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Father, we thank You for protecting our elections in Pennsylvania. As Americans begin to mail in ballots, we pray that their votes would be counted fairly and accurately.
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With less than 50 days until the election, Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court rejected a challenge to a crucial election safeguard. Praise God!

From Townhall. Late last week, the RNC achieved yet another election integrity victory in Pennsylvania to do with mail ballots. The RNC Election Integrity team achieved a win last month, though a panel with the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court overturned that days later. More recently, however, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected such a challenge, the RNC announced last Friday, voiding the lower court’s ruling. …

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Pennsylvania state law requires that voters sign and date their mail ballots in order for them to be considered, which the RNC refers to as “an important election integrity safeguard” … However, leftist groups filed lawsuits to try to strike down the date requirement. …

“The Commonwealth Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to review the matter given the failure to name the county boards of elections of all 67 counties,” the state Supreme Court noted. Even more noteworthy is that such a court has a heavily liberal slant of 5-2. Friday’s decision was 4-3.  …

While the election is a little over seven weeks away, Pennsylvania begins mailing ballots 50 days before the election. October 29 is the last day to request a mail ballot.

Share your prayers for election integrity below.

(Excerpt from Townhall. Photo Credit: Janine Robinson on Unsplash)

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Robbie Haroldson
September 19, 2024

Lord Protect our righteous Pres. Trump & appeal to him to Garner his own security reinforcements. Lord protect our righteous voting & votes. (“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.”

Darlene Estlow
September 18, 2024

Praise God for this protection of our elections. May other states protect their elections as well.


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