I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for those who hate Your people and Your ways. We forgive them of the evil they voice against those who love You. May the truth of Your mercy and grace abound to them so that the people of our nation may live in peace. In Jesus' name, amen.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Are you aware of the recent barrage of attacks on the U.S. Constitution?

Last week, Minnesota Governor and VP candidate Tim Walz said, “I think all of us know the electoral college needs to go.” The Harris team backed off his remarks and told CBS News that the campaign doesn’t favor abolishing the Electoral College. Yet, Walz is not alone in his sentiments.

Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) introduced a bill that would increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court from 9 to 15 over twelve years. Increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court is a way of trying to influence the outcome of Supreme Court cases.

According to Senator Wyden, the court’s recent contentious decisions and ethics questions escalated the need to restore public confidence in the courts by requiring mandatory judge audits, altering how laws are overturned, and removing roadblocks for high court nominations.

Wyden proposes another significant change that seems to be more popular every year—eliminating the Electoral College. Senator Wyden is not the only one attacking our foundational institutions; there are numerous critics, and we cannot ignore their voices. The question is, “What will be next on the chopping block of America’s foundation?”

A prominent secular political influencer echoes Wyden’s ideas. One of the most ardent proponents of rewriting our Constitution is Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law. Chemerinsky recently wrote an opinion piece for the L.A. Times titled, We’re living under a flawed Constitution. Let’s start fresh and rewrite it.” The article also included revising the Supreme Court and the Electoral College. The professor outlines his arguments in his newly released book No Democracy Lasts Forever: How the Constitution Threatens the United States.

Chemerinsky claims that our Constitution has become a “threat to democracy and beyond redemption.” He contends that it is too old and due for a rewrite. At 230 years, it is much older than the average constitution’s life span of 20 years. He states, “We must go beyond the outdated ideas of our forefathers who wrote the U.S. Constitution in 1787.” Chemerinsky takes aim at the Supreme Court and the Electoral College in his statement, “The Constitution must be rewritten to accommodate a different set of liberal conventions, i.e., changing the number of Supreme Court justices and election of our government officials by popular vote while eliminating the Electoral College.”

The Constitution makes provisions for revising or rewriting the Constitution. The most expeditious way is for the states to call for a Constitutional Convention. So far, over 450 applications have been filed by states requiring constitutional changes. None have been successful. Amendments can also be added to the Constitution. Adding amendments is a lengthy process and has had little success.

We should pay attention to Mr. Chemerinsky’s opinions. John Davison Hunter, in his book on changing culture, To Change the World, gives an excellent reason why we should not underestimate such ideas. Hunter points out that elites like Mr. Chemerinsky carry significant, influential capital due to their positions at the apex of intellectual society. Mr. Chemerinsky has written over 16 law books, authored over 200 law review articles, and written a constitutional law textbook used in colleges and universities across the U.S. Since 2017, he has held the prestigious position as President-elect of the Association of American Law. His opinion carries a lot of weight.

What is the root cause of the attack on our Constitution? America’s Constitution, crafted by men who sought God’s guidance, has proven its strength and adaptability over the years. The question arises: why do modern progressives believe their ideas should supersede this resilient document? Should the Constitution evolve, or should the people initiate changes? To answer this, we must delve into the events that led us to this juncture.

Arriving at this destination took many years of chopping away at the moral fiber of our Nation.

One significant event that occurred when the Supreme Court removed the Bible from our public schools in 1963. That event didn’t happen overnight as Progressive socialists begin as early as 1837 to undermine Christian principles from public schools.

Removing God’s set of laws, weakened the moral fabric of our nation while emboldening progressives, like Mr. Chemerinsky, to go to the next level to take away our Constitution. More recently we watched as our nation experienced a barrage of crimes by perpetrators who looted, rioted, killed, with no consequences. Their actions embolden the spirit of lawlessness in our nation.

On our political front, we find the horrendous miscarriage of justice done to those arrested for being at the U. S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Yet another injustice is carried out through the massive lawfare committed against conservatives for questioning suspicious election results. Lawfare is set to increase over the 2024 election by the Democrat Election Lawyer, Marc Elias. Mr. Elias now leads the 7000 plus lawyers set to challenge anyone who might challenge any aspect of the 2024 election not favorable to Democrats.

Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) was a man whose ideas influenced the original writers of our Constitution. In his Discourses on Livy, Machiavelli identifies a root cause of a failing constitution—politicians prosecuting their political opponents. He wrote, “When ‘public authority’ is used as if it were ‘private authority,’ then the end of liberty and the Constitution that protects it is near.”

Could prayer for our enemies be the answer to protecting our founding documents?

Our lawlessness and extensive political lawfare are battering rams at the gate of our Constitution. Progressives who wish to further undermine our foundation believe the time is ripe for them to discard the founding documents that govern our laws and our freedoms. It’s our duty to defend and uphold these documents.

Our predicament is spiritual, and the remedy lies in the spiritual realm. There’s a reason why Jesus urged us to “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven‘ (Matt. 5:44)”. Perhaps, by loving and praying for our adversaries, we can unlock the key to restoring our Republic.

If Mr. Machiavelli is correct, praying for our enemies could be the highest form of spiritual warfare in which we could engage to honor God and bring results that would restore America.

Please post a prayer for your “enemies” in the comments.

Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools, Decrees for Your School, and Safety Zone: Scriptural Prayers to Transform Your School. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the U.S. For additional information, go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/. Photo credit: Canva Pro.

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Darlene Martinson
October 15, 2024

The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Her 4:12)
Therefore I declare those in our government and citizens representing the Most High God are strong and in the strength of His Might. They do not struggle against flesh and blood but against rulers, against powers, against world forces of this darkness, against spiritual forces in heavenly places. Put on His Truth, His Righteousness, His Peace, Use Faith in Him, His Thoughts & weld His WORD all in Jesus Name.

Darlene Martinson
October 15, 2024

The Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Her 4:12)
Therefore I declare those in our government and citizens representing the Most High God are strong and in the strength of His Might. They do not struggle against flesh and blood but against rulers, against powers, against world forces of this darkness, against spiritual forces in heavenly places. Put on His Truth, His Righteousness, His Peace, Use Faith in Him, His Thoughts & weld His WORD all in Jesus Name.

Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
October 15, 2024

Heavenly Father, I now come before Your Throne with a heavy heart and hope, with the help of Your Providence, for my beloved country the United States of America. I now pray in agreement with the prayers of a past President of the United States of America, John Adams, when he spoke these words: “We have no government armed with the power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” I find that these words of the past certainly apply to the United States of America today. May God bless the United States of America always! In Christ Jesus’ mighty and holy Name, and by His authority, I pray. Amen.

October 15, 2024

Dear Lord, we pray: Revive and resuscitate the living word of our U.S. Constitution. We bring it to your altar, God- a living sacrifice in need of your resurrection power! It is the source of the “west-running brook” called the United States of America, a country contrary to all that came before it, that was birthed out of Your wisdom given to our founding fathers by divine inspiration. Oh God, restore to us the discarded values of our country’s firm foundation, and truly make us “…one Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and Justice for all”; and keep America a shining city on a hill that continues to be a glorious beacon of religious freedom, reflecting Your Glory throughout the world- Amen!
We also pray for those who have been deceived to believe the lies of the enemy: Lord, remove the blinders from their eyes- give them eyes to see, and circumcised ears to hear, and resurrected hearts of flesh to understand that Jesus is the only Way, the only Truth, and the only Life! Let the conviction of the Holy Spirit pursue them, the loving-kindness of God lead them to repentance, and the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ wash them whiter than snow from all their sins and make them citizens of Your heavenly Kingdom, Lord! We thank you for the blessings of more souls saved; we praise you for the mighty works these newly converted souls will do for Your Kingdom through the Holy Spirit dunamis power you fill them with when they accept You as their own personal Savior; and we worship you because of who you are- the perfect, loving God of the whole universe! In Jesus’s name, Amen!!!

Robin Lewis
October 15, 2024

Father God, according to Your Word, we stop now to pray for our enemies, the ones who are trying to use lawfare to prosecute, persecute, and change our nations laws that have stood the test of time and are based on the Godly counsel of our forefathers. First, Lord God, we forgive these people. They are being used by the enemy and have become deceived. They need your grace! We forgive them and bless them in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! Second, Lord, we pray for them – to experience you as the One True God through salvation through Jesus. We pray, Father, that they come to know you and know themselves as You created them to be. We pray for them to turn to You and receive the blessings that every child of God receives! Lord, we bring them before You – the only One who can heal and deliver them. We offer this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!

October 15, 2024


Patricia L. Wenzel
October 15, 2024

Father God,
I pray you would put it on the heart of Your bride to read, study and know the Constitution of these United States. I pray you would open wide doors of opportunity in our places of learning to read, study and know the important documents of this one nation under God.

I pray your bride will rise up filled with the truth of the foundation of this nation so that we can truthfully and wisely defend what YOU built in the foundation of these United States of America.

In Jesus name,

October 15, 2024

Gracious Father God, our nation is in such difficulty today, possibly even fatally so. But we know nothing is impossible for you, and though our nation deserves to come under your judgement as we have so significantly rebelled against You and all you stand for, we ask You to have mercy on us and turn our nation around and back to You. Don’t allow the so-called Progressives in our country to gain the upper hand and be successful in destroying this one nation under God. I pray You will protect our Constitution and will not allow our enemies to destroy our system of laws that have been used in recent times to persecute Your people rather than in bringing about justice. As Jehoshaphat said when threatened by the Assyrian army, “We don’t know what to do but our eyes are on You.” In Jesus name I pray. Amen

m. jorns
October 15, 2024

GOD please changes the heart o all who want to destroy our constitution.

October 15, 2024

Lord I pray your warrior Angels would dismantle the Communist/Secularists who hate God in the same way You are dismantling Iran and it’s Proxies. Supernaturally. Give both Israel and America decisive victories as we trust in You and stand together. 🇮🇱🇺🇸

Darlene Estlow
October 15, 2024

Father, you have blessed us so much. I pray for those who have become our enemies. Turn their eyes to you to see that you are sovereign; open their eyes to truth and give them repentance for not believing in you. Help us to continue to pray for our enemies that you may be glorified by them coming to you. Preserve our constitution and republic and may we once again spread your gospel to the world.

Mary Beth
October 15, 2024

Abba, we know that You desire that none perish, but that all come to repentance. We agree with Your heart’s desire, but also know that it is their choice and You will not violate their free will. We do ask that You send forth Holy Spirit to convict of sin, righteousness and judgment – sin, because they do not believe in Yeshua, the only way to salvation and relationship with You – righteousness, because Yeshua is no longer in the earth realm to show us what righteousness looks like – and judgment, because the enemy has already been judged, which is hope to the redeemed and a reminder to the unredeemed of their shared fate with the enemy. May we as Your body be obedient to our individual and corporate responsibility to share the Gospel in Word and deed, and to pray and intercede faithfully. We leave the outcome in Your hands, Lord, because ultimately what we want is for Your will to be done and Your Kingdom to come.
I thank You for Your hand in the founding of this nation and the writing of our constitution. As we keep the covenant we made with You as a nation, we trust You to keep the republic safe from attempts to destroy it.

Virginia Drastata
October 15, 2024

Vengence is mine saith the Lord. ; so we look to the hills from where comes our help, our help comes from the Lord; so Lord help us pray for our enemies, they are your enemies. We want to love them as you say but Lord its hard. He who has been forgiven much , loves much.” So Lord open the eyes of understanding for all who live in darkness, open the eyes of their understanding to see that you are God and hold all things in the palm of your hand. Cause righteousness and justice to return to all our hearts, as we pray and seek your face may our love for all people be restored in us, for we’ve all sinned against you , he who has been forgiven much loves much. Lord draw them out of the darkness of their hearts that they may see the errors of their ways. Lord have mercy on America. amen

Maynard Beck Sr
October 15, 2024

One of the most openly aggressive attacks was by the Clinton administration.
From “The gagging of God” by D.A. Carson:
“The National Education Standards and Improvement Council, set up by the Clinton Administration, prescribed what students in grades five through twelve are supposed to know about American history. Not a single one of the thirty-one standards set up mentions the Constitution. Paul Revere is unmentioned: the Gettysburg address is briefly mentioned once. On the other hand, the feminist Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiment receives nine notices. Joseph McCarthy is mentioned nineteen times, there is no mention of the Wright brothers, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Robert E. Lee; Harriet Tubman receives six notices. The Klu Klux Klan is mentioned seventeen times; the American Federation of Labor comes up with nine appearances. The role of religion, especially Christianity, in the founding and building of the nation is totally ignored; the grandeur of Mansa Musa (King of Mali in fifteenth-century Africa) is praised and recommended as a topic for further study. Such standards are linked in the minds of many with “outcome-based education” (OBE.)”

Phyllis Eix
October 15, 2024

Our Constitution defends and protects America.
It doesn’t need any changes, especially by Liberals.
[email protected]

Carlene C Renner
October 15, 2024

Father, I pray for those who oppose You. Remove the veil from their eyes and cause them to see the truth of your Word. Unplug their spiritual ears that they may hear your voice.
Lastly, I pray ezekial 36:25-27 over your enemies:
Father, sprinkle clean water on them and make them clean from all their idols and everything else that has defiled them. Give them a new heart and a new mind. Take away their stubborn heart of stone and give them an obedient heart. Put Your spirit in them and see to it that they follow your laws and keep all the commands You have given.

Claire Morgan
October 15, 2024

Miss Huff is incorrect in saying that it would take a constitutional amendment to change the number of justices on the Supreme Court. The Constitution does not specify the number of justices. Congress has the power to change the number of justices and has done so throughout our history. After the Civil War the number, the number of justices became and has remained at nine. Because Congress has this power, it matters who our legislators are and who our president is.

    Judy McDonough
    October 15, 2024

    Thank you for this correction. We have updated the article.

      Mary Beth
      October 15, 2024

      Thank you, Judy, for your gracious and swift response to the corrections!

October 15, 2024

Perhaps we should first concern ourselves with ensuring the Justices know the difference between a “man” and a “woman”. The last Biden pick, Ketanji Brown Jackson, responded that she’s “not a biologist” when asked. We need less, not more, nonsense. They have wanted to tinker with The Constitution for a long time. I do not trust the judgements of D.C., but I DO TRUST the judgement of our Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father, reveal and eradicate all nefarious confusion from Your land known as the USA. Help us, Almighty God, to seek You and Your guidance. In the Precious Name of Christ our Savior, Amen.

    R M
    October 15, 2024

    Ketanji Brown Jackson is a disgrace on the Supreme Court. Since Bush appointed Roberts chief justice directly from a large corporate law firm with no prior judicial experience, the Supreme Court is a disgrace and Biden made it worse by running Justice Breyer off the bench to appoint that clown Jackson. All the Supreme Court is a “yes agency” to the wealthy, large corporations, and government agencies. The Supreme Court is being used as a means to bypass our representatives in Congress for those who can afford it.

October 15, 2024

Dear Jesus,
I agree with the prayers below for you to expose the evil deceptions and actions the Devil has caused through those he influences. Open the eyes of the latter to see how much the Devil is using them; so they would repent and join the mighty revival I believe you are bringing to this country. Amen

October 15, 2024

There is a fundamental flaws in the belief and thinking that our constitution is one for a democracy when it is explicitly stated in the constitution itself that this constitution is FOR THE REPUBLIC, not for a democracy. In trying to make the change from a republic to a democracy there is a DELIBERATE undermining being promoted by satan himself for our destruction. Without a returning to God, there will be no democracy or country that can stand

Larry Weiler
October 15, 2024

Liberals, progressives, and anyone who has chosen to follow satan’s ways are communists and want God’s word taught as they interpret it. Yes it is a spiritual war and prayer is necessary. The constitution is a document written by man inspired by God which explains satan’s attack on it. The founding fathers were godly people and refused to bow to an earthly king’s demands. So we must remain united and focused on God’s ways. Trust in God. 🙏😇🙏

Linda Rice
October 15, 2024

This author is mistaken about two things in this article: 1. Adding more judges to Scotus does not require a change in the Constitution because the Constitution does not mention how many justices. President Washington appointed 6.

Secondly, Article V is not about a constitutional convention but about how amendments are proposed. Only proposed.

I’m a part of Convention of States and I can assure you, you are mistaken. Please be careful in your posts.

    Judy McDonough
    October 15, 2024

    Thank you for your correction. We have updated the article.

Shelley Pope
October 15, 2024

Lord Jesus, I pray for “enemies” to stop calling evil good & good evil. I pray for a John 13:34 attitude. I pray eyes opened to the fact that Your word is absolute truth & we live by faith not by sight. May those who are fearful taste & see that the Lord is good. Father Your word states amend your ways & I’ll cause you to dwell in this place. Thank you Lord for Your wisdom that speaks giving understanding & deepening dependence upon You in all aspects of our lives & spheres of influence. I ask in Jesus name.

October 15, 2024

Dearest Heavenly Father: I pray for those that are so entrenched in the devil that they are opposing your ways, commandments and laws. Who want to exalt themselves above you believing they know more or better than you. I pray you convict their hearts and open their eyes to the truth. You ALONE are GOD. There is NO ONE above you, no one Greater than you. In Isaiah 55 8 and 9 you tell us that your ways and thoughts are high above ours and we who love you stand on that word. We know we are fighting a spiritual battle and that in and through you we will be victorious if we keep your commandments and trust you with all our Hearts. Father please protect America and our constitution our forefathers created with you in mind, desiring to be One Nation Under GOD!. You are a God of order and righteousness and like the parable in Luke 19 help us to occupy until you return. Help us to increase what you have given us rather than allowing it to decrease because of sinful stupidity or willful indifference. We give you all Glory, Honor, Power and Praise for you alone are Worthy to be PRAISED! We pray this prayer in the Mighty Mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Savior, Healer, Protector, Best Friend EVER — Our Everything!

Marianna Forrester
October 15, 2024

Father, I pray for Mr. Chemerinsky, that you would break through to his spiritual understanding. I pray he would see that the foundations of our country are actually strong, and that the fear of God would come over him so that he would stop his attempts to destroy her constitutional republic! Father we choose to forgive his attempts to destroy our country, and we ask that you would have mercy on him, and grant him repentance along with others who have joined his fight against our constitution and our democracy.

Pam Baker
October 15, 2024

Your article has a typo. The date of the “insurrection” otherwise known as a peaceful protest was on January 6, 2021. You have the date as January 6, 2020 which is incorrect.
“On our political front, we find the horrendous miscarriage of justice done to those arrested for being at the U. S. Capitol on January 6, 2020. “

    Judy McDonough
    October 15, 2024

    Thank you for your correction. We have updated the article.

October 15, 2024

Father your way is righteous and true. I pray for those rebelling against truth, justice and righteousness. Especially those that have high positions and influence in politics, Fortune 500 companies, judiciary, media, entertainment, colleges and lower education leaders. Praying for an encounter with Jesus that they can not deny. May they see the folly of their old way of thinking and be renewed in wisdom and knowledge that comes from a relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Father it is time for your Bride to come clean of any unwholesome behaviors and repent so that a time of refreshing can be released from Heaven. Jesus, we love you and pray now in your name, which is above every name.

Karen Tyree
October 15, 2024

Father God, only you can know everything about your creation. Many refuse to know you and could be because Your Church is negligent in prayer. I ask that you will give us all a love for our enemies,that praying for them earnestly will change their minds!!

Maria F
October 15, 2024

Father God I love you and I thank you because we have a great hope in Jesus Christ. It is so hard to pray for our enemies, but because of your love that we do not deserve I pray for those that are blind dear Jesus open their eyes to see truth. I pray for their Awakening in Jesus name that they will be able to experience your blessings amen

Sheri Vickery
October 15, 2024

Father God, Your Word says that what is done in darkness will be brought to light. We, Your people are praying that Your light shines in the hearts of those against You and that our compassion for the error of their ways will bring them to a saving knowledge of You. In Your precious Son’s Name. Amen.


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