I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for our elections. May Your will be done.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Have you ever prayer walked your local polling places? As we prayer walk at polling places, headquarters, and offices, our prayers and intercession invite the Lord’s presence to shift the atmosphere. It’s a critical election prayer strategy. Follow these steps and see what the Lord will do!

Who is praying on the wall?



Humble yourself before God and commit this time to Him. (Ps 51:10)

Ask God for His eyes, and His leading, as you pray and walk. (1 Chr 28:9)

It is written: “Every place where you set your foot will be yours . . . .” (Dt 11:24)

As we walk, we carry nothing with us, but in our hearts we sing the high praises of God over the land, realizing that it is written that His Word, when it goes out from Him, does not return void. (Is 55:11)

Pray and walk inconspicuously. (Mt 6:5)

Proclaim the blood of Jesus Christ over the area you are walking. (Eph 2:13)

Speak peace wherever you go: “Peace, peace, to those far and near, “says the Lord. “And I will heal them.” (Is 57:19)

Pray Repentance and Forgiveness

We humble ourselves before You and admit, as Daniel did, that we and our fathers have sinned and done evil in your sight. (Dn 9:3-19)

We repent, renounce, and forgive the five things Your Word says bring a curse upon the land: shedding of innocent blood, covenant breaking, moving ancient boundary stones, sexual immorality and idolatry. We break all agreement with these sins and ask for the Redeemer to do what only He can do in our land. (Is 59:7-9, 14-20)

Lord Jesus Christ, please forgive those who do not honor You and are deliberately cursing us and our nation. Bless them. (Lk 6:28)

God, forgive Your Church for not taking our rightful place in our nation as definers of culture, proclaimers of godly values, and bringers of Your Good News. (Rev 2:19-20)

Lord Jesus, may a spirit of repentance fall upon the Church that will cause believers to earnestly seek You. (Ps 53:2)

Father, pour out a spirit of repentance on our nation, that we might become a nation committed to following His ways. (Jer 29:13)

This day, we rededicate and consecrate the land and people of this nation to You. (Jude 24-25)

Pray Blessings Over Your Community

We bless our land and its people to the life, healing, blessing, and restoration of Your son, our Redeemer, Jesus Christ. (Jer 29:7; Pr 11:10-11)

Bless the businesses in the region to prosperity and wise stewardship.

Bless our families to healthy and happy relationships with each other.

Bless family priorities to be aligned to God-given design.

Bless our schools to welcome godliness and biblical virtue.

Bless our schools, teachers, staff, and students to protection and deliverance from violence and lawlessness of every kind.

Bless the students to be teachable and have a healthy desire to learn.

Bless our media to integrity, purity, truth , and joy.

Pray over Citizens and Elections

Pray at campaign headquarters and polling places:

May believers exercise their civic duty and vote biblical values.

Pray that pastors would reclaim their rightful position in society as leaders in the culture, advocating biblical values, addressing these issues with their congregation and speaking out in the community. (Is 61:1-4)

Pray for the Church to engage in civic responsibilities such as voting, speaking out on issues, participating in candidacies, election management, and praying for the election process. (1 Cor 16:13)

Pray for citizens who live where you are prayer walking to recognize and accept God’s design for government. (Acts 26:17-18)

Pray that candidates will take brave stands for righteousness, even when it may not be well received. (Is 7:9)

Pray for open eyes for citizens to see good as God sees it and evil as God defines it. (Gal 1:3-5)

Pray for no plan of the Enemy to circumvent the election process. (Is 54:17)

Pray for believers to turn out in greater number than ever before to vote in this election. (Pr 4:5-6)

Ask for forgiveness of sins of cursing those who are in authority, and not upholding them in prayer. (1 Tim 2:1-4)

Release blessing for godly authorities to occupy the seats of office in the upcoming election. (Rom 13:1)

Bless our Leaders

Pray at district offices of legislators, court houses, state capitals, and county seats:

Bless our executive, legislative, and judicial systems to alignment with Biblical principles of justice. (Ps 106:3)

Bless our leaders to fulfill God’s plan and purpose for their lives, through wise counselors, God’s discernment, and wisdom from the Word of God. (Ps 111:10)

Bless our justice system to cooperate with Heaven’s redemptive purposes. (Zec 7:9)

Bless our legislators to focus on dealing with the issues we face as a nation—and not on personal attacks of political opponents. (Gal 5:15)

Bless all elected offices to be filled with righteous men and women who walk in integrity and truth and understand that they are accountable to God for their actions. Pray for the salvation of those who are in leadership of our nation. Ask the Lord to remove all envy and selfish ambition. (Jas 3:16)

Pray that our leaders will see that God is our only refuge in the midst of the troubles of this world. (Ps 46:1)

Bless the Body of Christ

Pray at churches:

Pray that the churches in your community will preach the Gospel of Christ powerfully. (Rom 1:16)

Thank the Lord for the freedom we have in Him and for the wisdom to understand that freedom. (Gal 5:13)

Pray for a spirit of consecration and holiness to come upon the Church in your area. (1 Pet 1:15)

Pray for a spirit of compassion to come over the Church to live like Jesus. (Phil 2:1-4)

Ask the Lord to help strengthen the trumpet call to intensive prayer, so that it is heard throughout your area. (1 Tim 2:8)

Pray for a spirit of courage to rise up within the Church, a commitment to enduring whatever it takes to see the fulfillment of God’s purposes in your community. (1 Cor 16:13)

Add your own prayers and scriptures in the comments below.

(Photo Credit: Tony Webster from Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States – Vote Here – Election Polling Place, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=95804795)

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October 15, 2024

I pray the Lord will look over our elections to discourage voting fraud and change people’s hearts to see the truth. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

October 13, 2024


October 12, 2024

Lord forgive me, have mercy, change me. I have not interceded for those in authority, rather I complained to You. Help me to live according to Your word and do this joyfully , eagerly , watching for Your mighty power to go forth and worketh wonders!

Jessica Renshaw
October 12, 2024

Praying these excellent points!

October 12, 2024

Maybe everyone is still trying to digest the magnitude of the content of this article!!!
I thank You, Lord, for it is absolutely perfect and it glorifies YOU!
Praise Your Holy Name forever!!!!


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