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I Prayed have prayed
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that Your truth is stronger than the lies perpetuated by the woke agenda. Have mercy, we pray, and free our nation from the stronghold of this evil doctrine. Rescue every person who is ensnared in it, we pray, and draw them to Yourself. In Jesus' name, amen.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Are you concerned about the influence that the “woke” agenda has garnered in America? Does it concern you that people are calling darkness light, and light darkness, seemingly without consequences?

If so, I wanted to invite you to lift a few strategic prayer points up to the Lord today. If we gather together and pray with the heart of God for people who have been ensnared in this wicked agenda, I believe we can see the Lord do mighty works to dismantle its chokehold over America.

Who is praying on the wall?


Before we begin, I caution you to pray only with the heart of God over these things.

Remember that each and every one of us who are God’s children NOW, used to be sinners. Each and every one of us used to enthusiastically live for the devil. However, our Heavenly Father sent Jesus to die for us even while we were yet sinners:

For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:6-8 NKJV).

It is absolutely imperative that we not approach this topic from any position of perceived superiority.

No matter how holy we feel or how long we’ve been saved, we would all still be ensnared in the enemy’s lies had not Jesus shed His precious blood to rescue us. Therefore, as we look at people who are ensnared in the woke agenda …

… even those who loudly and enthusiastically champion it and perpetuate it …

… we must be cautious to remember that it is not God’s will that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

As it says in 2 Peter 3:9:

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9 NKJV).

For these reasons, as we pray, we would each do well to position ourselves humbly before God, remember the sin in which we ourselves used to live, and think, “There but for the grace of God go I,” as we pray.

That said, let’s look at five prayers we can pray together about the woke agenda, and about its stronghold in America.

Prayer 1: Pray that the Lord would quickly cut off the root of the woke agenda, and that He would dissolve every woke person’s influence for evil.

Isaiah 5:20-24 says this:

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!

Woe to men mighty at drinking wine, woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink, who justify the wicked for a bribe, and take away justice from the righteous man!

Therefore, as the fire devours the stubble, and the flame consumes the chaff, so their root will be as rottenness, and their blossom will ascend like dust; because they have rejected the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel (Isaiah 5:20-24 NKJV).

In the woke agenda, we definitely have people calling evil “good” and good “evil.” So many people likewise believe that dark things are light, and light things are dark. However, God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all—so everything that He condemns brings only hopelessness, death, and despair. There is no light or life found in the sins which the woke agenda celebrates and champions.

For that reason, let us join together and lift the promise of Isaiah 5 to the Lord. In the passage above, the Lord says that “as the fire devours the stubble, and the flame consumes the chaff”—meaning, very quickly indeed—He will remove the strength of this evil right at the root level. He will also remove their public influence—their “blossom.” Their root will be as rottenness, and their blossom will disintegrate into dust … all because they despised the truth of God’s Word.

Since God said it would happen, you can pray for it to happen. God is the One who loves righteousness and hates lawlessness. So:

  • Ask the Lord to quickly cut off the root of the woke agenda, both at a nationwide level AND in every individual’s heart; and
  • Ask Him to make the woke agenda’ s public influence disintegrate as if into a puff of dust.

Prayer 2: Pray that God would shower His goodness down upon every woke person, for it is the goodness of God that brings men to repentance.

As we read in Romans 2:4:

Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? (Romans 2:4 NKJV).

Remember that it is the GOODNESS of God that brings men to repentance. People don’t get saved because we pray “Smite ’em, God!” Rather, people give their lives to Jesus and repent for their sins because God shows them His goodness. And His goodness compels them to the feet of their Savior, Jesus—the One who knows them best and loves them most.


  • Pray that the Lord would rain down His goodness upon every unsaved person in America.
  • Pray that they would recognize that God alone is the Source of that goodness.
  • Pray that His showers of goodness raining down upon them would force them to admit that they do not know God, but that they need Him.
  • Ask the Lord to help every sinner desire Him as they see His goodness raining down upon them—and that each and every one would bow at the feet of Jesus, repent for their sins, and make Jesus Christ their Lord, Boss, Master, and Savior.

Prayer 3: Pray that every member of the Body of Christ would rise up as a clean and holy priest, teaching people the difference between the holy and the profane.

In Ezekiel 44, we read what the Lord said about the rising up and restoration of a clean, holy priesthood in Israel. Ezekiel 44:23 is of particular importance here:

And they shall teach My people the difference between the holy and the unholy, and cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean (Ezekiel 44:23 NKJV).

What’s the application for America today? Simply this:

Since each and every true believer in Christ (those who worship Jesus both in word and deed) is a royal priest unto God, WE can be the ones who teach Israel the difference between the holy and the unholy, the clean and the unclean. By our living examples AND by our words, we can demonstrate the difference between the holy and the profane.

It’s almost like Jesus called us to be “salt and light” on the earth, isn’t it? 😊

So, pray this:

  • Ask the Lord to continue to purify His Body, which is His church.
  • Ask Him to convict every believer of their own sins, and that every believer would repent for any sins (secret or otherwise) in their lives.
  • Pray that every Christian would live and walk in a holy way going forward; and that we would be living epistles, read of all men, to show people the difference between the holy and the profane.

Prayer 4: Pray that God would give people a hunger and thirst for His Word; and that they would know the truth, and that the truth would set them free.

Jesus taught us this key in John 8:31-32:

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32 NKJV).

Many of God’s promises carry conditions, and this promise is no different. Yes, you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free—but you have to abide in Jesus’ word first. That is what makes you His “disciple indeed.” Therefore, we have to start praying at the beginning of this promise in order to pray effectively.

So, for prayer 4, pray as follows:

  • Ask God to pour out a hunger for the Bible on all the American people.
  • Ask Him to help people begin to seek out God’s Word on their own, devouring it and studying its truth.
  • Pray that Holy Spirit would reveal truth, which is Jesus (the Way, Truth, and Life) to people as they read and hear God’s holy Word.
  • Pray that every American would begin to abide in God’s Word and know the truth …
  • And that the truth (which is the Truth, or Jesus) would make them free.

Prayer 5: Pray that every mercenary root of the woke agenda would be exposed.

The woke agenda is a huge money machine for those entrenched in it. However, it purports itself to exist for the good of the masses—and especially for the marginalized and victimized.

Unless the lies and corruption behind the woke agenda’s mercenary roots are exposed for what they are, people will continue being deceived. Only the truth will reveal the areas in which “wokeness” is not about loving people well—but is instead about money and control.

As you pray about this, claim Jesus’ promise in Luke 8:17:

For nothing is secret that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light (Luke 8:17 NKJV).

… And ask the Lord to make the “money machine” extremely repulsive to the American people as He reveals these hidden things.

Beloved, the woke agenda may have made giant inroads into America, but it does not reign in America.

Ultimately, God is still in control of our nation. And while He honors our free will, and the free will of sinners who do what they do naturally (which is sin), He will still move in response to your prayers. God, and God alone, sits above the circle of the earth and laughs at His enemies—all the while bringing individuals who are willing to Himself, to save them and bring them new life in Jesus.

Will you join with me today and pray from the heart of God over these things? Leave a comment below if you will!

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence. She is the author of over 40 books, including her two latest collections of prayer tools, Wind of Heaven and New Season. She seeks to equip you to carry God’s manifest glory everywhere you go. Her resources have been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets. Download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and WorshipherePhoto credit: doidam10 via Canva Pro.

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Nancy Elliott
October 14, 2024

These are wonderful, timely thoughts and prayer suggestions. I will definitely utilize them in my prayer life. Thank you

Joan M Olbrich
October 14, 2024

This was an excellent post. I agree that we need to remember what God has done for us. And yes that He loves everyone and desires to bring freedom to the masses. The new wine of the holy Spirit is not Self righteous, but deeply Christ centered. May we remember that and stay low so He can be lifted up. Amen

Joel Reed
October 13, 2024

Yes! The Lord will respond to the prayers of the saints to remove every root and trace of a woke/demonic agenda from America and the world. We praise you Lord!

October 13, 2024

As Jamie writes, I agree with her as she writes exactly what the heart of God “is”. Yet I would only disagree with one thing. I have found that in my walk with Christ, over decades, that sometimes the Lord has to “lower the boom” or smite (not kill) people in order to bring them as low as possible….to get them to wake up & change direction. Bringing people to their “end” does not always mean ending their life – it sometimes means just ending their selfish mindset…because God, in His mercy, is slways extending His hand in hopes that those people will accept Him.

October 13, 2024


October 12, 2024

Amen to this article and the prayers therin!! AMEN

Billie J. Minor
October 12, 2024

I have prayed fervently, Lord, for each and every point made in these writings by Jamie Rorabaugh and I speak (effective & done) over this which is both truth and light for our petitions. All Praise be to Jesus as in His name we pray. Amen

Keith Knapp
October 12, 2024

Yesterday, to celebrate the field staff’s contribution to the company, my son who owns a mid size home remodeling business had just finished a prayer asking the Lord to bless the meal and fellowship. I turned to introduce myself to one of the carpenters that I did not know. As I shook hands with the dad and mom, then the two boys, the six year old would not shake. His hands were held before him like puppy paws and his mom said “he is a praying mantis today.”
Woke-ism has infiltrated our society and is destroying young people. I urge you to take your children out of public education!
Unlike 100 years ago, bad people rule our public systems, forcing subordinates to teach Marxism, woke-ism, and other trash from Satan.

October 12, 2024

Thank you for this great article.

October 12, 2024

So what is “woke”? You never defined it and, thus, just spread fear at the word. What would Jesus do? Being aware of others truth, while still having a love of Jesus, is what Jesus did and would do.

    October 12, 2024

    Father, with great love and concern, I lift up this brother Tom.

    Please show him what “woke” means; remove the veil of lies off of him.

    Oh, Lord, his statement, “Being aware of others truth,” concerns me very much. Show him there is only ONE Truth, and that Truth is Jesus Christ!

    Father, may Your truth set him free, in Jesus’ name!

      October 13, 2024

      Am agreeing with you SueB !! In our saviors blessed name we pray .

    October 13, 2024

    • Statements of evil that are presented to appear as good;
    • Lies that are perpetrated as truth.
    • Demonic agendas designed to attempt to remove God and destroy humanity.
    • Any self-seeking, self-fulfillment lie that sets itself up over/above the true knowledge of God.

    8 examples of woke agendas:
    • You can choose your gender.
    • Abortion is a self right.
    • A fetus is not a baby; it’s a blob of tissue.
    • Parents should not have parental rights.
    • Climate control is saving the earth.
    • We should worship Mother Earth and call her holy.
    • Homosexuality is not a sin.
    • Some people are born gay.

    Hope that helps!

    Kirk and Mary Beth Sumpter
    October 14, 2024

    Here is an explanation of the term “woke”:

    In short, it is rooted in black vernacular language calling for an awareness of racial inequalities but has been expanded to include any form of discrimination.

      Mary Beth Sumpter
      October 14, 2024

      In addition, this term has evolved to include any and all forms of discrimination – including (tongue-in-cheek) discriminating between good and evil, truth and deception, light and dark, etc. But God Himself discriminates – He elects, divides, and separates. Treating people with love does not mean we can condone or even overlook sin and deception – not our own and not theirs. True love is not blind or ignorant.

Marlene Marshall
October 12, 2024

Thank you for this understanding so that I can honestly pray about this. I am greatly encouraged to pray from your writings.

Brian Lynch
October 12, 2024

The woke agenda is totally dishonest and its hallmark is deception. In the mighty name of Jesus, I drop the tip of the sword of the Spirit upon the head of the spirit of woke thinking and its evil actions. Thank You Jesus, that we have You and Your principles to cling to, that we of like precious faith do not have to be deceived by the perpetrators of this evil. Thank You for the opportunity to see this debauchery for what it truly is, and to have NOTHING to do with it!

Evelyn Kumm
October 12, 2024

Amen!! I agree! I am praying! Amen!!

Sharon L Buck
October 12, 2024

Oh blessed Lord, I pray that You would move on this nation! I pray that You would awaken the sleeping giant, the passive people who name Your Name, stir them up to remembrance of Who You are and what You’ve done to set us free! Help us to walk in the Light, to be people of light, to love like You love, and hate what You hate. Cause us to speak up about the freedom You offer us in Christ, and speak against the darkness that has enslaved so many! Give us wisdom, peace, joy in the the Holy Ghost, compassion, and power! Undergird us with Your supernatural power, Lord, that we might truly be a peculiar people, living differently than the world, and so attractive to those who are lost! Set us on fire, Lord! Bring revival, Lord – true, complete, purposed, intense revival that pours out life-giving truth and hope in this generation! Send us Your presence, Lord God! Holy Spirit, awaken us, in Jesus’ awesome Name, I pray!

Paul J Fishman
October 12, 2024

Lord we pray in Jesus name that the superstitious doctrine of Wokeness from Lucifer be exposed and destroyed. Make this doctrine from Medieval times be removed from the minds of our nation.

October 12, 2024

Thank you!!!!

Mary D
October 12, 2024

Wow! Game changer. I confess that I’ve never prayed from Romans 2:4. I Love this and Holy Spirit spoke or quickened my Spirit as soon as I read it and how to pray! This Yom Kippur, joining with masses of women, men, and children, is the perfect starting point

Connie Pinion
October 12, 2024

Yes, I have prayed today and will be praying all day today and ever day. Please keep everyone in your prayers that are attending the Million Women – An Esther Call on the Mall. Today is the day to be bold.

Genevieve Abalos
October 12, 2024

I thank You our Father, our King, for rising up in these dark days exposing the deception and. Filth the enemy has set up as “truth” . Let Your light shine in all of us that we would stand strong in You. Rise up, O King and let Your enemies be scattered.
Keep us humble, and fill us with extraordinary love for those around us. Give us eyes to see others the way You do. Give us courage, and discernment. Clean up our nation that we will once again chase after our good King…Jesus, The NAME above all names. Blessings to You our God!

Lauren R
October 12, 2024

Father I pray that hearts would have an urgent desire to want to seek your solid truth. I pray they would sense your plan for your people is to bring freedom, and life abundantly & they would seek that truth. Give them dreams in the night of who you are Jesus & draw them to seek your love. Amen

October 12, 2024

Lord, your apostle, Paul, told the Galatians that we do not war against other people, but against the demonic powers of darkness that seek to devour souls. By the power of your sacrificial blood we ask you, Lord, to bind and destroy this demonic agenda of wokeness destroying the lives of youth. Pour out your spiritual blessings on both victims and perpetrators of destructive wokeness and show them your Way and Truth that leads to Life. Amen

October 12, 2024

Praying with you. Believing for a Spirit filled move of God in our Nation and revival.

Dwight L Bernier
October 12, 2024

I most certainly will do my best to be sure to carry out these prayers for the glory of God! Thank you for sharing them! God bless you!


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