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Father, we thank You for giving DeSantis boldness as he stands against the Satanic Temple. We thank You for putting chaplains in schools in Florida, and we pray that You would prevent Satanists from having access to our kids.
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Florida is putting Chaplains in schools and the Satanic Temple is outraged that it’s not invited, promising on X to “raise hell.”

From The Western Journal. The Satanic Temple is vowing to fight back against a new Florida policy that allows schools to have chaplains to provide support for troubled children.

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The law allows Clergy members to volunteer for the opportunity to provide a spiritual dimension, while counseling youth at schools that wish to participate in the program.

Last week, the Florida Department of Education released guidelines for the program, stressing that only qualified chaplains can participate and that the program is voluntary for schools as well as optional for students, who can only participate with the permission of their parents.

“Floridian TST members, supporters, & allies are standing up for true religious freedom & confronting theocracy. Ready to stand with us and raise hell?” The Satanic Temple posted on X.

Keeping the Satanic Temple out of schools was on the governor’s mind when he signed the law. …

The model policy for schools issued by the state defines religion as “an organized group led, supervised, or counseled by a hierarchy of teachers, clergy, sages, or priests that (1) acknowledges the existence of and worships a supernatural entity or entities that possesses power over the natural world, (2) regularly engages in some form of ceremony, ritual, or protocol, and (3) whose religious beliefs impose moral duties independent of the believer’s self-interest.”

The policy noted that school principals are the ultimate gatekeepers for any school district that implements the chaplain policy. …

Share your prayers against the Satanic Temple below.

(Excerpt from The Western Journal. Photo Credit: Marc Nozell – https://www.flickr.com/photos/marcn/33726363098/, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=145571098)

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September 3, 2024

Thank You, LORD, the Your blood and Your name are covering and protecting this state and that more states will be following this example

Michelle Satterfield
September 3, 2024

No offense, but when you read the qualifications, it sounds more mystical and like New Age religion to me. There’s not one speck of mention of God. Anyone can be under a priest, even a high priest of Satan and follow his direction Please pray to find this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior to protect our children. They want our children

D c
September 3, 2024

If we can think of the most disgusting thing in all of creation
satin is way above all of that
These worshippers of hell, need to be prayed for that GOD would touch their hearts and minds.
We can all fall in this trap of selfishness no matter what the outcome
We have to be diligent in picking the pastors i.e. chaplains that will be in the schools!. This has to be a God appointment and not man out of favour For favour
We need Holy Spirit we need the Holy Spirit. We need the Holy Spirit to guide this to apoint the right chaplains.
Our children have to be protected enough is enough thank you

Michelle Kerney
September 3, 2024

Love this! Even his name, de-santis, is a visual for his high and holy call! May God continue to protect, lead, and strengthen Governor DeSantis and protect our children and schools.

marcela schott
September 3, 2024

I would have never thought of taking a course to become a Chaplain, but after becoming aware of this Bill and Law Governor DeSantis signed earlier this year, I signed up for the Chaplaincy Certification on line . Once I finish I intend to put my name on the list of volunteers in my district. Thank you for continuing to bring the news with prayer and action.


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