I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would protect America's children from these dangerous, irreversible treatments. We pray for a president who will honor sex and gender as established in Your Word.
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A Christian organization is targeting Harris with ads in swing states, exposing her support for taxpayer-funded sex-changes for minors.

From Breitbart. Attack ads airing in the swing states of Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin have been criticizing Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris for her past support of taxpayer-funded transition of teenagers.

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The 30-second ads from the conservative advocacy group CatholicVote say that 236 underage girls had their breasts removed with taxpayer funds. …

“Sound weird? Disgusting? It is. And you’re paying for it,” the narrator says in the ads. “Kamala Harris supports these taxpayer-funded sex-change operations.” …

CatholicVote President Brian Burch said that the ad calls attention to the “size, scope and money involved in the trans agenda being pushed on our kids.” …

“Unlike fracking, defunding the police, or securing the border, Kamala has not yet flip-flopped on forcing Americans to pay for medical experiments on children,” Burch added. …

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Lorie Shaull from St Paul, United States – Kamala Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=80272344)

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Billie J. Minor
September 23, 2024

This is not misinformation! You are fed by the leftist reporting of the major Media who report fake news and have no shame in doing so. The truth will prevail, but not soon enough to comfort those victims who have gone through the agonizing experience.

Ann Shaw
September 22, 2024

Almighty Father and Creator who created each embryo and provided life in the womb, grant us wisdom to protect and nourish to promote growth into well and healthy adults to be thankful and productive in life.
In Jesus’s name Amen

September 22, 2024

She is going to win. This country is a Godless cesspool of filth. It is deserving of any punishment rendered.

Linda Hanratty
September 20, 2024

Here is an article to support your letters.https://acpeds.org/press/pediatricians-release-position-statement-reviewing-over-60-studies-on-mental-health-in-adolescents-with-gender-dysphoria

Father, we ask that you undo the works of darkness that have caused blindness in our leaders. Remove the veil from their thinking.
And sow truth into their hearts. We ask that all leaders and judges who are making policy would come to their senses. And Lord that you would renew right-thinking within them. We pray for boldness, and courage to overcome evil with good. And that our leaders, would not be guided by partyline but by doing that which is right in your sight and defined clearly in your word. Renew a right spirit within them in Jesus name. Amen

September 20, 2024

This is misinformation, the right will make stuff up and then the sheep will repost it without checking the accuracy of the sources because it fits with the narrative.

    Darlene Estlow
    September 20, 2024

    This is not misinformation. She has said this is what she wants to happen, especially the government paying for it.

Larry Weiler
September 20, 2024

God forgive us for allowing this to happen. Help us elect people who honor You and will fight against all of satan’s agendas. I Trust in God.

    September 21, 2024

    Dear Lord, We pray these evil people do not win the election. Remove each evil person from our government and let them no longer entrench our offices. In the Holy Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen☦️

Janea L.Gardner
September 19, 2024

This women is a witch/occult priestess raping the innocent bride, young women. Witnessed in a dream. Very disturbing as she was naked and actually raping the young women. This dream occurred almost a month ago. Only The Great Almighty Creator can prevent it, put an end to this evil. This will take all of God’s children in prayer and fasting to pull down this witchcraft spirit. Continue to be watching and praying church. Enforce the victory over the darkness that Christ won for us on the Cross. Amen

    John Soccre
    September 20, 2024

    It is sick that a Christian website allows these type of comments to be made.

September 19, 2024


Tom Scott
September 19, 2024

Lord Jesus, bless this nation. Give it a Christian Church that is fully led, directed and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Give us Christian leaders that move, teach and preach by revelation; only doing and saying what they see and hear You do and say. Restore spiritual authority to the Church, Lord, just like we read about in the book of Acts. Thank you Lord Jesus.

September 19, 2024

When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked rule, the people groan. Proverbs 29:2 NLT

September 19, 2024

Lord Jesus I lift up public school libraries today and ask that the school librarians would remove books that teach children about Witchcraft. As a school employee I approached a 3rd grader who was reading a book about casting spells. I talked to her about the dangers of calling out these spells and about the Devil and the portal of His darkness and evil. She seemed surprised but her classmates said they were Christians and knew about the Devil . I told her I would pray for her that she’d find Jesus and read the Bible. Please make me more bold to witness to children. Amen

Brian Lynch
September 19, 2024

This lady is wicked and under the spell of satan. Lord Jesus, I pray that this lady does lose the upcoming election. To have her in the White House as president will bring ruin to our nation. Thank you Jesus.

    Dan P Moylan
    September 19, 2024

    absolutely she is evil

    September 19, 2024

    As a Catholic, I have only one choice in the presidential election, Donald J Trump.

September 19, 2024

My Precious Savior: Please keep shining your revealing light and word into the dark recesses of this nation and world. Cause parents to stand up and advocate wisely for their children. Training them up in the way they should go. We bind and rebuke these demonic practices in your Mighty Name, JESUS. Help us get leaders in place that will bring our government back to you and who will do your Will. We give you all Glory, Honor, Power, and PRAISE for you alone are Worthy to be PRAISED. Amen.


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