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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help us to stay close to you and avoid disappointment by setting aside our expectations of what You will do and allow and how You will work. In Jesus’ Name.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

The results of the 2020 presidential election nearly gutted me.

My initial reaction was great sorrow. But I soon moved into other emotions.




I felt sure the election results were illegitimate and would be overturned in the next couple of months.

Who is praying on the wall?


As the months dragged on, I began to realize there was not going to be a Deus ex machina.

No angel from heaven to install a different administration.

No military intervention.

No relief from an administration that immediately began imposing its agenda through executive orders, staffing key agencies with radical leadership.

I and most IFA intercessors had labored long and hard in prayer for the 2020 election. I repented, prayed, decreed, and declared. Like many others, I expected a tsunami-like sweep of conservatives into office.

So the actual election results were not as I expected. They comprised a bitter disappointment — one that drove a wedge between me and the Lord.


I had expected something different — better — from Him.

Didn’t He want to stop the evil?

Didn’t He hear the remnant?

Wasn’t it true that His people humbled themselves, prayed, sought Him, and turned from their wicked ways?

What had happened?

It seems clear in the years since 2020, the Lord used this time to expose evil and to enable some perpetrators to get snared in their own plots.

While that can help explain the national picture, it didn’t do much to alleviate the initial bitterness I felt toward the Lord and toward those who had aligned with evil, casting their vote for abortionists.

I was not alone in these feelings.

I suspect I am not the only one who allowed emotions to affect his/her relationship with the Lord.

Because I was disappointed.

Because my expectations were not met.

Because I couldn’t see a way for the Lord to be glorified in the circumstances.

My situation was akin to that of the disappointed exiles thousands of years ago in Jerusalem. They had been deported to Babylon when that superpower invaded, destroying the city and the gorgeous temple King Solomon had built.

When the Persians overran the Babylonians, the new rulers returned the exiles to their land with money and a mandate to rebuild the temple.

The exiles made a valiant start, establishing an altar so daily sacrifices and worship could resume, but they soon ran into local opposition.

The locals were a mix of people from other nations that the Babylonians had settled there. The group intermingled with some Jewish settlers who had remained in the land and ultimately became the Samaritans.

In addition to facing hostile inhabitants, the exiles also were distracted by the difficulty of making a go of things in Judea. So they abandoned the temple building project for 15 years or so.

But the Lord wanted that temple built.

He sent the prophet Haggai to tell the people so.

When the foundation was laid earlier that year, the priests played their trumpets and the Levites their cymbals, and they sang praise songs, and the people shouted with joy.

Except the older folks.

But many of the priests and Levites and heads of the fathers’ houses, old men who had seen the first temple, wept with a loud voice when the foundation of this temple was laid before their eyes. Yet many shouted aloud for joy, so that the people could not discern the noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the people, for the people shouted with a loud shout, and the sound was heard afar off (Ezra 3:12-13).

Solomon’s temple had been spectacular. Covered and even dripping with gold, it was shiny and rich and luxurious.

The exiles’ budget would not extend to this kind of splendor. On top of that, this temple was going to be half the height of Solomon’s, according to the ancient historian Josephus.

Those who remembered the first temple and expected better were disappointed.

The Lord acknowledged this, saying, “Who is left among you who saw this temple in its former glory? And how do you see it now? In comparison with it, is this not in your eyes as nothing?” (Haggai 2:3).

But the Lord exhorted the exiles to be strong and “’and work; for I am with you,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear!’ (Haggai 2:4b-5).”

Success did not depend upon their evaluation.

Success did not depend upon their resources.

Success depended upon the Lord’s Presence among them.

The question for the exiles was not of resources but of faith.

If they doubted the Lord’s concern for them as individuals or as a people, they simply needed to remember the covenant promises.

The Lord made another promise about the new temple.

“‘The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the former,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘And in this place I will give peace,’ says the Lord of hosts” (Haggai 2:9).

But the fulfillment of the promise would not come as the people expected.

This would be the temple in which the baby Jesus would be dedicated.

This would be the temple in which the young Jesus would be found teaching the scribes and Pharisees.

And this would be the temple where those with eyes to see and ears to hear will find the Prince of Peace when He comes to them “lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey” (Zechariah 9:9).

The exiles’ expectations of a temple as grand as Solomon’s led them to disappointment.

They could not have envisioned the glory of Jesus Christ and how He would redeem the people of all the earth.

Their disappointment in the new temple was real, but it was unwarranted in light of what the Lord was going to do and still will do through the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

My disappointment in 2020 was real.

I could not and still cannot envision how the Lord will heal America.

I hope and pray He will lead the people to vote for a more righteous government in this election.

But whether that happens, He is still with us.

So let’s get on with the work!

Lord, we know You love and are with us and America. Help us to set aside our expectations, do the work of the intercessor, and see what You will do — through the eyes of faith. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Share your praise for the Lord’s Presence below.

New York City–based Joyce Swingle is an intercessor and a contributing writer for IFA. With her husband, Rich, also a contributing writer for IFA, Joyce shares the gospel of Jesus Christ around the world through theater, speaking, writing, and film. Prior to going into full-time ministry, Joyce worked for about 20 major magazines and now works in pastoral ministry and Christian counseling. www.Richdrama.com. Photo Credit: Back Phrom on Unsplash.

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Linda Killman
October 8, 2024

Yes and agreed. Reading and studying the Old Testament truly helps you to know God and understand His ways so much better and gives you the strength and hope to stand in the hard times

October 8, 2024


Nancy Krueger
October 8, 2024

I agree with this message about disappointment and even offenses, The Lord said of fences would come, but the Lord uses these things to show us what’s in our hearts. The key is how do we respond to it, do we repent and recognize how the Lord is working out everything for good.

October 8, 2024

I believe there is a reason for hundreds of his former cabinet members, White House staff, legal team, military leaders signed letters that he is unfit to be the president again and would be a danger to the nation. They along with many other former high level officials of the US government signed a letter stating that. This is something to consider. Something is not right with him. He’s done sneaky thing with Putin. Like meet with him without his Interpreter in the room like Putin had. That changed everything for me. Who does that? Why would he do that. I don’t understand why some of the American people has forgotten or brushed it off. When the journalist asked what they talked about he refused to say. He also said he believe him over our intelligence. Also my friend and prayer partner dreamed of him during his 2016 administration. It showed a strong delusion would come upon some people. At the end of the dream a loud voice was saying,” deception and deceit, deception and deceit.
It was years before any mention of hos 2020 election. But we’ve watched it happen.

I pray God will open the eyes of his people. And that those spirits will be broken off of the people of God.

October 8, 2024

Thank you for your article. A good reminder, that God is with us no matter how the election turns out. God, always has a purpose in everything for our good. The priority is to remain close to the Lord and his promises.

jane snyder
October 8, 2024

I felt just as you in 2020. I was very angry at Mike Pence as i considered his actions alone as opening the door for evil to invade our country in a huge way. Yes, that happened, but it was wrong of me to blame.
a confession with repentance

October 8, 2024

Oh, Lord Jesus l pray that You would stop any frequency transmissions in the air! Mix up their cumunications in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!

October 8, 2024

I completely agree with you. I have realized recently that there are so many urging us to pray for the outcome of the election that it is easy to put our faith in prayer rather than in God Himself who is the all-wise, all-powerful, and everywhere-present God and who knows the end from the beginning. We must remember to “Trust in the LORD” even when we don’t understand what He is up to (Proverb 3:5).

October 8, 2024

The fact that Trump lost the 2020 election should not have come as such a shock since the 2016 election was very close and leading up to the 2020 election it was clear that some who voted for Trump in 2016 would not vote for him again.

In 2020 the American people needed a leader in whom they could believe. The right one would have been swept into power. That is still true. The 2024 election will be decided by neither MAGA or Progressives. Unfortunately, Trump still doesn’t seem to realize this.

Mary Beth
October 8, 2024

Psa. 62:5-8  My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. 
He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not be moved. 
In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God. 
Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

Phil. 1:20-21  According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death.  For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 

See also Rom. 8:18-23 in regard to expectation, especially of redemption.

I urge you, my brothers and sisters to read Revelation. I don’t presume to know exactly where we are in God’s timeline, but it doesn’t require much consideration of the prophetic Scripture to know that birth pangs have started and continue to increase in intensity and the contractions seem closer together. I believe that He is calling us to a focus on His Kingdom, not on the kingdoms of this world, and not on our own little kingdoms. His plan of redemption is being accomplished and it centers in Israel and His ekklesia. Please know that I’m not defeatist, nor am I unconcerned with being a responsible citizen of this nation. But my hope lies in Him alone, and I am lifting my eyes to Him, because our redemption draws nigh.

Let’s not allow that ‘spirit of entitlement’ that plagues our nation to derail us. I too was disappointed with the 2020 election results, but the Lord rebuked me by reminding me of what I had truly earned and was ‘entitled’ to. Rom. 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I have earned death and hell, anything better than that is totally undeserved and should give me great rejoicing! Let’s allow Him to be our expectation, and make our expectations conform to His leading.

Diane Joeright
October 8, 2024

The 2020 election did in fact depress me beyond beyond! I am now praying for the gift of TRUST! I know that we have God on our side and I’m trusting in His plan. I understand that His plan is sometimes not my lowly plan and I’m praying for my trust in His plan.

Ed Tuttle
October 8, 2024

Thank you for your gut level honesty. I tracked with everything you were feeling and praying. I have caught myself once again this election cycle putting my hopes in a human candidate and not in Christ. There are definitely hard, refining times coming. I pray I have the courage to stand no matter what… to always choose Him and never let the fear of man sway me.

Darlene Estlow
October 8, 2024

Thank you for your thoughts, Joyce. How many of us felt these emotions! As I watch evil go about its business of destruction, I think if Psalm 37 where it says so many times not to fear, that the evil will not win! No matter what happens in our lives, either personal or national, we can remember that Jesus is in the midst of it and he is coming again. I pray for this election, for our country, and for peace and righteousness in the midst of the hatred and confusion that is in our nation.

    October 8, 2024

    I have been sitting on Psalm 37 so much lately. Thank you!

Kathy Sawvell
October 8, 2024

Thanks for being honest Joyce.❣️

Jim Bird
October 8, 2024

Yes, I was dumbfounded after the 2020 election results and believe it was an illegitimate election. I tried to remind myself that God was and is in control and allows these things to happen, however I watched in dread as the new administration systematically and relentlessly took action to destroy good bills and policies that had been put in place to help our country. I have further reflected that our Lord does allow these bad situations to take place as His ways and thoughts are above and beyond our ways and thoughts. Allowing this current/past administration is a reminder of Proverbs 2: ” When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, But when a wicked man rules, people groan”. Just as your article on the Temple being destroyed and rebuilt, let us look forward to a new hope and future where we will Rejoice with Godly men and women governing our country again.

October 8, 2024

You didn’t express the disappointment that some Christians felt when they stepped out in 2016 and put their trust in a man who was supposed to be a Christian but who spent far too much time in twitter battles with celebrities and used belittling language that both misrepresented the dignity of his office and his testimony of being a Christian, who treated a fellow Christian and someone who had supported him even when there was no justification for his behavior (Mike Pence), and treated his staff with such disrespect that he was described as a ‘bully’ and ‘unfit for office’.

Karen Keating
October 8, 2024

Thank you for putting into words the emotions that have raged in me since 2020..Expectations are Always through Human eyes, not Divine and we forget that. We worry, we fret..all useless in the Face of His Grace. You’ve given a clear assessment how we hold onto ‘our’ ideas more than His. Reading your summary and where you’re now going with it all, is inspiring..again, thank you!

Jill Marshall
October 8, 2024

I have named it PTDD-Post Traumatic Defeat Disorder. It is impossible to get my faith in this election where it was four years ago. God helps us to believe again. To believe in Him not people.
Thank you for expressing my feelings in your article.

Jerusalem DeSion
October 8, 2024

Awesome! Learned a lot, Eye opening.

The Lord also tore the temple veil, curtain talk to bottom, opening free access to His Presence for all. Anytime. Anywhere

Ellen Hoffman
October 8, 2024

I think so very many of us felt the same way about the 2020 election. It was stolen. The other side cheated and lied. There is no surprise here. God was and is still in control. I am praying there will be more controls in place this year and a much fairer election. I am getting bombarded with texts, emails and mail claiming we are being out spent by a deluge of funding. It can be depressing. I went to the Lord with it, who reminded me it isn’t about the money, it is about the people who vote. Pray Christians get out and vote and listen to the still small voice. Pray the truth penetrates our society. Pray for our country to return to its Christian roots.

Danna Dean
October 8, 2024

The Lord led me to read this article today. You do not know how much it meant to me. Not from the political point of view, although I was one of the very disappointed ones, but I am in a situation right now that I know I heard God tell me to do, but the results are far less than expected… and I feel like I am in a season a disappointment.

When you talked about the glory of the latter house and how Jesus was dedicated in that temple and stood teaching as a child in that temple and was there in His ministry in that temple, I cried. That revelation is so beautiful. I have never thought of it that way! It blessed me so!

Thank you so much for your vulnerability, your honesty and your wisdom. In Christ, Danna.

rick rockman
October 8, 2024

I can readily identify with this IFA prayer warrior and writer. My disappointment over the 2020 election outcome and how it was fraudulently stolen from every conservative in this nation left me angry with God and totally discouraged about the future of our nation.
I fought for this nation 56 years ago and knew in my heart of hearts that we were losing the greatest, most blessed and guided country (Psalm 33:12) the world had ever seen. It literally made me sick and also prompted me to challenge our God and ask “How could YOU let this happen?” He did not give me a Job answer but He did answer angry questions with other believers and even silence to get HIS message back to me. And that was…”be still and know that I am God, I will be exalted in the nations and I will be exalted in all the earth.” amen.

Virginia R
October 8, 2024

Thank you for putting words to the disappointment and despair that so many of us feel. My first words to the Lord this morning were about this and how it will feel like death if the current progressive leaders are allowed to stay in power. The Spirit checked me and questioned if my hope is in conservative politicians or in the Lord? Our hope is in the Presence of Jesus. He has a plan and can do anything. I don’t want to just say these words; I need to passionately believe them. God help us. God put courage and hope into Your people.

Allena Jordan
October 8, 2024

This article caused me to relive my own journey through those times after the 2020 election. In what or whom had I placed my hope? Was it in the strength of prayers with others? Was it in our decrees? Was it in believing that God would respond to our requests immediately, and as we had stated them?
Lord, thank You for causing me to wait on You and You alone. Even now, cause my hope to be in You only. Break my heart with what breaks Yours. Deliver all of us from evil, unrighteousness, the overextended arm of our government, from greed, injustice. Deliver us from our silence on issues which need discussion. Forgive me for all the times I expected You to act immediately, just because I asked You for something. Teach me to Be still and know that You are God. Continue to teach all of us, me especially, to Wait on the Lord, to be strong and take courage and wait on the Lord. Amen.

Jenny R.
October 8, 2024

Father, we thank you that all your ways are perfect, they’re higher and beyond our understanding. We see evil and corruption rampant and know that you have given all of us a free will. Only you can change the hearts of people and transform our country so that we can fulfill the destiny you created when you made our country. Show us what we need to do, help us to repent and to serve you with our whole being. We praise you and thank you for your great Mercy, your righteousness and Truth. Thank you! That the truth will set us free. We love you Lord.

Candice Jeszka
October 8, 2024

Thank you for sharing your disappointment and encouragement. We will intercede and believe the word of the Lord!!!

Susan Eddlemon
October 8, 2024

I was dealing with the exact same feelings after the 2020 election as Joyce mentions in this article!
A subsequent events unfolded, however, and many of our prayer leaders began to explain and show us the way forward, I was greatly comforted! Thanks for this article, Joyce!

October 8, 2024

I too struggle in this. Thank you for sharing
My our expectations be in alignment with the Covenant Promises of our Savior, nothing more, nothing less. Turn our eyes towards You, Father.

Jodi Feitz
October 8, 2024

What a fantastic timely article. THANK YOU for such insight into the Word and clarity on how to handle the political disappointment. Glory to God in the Highest for the gifts you are pouring out for Him!

Brian Lynch
October 8, 2024

I trust that the Lord is in control of EVERYTHING, including the 2024 election results. No matter what happens, Lord Jesus, You take what the enemy meant for evil, and You will turn it for good. Thank you Jesus.

October 8, 2024

This article beautifully articulates the feelings of myself, and many others I suppose. I know the Lord will never leave or forsake us and that is the TRUTH!

Jeane Whiteside
October 8, 2024

After the 2020 election I was disappointed but was given a dream of the church all dressed in light gray but clean and walking around a mountain in good order. It was snowy. I’ve heard snow is symbolic of warfare? And we were dressed in gray. Not white. Compromised?? So we the church went to war for our nation. It’s been getting more difficult. But the Lords army has grown globally as well as nationally. Various prayer ministries have gathered a larger following and several streams of ministry have combined into River of God. Many are branching off to have large meetings to pray and many are working behind the scenes in smaller groups to pray. All are agreeing America is saved. As prayers ascend and bowls of tears are pouring out the Lord is responding through those who are an answer to our prayers to take positions of power in all seven mountains of influence. We have been hit with a Hamas of a hurricane as Israel was hit last year. I pray the Lord uses this tragedy for some reason we can’t see but that the people in that war zone will find peace and hope again.

Debby Abel
October 8, 2024

Thank You that You are a sovereign God. Even tho You are stretching my faith & trust in You – & it IS causing growing pains in my heart about the deception, hypocrisy & evil all around in America…….I am glad that I have Your Word to depend on. Just like Romans 1 says, You have YOUR OWN reasons for doing & allowing certain wickedness to take place. Your eternal plan takes precedence for America – not MY desires. I submit all my emotions to You, the One True Living God – Most High Above All the Earth!

Virginia Sanders
October 8, 2024

May the Lord use me to bring Him glory, intercede for our nation, yet realize Father God is preparing for the return of our Savior and Messiah. May we pray He brings His first chosen people, the Jews, accept the Messiah has come, not just to bring them peace, unity, prosperity, but the work of Salvation. to and in them. As America supports Israel, God will work for her/us.

October 8, 2024

Thank you for this good word, Joyce Swingle!


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