyn K
October 8, 2024

Jesus– even the wind and waves obey you. Help those who have been broken by this storm, protect the weak and help them hold on, and protect the strong who are helping them. Protect the first responders, the rescuers, the restoration construction workers, Thank You for the body of Christ who are on the front lines bringing hope, help, medicine and relief to so many. Help those who are counselors, those who are in the middle of this trauma. Pour your grace and favor on them. Help people find their missing loved ones. In Your mercy, Lord, hear our prayers. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

    Joy Almendarez
    October 8, 2024

    Yes Lord please be with the First Responders and give them your Supernatural strength I pray that the National Guard and all those who are being activated to serve will be enough to work normal shifts so they do not get overwhelmed and tired as well. They have families too and those families need them at home soon, please give creative ideas to all who are at the ground zero in these areas in Jesus name amen

October 8, 2024

I pray for all the people who have been impacted by Hurricane Helene. I pray that God will meet all their needs. I pray that they will know that there are many people interceding for them in prayer. I pray that they feel the love of other Americans but most of all I pray that they feel God’s arms wrapped around them in love.

I pray for Florida as they prepare for the impact of Hurricane Milton. May God be with them and hold them in his arms. May God give them the strength that they need to get through this.

Mary Guilliams
October 8, 2024

I pray Father if these are ill winds You dismantle the storm.

    October 8, 2024

    father, we know that you can literally turn this, you can steer it away. Please blow it out to the sea. please turn it away as a mighty display of your power. Many of us have the faith to believe this is possible! some of us are so weary with all the bad news of our nation and we confess that we are fearful. Some of us are also sorrowfully repentant for being too lazy for too long. I know I am. Thank you for waking us up.
    I ask for a Great and mighty deliverance from this horrible storm in the name of Jesus. I ask it as a sign that you do still love us and that we are forgiven, but please change us and change our hearts in Jesus name we ask , Amen .

October 8, 2024

FACT: Father, the state of Florida has declared and taken upon them as a STATE MOTTO: “In God We Trust”! It was adopted by the Florida legislature as part of the state seal in 1868. This is also the motto of the United States and is a slight variation on Florida’s first state motto, “In God is our Trust.” In 2006, “In God We Trust” was officially designated in state statute as Florida’s motto. SO GOD, WE DECREE and DECLARE that the STATE of FLORIDA TRUSTS IN YOU for EVERYTHING that they have need of! ABBA, THEY NEED YOU NOW!!! We ask for You to release EMERGENCY ANGELS to help those in need and stand as a wall of protection against the tempest of fear, destruction and annihilation, in the name of Jesus! WE SPEAK LIFE over FLORIDA! LIFE!!! LIFE!!! LIFE!!! We, as Intercessors, perform a prophetic act and B-L-O-W this hurricane from the northeast in the gulf, to the southwest, in Jesus’ name! That it will go AROUND the Florida peninsula and AWAY from the state, MIRACULOUSLY, in the NAME of JESUS! Father, protect all people, animals, homes, boats/ships, emergency responders and support, and plant life that is close, and WRAP YOUR ARMS OF LOVE around the STATE OF FLORIDA, in Jesus’ Name we ask in FAITH BELIEVING that WITH YOU, GOD, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! YOU are the GOD of MIRACLES! DO IT AGAIN, ABBA! YOU are the GOD of MERCY! HAVE MERCY on FLORIDA, ABBA! YOU are the GOD OF LOVE! WE LOVE YOU, LORD! LET LOVE, LOVE, EXTRAVAGANT LOVE B–L–O–W THIS hurricane AWAY FROM THE LANDFORMS, in Jesus’ Holy and MIGHTY NAME! We thank you Father, for hearing our Prayers! Your word says where two or more are gathered in Your name, YOU are in the midst of it all! WE ARE CRYING OUT as INTERCESSORS for THE STATE OF FLORIDA! COME, LORD, JESUS, COME! BE GLORIFIED GOD! GLORIFY YOUR BEAUTIFUL SON, JESUS CHRIST! WE LIFT YOUR NAME HIGH-HIGH-HIGH!!!!!!! Thank you Lord! Thank you for Your tender loving MERCY over Florida! In Jesus Holy Name, we pray!

    October 8, 2024

    In agreement! Father God we call upon YOU to take control, work miracles, wonders, and signs, even to totally dismantle this storm, even send it SOUTHWEST AWAY from Florida! Let your mercy and grace be upon this USA Land and protect, provide, and deliver us from this storm! Let your mighty hand dispatch angels of protection! Thank you, Yeshua, our Lord and Savior, to YOU is all the glory given! Let you miracles arise and breathe LIFE into this USA and its people. In the name of Jesus, we pray!

    Susan CC
    October 8, 2024


October 8, 2024

Our son Chris Holley is staying at his home thru Milton. Pray for God’s protection over him. Amen.

    Susan CC
    October 8, 2024

    Dear Heavenly Father, we know You can diminish Milton to a whisper. We know You can protect everything down to each blade of grass. Please direct Chris’ thinking so he moves in accordance with You. Thank You Father. Thank You Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit. Amen

October 8, 2024

Hi there. I am in Sebring. I follow your page, thank you so much as we navigate this hurricane count with my on prays too but I do asking prays for me I am feeling stress about this because I do leaving in a mobil home and my home is not that strong. I will be go to a friend of mine but we both are first responders. My husband works for the county and I work for the local hospital. God bless you.

    Kris Kubal
    October 8, 2024

    Praying for you Milena as you ride out the storm. Thank you for being a first responder. Praying for your own family’s safety as you help others!

    Susan CC
    October 8, 2024

    As I read your prayer request Milena, My Tribute by Andre Crouch ran through my head…….

    How can I say thanks
    For the things You have done for me?
    Things so undeserved
    Yet You gave to prove Your love for me;
    The voices of a million angels
    Could not express my gratitude
    All that I am and ever hope to be
    I owe it all to Thee

    I pray when this is all over, both you and your husband sing this over all the mercy God granted you throughout Milton. May Milton be diminished but you both fearless. May Milton be diminished but you and your husband empowered. May Milton be diminished and all God’s people sing in praise. I am praying for you.

Elizabeth Williston
October 8, 2024

For my b-I-l and s-i-l in Venice, Florida
Friends also

October 8, 2024

Pray for loved ones in Clearwater, FL and Linda in Port Charlotte, FL, not a believer, my sister & husband in Tamarac, FL, also not believers; the Lord show them His Salvation, each accepts and see He is their Protector Savior…God downgrade Milton to minor rain, put His finger on it to dissipation. I
Do pray for Jerusalem, & Israel daily, my family trying to get home

Jeanie C
October 8, 2024

Prayers for unexpected healing that God will provide you with the strength/power to listen to God’s words are implanted the ability to know he is covering you through the difficulties. Never forget the spirit of overflowing prayers are with you.

Susan S
October 8, 2024

I am very hesitant to write this and it might be seen as foolish or superstitious. However, Governor DeSantis put a note at the Western Wall in 2019 for no hurricanes that year and I saw what happened to Hurricane Dorian. It was a strong category 5 hurricane and projected to hit Florida. It slowed to a crawl and never made landfall in Florida. Is there anyone in Jerusalem, Israel that could put a note in the Western Wall asking for mercy and no landfall?

    Susan CC
    October 8, 2024

    …if not from your lips to God’s ear. Lord, please intercede. Holy Spirit, please make this prayer perfect in the Father’s hearing. Amen

October 8, 2024

Praying that Jesus will do miracles in all areas of these storms and that people will REPENT and turn to Christ. Let this be a time of miraculous intervention!

Kris Kubal
October 8, 2024

Praying for our dear friends in Florida as they face the coming storm Milton. We stand and speak to the storm in the power of Jesus and say “CALM!”


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Dave Kubal
IFA President
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