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God, we as Speaker Johnson works to build consensus in the Republican party, we pray that You would move in our leaders' hearts. Show every elected official the importance of guarding our elections!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As Democrats and even some Republicans refuse to support the SAVE Act, Speaker Johnson has promised to work through the weekend building consensus before taking a vote.

From The Daily Wire. Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) backed off plans for a vote Wednesday on a short-term spending measure combined with reforms meant to help ensure non-citizens are not voting in federal elections, but he committed to “consensus building” in the GOP-led House through the weekend.

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Leading congressional Democrats, the White House, and even some Republicans have voiced opposition to the proposal, which would provide funding for the federal government for six months — through March 28 — in addition to instituting the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. A government shutdown could happen next month if a deal to fund the various federal agencies is not reached by the end of September …

“No vote today, because we’re in the consensus building business here in Congress with small majorities,” Johnson told reporters at the U.S. Capitol. …

The SAVE Act, which passed the House in July with some bipartisan support but never got taken up by the Democrat-controlled Senate, aims to require that individuals show proof of U.S. citizenship to register to vote in elections for federal office and pushes states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls. Critics argue the bill is unnecessary and would create an undue burden on legitimate voters, but a report from Johnson warned of a National Voter Registration Act “loophole” in which states do not ask for proof of citizenship when registering an individual to vote in federal elections and cited evidence of non-citizens appearing on voter rolls in places such as Massachusetts, Ohio, and Virginia.

Several Republicans in the House have signaled dismay with the GOP plan, with some being turned off by the idea of stop-gap spending bill, defense hawks fretting a “negative impact” on the Pentagon, and others not liking the idea of the SAVE Act being included, according to POLITICO. …

What do you think of this news? And what do you think of the SAVE Act? Share your thoughts and prayers in the comments below.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: ElevenPhotographs on Unsplash)

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Richard Clarke
September 12, 2024

Either you stand firm in your belief in your personal relationship with Jesus, Yeshua Ben Yosef, or you do not. Ask Him what’s on His heart! Know why you do what you do, and why you say what you say; is it not, but to be one with Him? When He does not ask it of you, then it is of the self of you. Have no doubt about that! And when it is of the self of you, it will not prosper God’s Kingdom or prophet/profit mankind. Yeshua has said that even the most simple can at least receive a “yes” or “no “answer from Him. Ask Yeshua! Yeshua’s wisdom and light, does not equate to man’s thoughts. [email protected]

thomas A. Dietz
September 12, 2024

Vote for the SAVE Act. Especially clean up the voter rolls. Provide info on how to registerto vote. Pass stop gap measure for govt. Agencies. Hold down spending.

Christina Turnipseed
September 12, 2024

I love praying for my Nation with thousands of others seeking Jesus Christ for favor. However, the Republican agenda comes through strongly. We should have better faith in Christ and allow Jesus to choose our president and other leaders. I do love most prayers. They are short and to the point.

September 12, 2024

I pray that what is true and right would prevail and that no one would be able to stand against it!

September 12, 2024

I pray that want us true and right would prevail and that no one would be able to attend against it!

Lewis Jenkins
September 12, 2024

U.S. citizens would not be allowed to vote in other countries’ elections and would probably be jailed if they tried.


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