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Lord, we pray for the victims of Hurricane Helene, and we thank You for empowering Your church to serve them. We pray that this tragedy and desperation would point all people back to You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

On our recent First Friday webcast, one intercessor shared that God is using this tragedy to bring revival. Let it be so, Lord!

From CBN. Churches are playing a key role in giving comfort and relief to the victims of Hurricane Helene. On Sunday, many of them gathered for worship for the first time since the storm struck.

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Faith is a beacon of hope for communities reeling from the devastation. People from all walks of life are gathering to worship, pray, and support each other during this time of crisis.

One of these gatherings took place at Hendersonville High School’s football field, where people of all faiths came together, united by their shared belief in God’s strength in the face of adversity. The event, hosted by First Baptist Church, Hendersonville, was a chance for many to find comfort despite the overwhelming challenges brought by the storm. …

… Just north of Asheville, Brookstone Church in Weaverville held a service on the campus of Mars Hill University. The congregation offered comfort and hope to their community, roughly 20 minutes due north.

“People were asking a lot of questions they weren’t asking nine days ago… it really levels things, doesn’t it?” remarked Jeff Reecer, Executive Pastor of Operations and Outreach at Brookstone Church.

Brookstone, like First Baptist, has become a hub for distributing food and other essentials to storm victims. The church has also been a place where people are finding purpose amidst the tragedy and experiencing the love of God.

“There is a hope that is felt—it is tangible here in these communities. Even those who don’t believe in Christ are seeing the hope in Christ in 4K, as their neighbors pour into one another,” said Jared Reece, College Pastor at Brookstone. …

IFA President/CEO prayed about the aftermath of Hurricane Helene on October’s First Friday webcast. You can watch this webcast below:

Share your prayers for the victims of Helene below.

(Excerpt from CBN. Photo by ALLISON JOYCE/AFP via Getty Images.)

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Susan CC
October 8, 2024

People of God, saved by Jesus Christ, pray for Florida. Raise your voices, lift up your eyes to He who raises and removes, He who strengthens and exhausts….may mercy prevail against Hurricane Milton, for God’s glory and the good of every Floridian.

David Scott
October 8, 2024

Learning how the churches are working together in unity to help the citizens affected by Helene reminded me of a dvd I saw about a revival in Fiji when I was a missionary in the South Pacific. The dvd is entitled Let The Sea Resound and produced by The Sentinel Group. It begins by reporting the failed coup attempt by the military after an immigrant from India was elected Prime Minister. An interim government was then set up to prepare for another election. The interim Prime Minister called every pastor to his office, who had a church in the capitol city. He said, “The nation is divided because the churches are divided. I want you to start working together to bring our nation back together again.” Those pastors took what he said to heart and began working together. Little by little God began blessing them in ways that resulted in a nationwide revival. The rest of the dvd shows everything God did to bless Fiji through that revival. God not only brought many people to salvation, but also performed miracles, which are also shown on the dvd. Many of those miracles are what are called eco-miracles. An eco-miracle affects the land by producing vegetation that was once barren, restoring coral reefs for the fish, healing contaminated waters, etc. When Fiji held its next election, they elected not only a Christian Prime Minister, but also a Christian President. Many other Christians were elected to head up government agencies. The Sentinel Group produced 2 other dvds about nationwide revivals entitled Transformations I and Transformations II. The first one actually documents 4 revivals affecting 4 major cities in 4 countries. The revival shown in Almolonga, Guatemala went nationwide in 2000, but the dvd only shows what God did in Almolonga between 1990-99. What God did nationwide is described in a book written in 2005 entitled Megashift. Almolonga’s 4 prisons were emptied in 1994 and were still empty in 2005. Transformations II documents 3 revivals in 3 nations. The revival in Uganda started in its capitol city, but quickly spread nationwide. When God called me to ministry in 1966, He showed me a revival that hasn’t happened yet. I believe it’s the same revival Corrie Ten Boom spoke of that will affect our whole nation. It would be wonderful if what God is doing in the area that Helene hit will spread nationwide. May God bless them.

    Susan CC
    October 8, 2024

    Oh man, may God bless you David! What an absolutely beautiful Word of God you have shared. I will search for these videos and IF I never find them, it matters not because you have shared the Truth of God’s love for us….perfectly.

    While driving, I heard this 3rd verse quoted and came home to search the song….what you shared had the same effect in my heart, atom bomb!

    The Love of God     https://library.timelesstruths.org/music/The_Love_of_God/
    Frederick Martin Lehman, 1917
    “Lines similar to verse 3 are found in the Qur’an (18:109 and 31:27) and in Akdamut, an 11th-century Jewish poem. Frederick Lehman tells us that the English rendition included in his song had reportedly “been found penciled on the wall of a patient’s room in an insane asylum after he had been carried to his grave.” While it is only supposition that the man was the one who translated or adapted the words to leave us these well-known lines, if the account is true it shows in any case that he highly esteemed the message…”  WOW!

    3 Could we with ink the ocean fill,
    and were the skies of parchment made;
    were ev’ry stalk on earth a quill,
    and ev’ryone a scribe by trade;
    to write the love of God above
    would drain the ocean dry;
    nor could the scroll contain the whole,
    though stretched from sky to sky.

    Oh, love of God, how rich and pure!
    How measureless and strong!
    It shall forevermore endure—
    The saints’ and angels’ song. 

    Mary Beth
    October 8, 2024

    I echo Susan!! Wow!

Mary Beth
October 8, 2024

Revive us again, fill each heart with Thy love. May each soul be rekindled with fire from above! Hallelujah, Thine the glory, Hallelujah, amen!!!
This old hymn came to mind as I considered the body of Christ’s response to this crisis, Lord. You can only revive what is alive, and that is the church. As they have been revived and activated, Lord, now use them mightily to bring the lost into relationship with You through compassion ministries and sharing the Gospel. Show us throughout the nation how to support and enable them. I specifically lift up Samaritan’s Purse, because the staff having been effected themselves, they are perhaps ministering out of their own need. Let this be a time when the body of Christ shines!

Gary Anderson
October 8, 2024

Lord Jesus,may this overwhelming tragedy of Hurricane Helene be the opening of hearts to know Jesus or return to the Lord. What the Devil has meant for evil be turned around and be a mighty awakening to people to come to Jesus. May this stir a revival spirit within them. Amen!!

October 8, 2024

I believe God is doing something awesome. We don’t look to the government for our needs, We look to God!!! Look at the people coming together to help each other. Watch for revival!!!! Amen!!!!

Susan CC
October 8, 2024

John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, “To this very day My Father is at His work, and I too am working.”

Adonai Tzva’ot
“When we call our Heavenly Father the “Lord of Hosts”, there is so much in that name. Yes, there are the myriad armies of angels at his disposal, and yes, he is a warrior, mighty in battle, but he is also the conductor of the beautiful orchestra that is the entirety of all creation. Every atom, every molecule, moves in accordance with his purposes and at his command. He sustains everything by his powerful word.” One For Israel Ministry

Dear Lord, You are Almighty God who is always working. Thank Your for Salvation that came at such an excruciating price….the agony of The Cross. Thank You for working in NC to bring hope and restoration and thank You for working in Florida, preparing them for Hurricane Milton. I believe everything in existence is at Your disposal and moves in accordance with Your purpose and at Your command. I pray in this day, EVERYTHING You purpose for the hurricane ravaged areas results in beauty and for Florida, I pray mercy. May Your Powerful Word sustain and save countless as we pray to You, our Heavenly Father. I ask this and so much more in the Name of Jesus Christ, who on the night of His arrest, told His disciples, “Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” On that same night, He prayed for us. “I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message.” All things are from You, through You and to You, to God be the Glory.

    Mary Beth
    October 8, 2024

    Yes and amen, Susan!! I, too, love the ministry of One For Israel.

Allena Jordan
October 8, 2024

Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Oh, Father, let this be only the beginning of the sweeping revivals across our country and around the world. Open hearts and minds to receive the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank You for all the volunteers. Thank You that Your people have stepped into the tragedy to bring help and hope in their time of need. Amen. Hallelujah!!! Amen.

Brian Lynch
October 8, 2024

It is very encouraging to see the Church rising up and helping the hurricane victims. Thank you Jesus, that when the government fails to help innocent victims, that You inspire Your children to stand in the gap and help people who desperately need the help. May the spirit of revival continue and grow across our nation. Thank you Jesus.

    R M
    October 8, 2024

    God , the churches, and the people deliver when the no good for nothing Biden administration refuses. Was the Episcopal Cathedral in Asheville spared or was it damaged? My ties to Asheville and North Carolina go way back…

Lori N
October 8, 2024

Father, we ask You to take this great tragedy, to take this devastation, and do what You do – to take it and miraculously cause good to come through it! We know nothing is too difficult for You, so we praise Your faithful love that endures forever!


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