I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray for the vulnerable children being abused and exploited as a result of the border crisis. We ask You to bring reform and oversight to protect these kids!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Children are reportedly being drugged at the border, “recycled” in an effort to smuggle more and more people into America.

From The Daily Wire. Border Patrol agents are sounding the alarm about increased child exploitation at the southern border, where children as young as 8 years old have been found drugged and “recycled” by smugglers.

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In recent weeks, authorities have rescued numerous children at the border from smugglers, border patrol sources have told the New York Post.

In one instance, a woman traveling with two children, ages 8 and 11, was found to have drugged the minors with sleeping pills. The woman was not related to the children, though she tried to pose as their mother. …

Border agents, in another case, rescued a child who had similarly been “heavily dosed with sleep aids to prevent him from talking” to authorities, the Post report says. …

Agents say smugglers are using children numerous times, or “recycling” them, to pose as family units and try to gain entry to the U.S.

One border patrol source told the Post that at the height of an immigration influx, they had to “let family units in.” He said after a while, agents noticed the same children cycling through, but with different “parents.” …

The exploitation is happening to young migrants after the Biden-Harris administration is quickly placing them with sponsors, too.

Muckraker posted a video this week of first-hand accounts of young migrants who were placed with sponsors and suffered. One minor said her sponsor is forcing her to pay her $10,000 for taking her in. …

Last year, it was initially reported that 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children were unaccounted for, or lost, by HHS. The number is currently estimated at 320,000. …

Share your prayers for the children at the border below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: U.S. Customs and Border Protection)

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September 30, 2024

Lord, We know your tender heart for children, telling your followers that anyone who harmed little ones would receive the worst punishment. We bind the demonic forces that control this horrible slavery and child abuse at our borders and release your oversight of angelic protection for all children. Please remove those responsible for all in this governmental administration who knowingly ace children in harm’s way by causing Christians to vote in the upcoming election for just leaders. Amen
We thank you for

Kathy Jordan
September 30, 2024

Dear God forgive this nation for exploiting children. Bring swift justice to those who are trafficking children and using them for their pervertedness. Amen


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