I Prayed have prayed
God, our hope is in You alone, may it remain firm, steadfast and immovable in You and Your Word, always. In Jesus name. Amen.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Hope is only as strong as its source.

I recently encountered these words while praying about widespread hopelessness in our nation and across the globe. The impactful statement made me reassess the true foundation of my hope. So, let’s begin by delving into the meaning of hope.

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Hope, as defined in the dictionary, is a feeling of expectation, a desire, or a wish that something will happen. However, the Bible defines hope a little differently. It describes hope as an expectation with a certainty that God will do what He said He would do. There is a difference. One is based on feelings, while the other is based on the Word of God or what He said He would do.

One is a wish, while the other is a guarantee from a God who cannot lie.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen (Heb 11:1).

The word substance in this verse means the foundation or what you place your hope on. Faith is the foundation of what we hope will happen. But what is the foundation of our faith?

This passage illustrates that genuine hope based on the Bible relies on faith. Our faith must have a solid foundation. In other words, we don’t have faith in our faith, but in God alone. The crucial point is the focus of our faith and hope, and that is what makes the real difference.

So, what is the difference? It is God and His Word.

If our hope is based on anything but God and His Word, it is not biblical hope; it reverts to a wish-it-would-happen kind of hope based on feelings at that moment in time.

Many people in our nation today place their hope in a political party. While I understand the importance of who leads our country, we must ask this question: If our hope is in a political party, is that political party strong enough to sustain our hope? Is it solid enough to build all our hope on? Is it sure and steadfast, immovable? Can it be fully trusted without question or doubt?

Others have their hope in a particular presidential candidate. Is that candidate strong enough to place your hope on? Are they infallible? Are they a solid rock on which you can stand?

If our faith is in anything but the Word of God, it can fail. Yes, God uses people to bring His will to pass on earth, but we must be diligent to keep our faith and hope in Him alone.

Matthew 7:24-27 teaches us a valuable lesson. If we build our house or hope on anything other than God and His Word, it is built on sinking sand. When storms come, and they will, it will not stand.

“Therefore, whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.

“But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, and it fell. And great was its fall.”

Everything that can be shaken is being shaken in this hour. It is more important than ever to keep our hope founded on the Word of God and His promises. It must be our only source, our only foundation. Nothing else will stand in this hour. While hope in this hour may sound impossible, it is not – with God, all things are possible. How do we keep our hope grounded in the right source? How do we remain hopeful in such a challenging season?

Here are some keys to empower you to establish your hope in God and His Word.

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Rom 15:13)

Remember this scripture: It is God alone who fills us with true hope. This scripture says He will cause us to abound in hope. This is an awesome promise. Can you imagine being so hopeful that nothing around you moves you? Nothing you hear on the news causes you to fear or become disturbed? As we keep our eyes and hearts fixed on God, our hope will thrive. After all, He is the God of hope.

Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us. (Rom 5:5)

Our hope is based on the truth of God’s love for us. We can trust in His promises entirely and without hesitation. Romans 5:5 speaks of hope in God alone – only He cannot disappoint because only He cannot fail.

Psalm 22:5 in the Amplified Bible confirms this promise.

They cried to You and were delivered; they trusted in, leaned on, and confidently relied on You, and were not ashamed or confounded or disappointed.

Praise is a key to keeping your hope in God immovable.

Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him, for the help of His countenance. (Ps 42:5)

Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer. (Rom 12:12)

When our hope is anchored in God alone, we won’t be shaken by circumstances. Instead, we will keep praising God no matter what we see or feel. Praise helps to keep our hope in God strong and unwavering.

From this moment on, may we remember that hope is only as strong as its source, and may we always allow our hope to rest in God alone. For He and His Word alone is our source.

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Kim Potter is the author of Deeper Still, a 90-day devotional on a deeper relationship with God. She is also the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, in Charisma Magazine, and on Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the hearts of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, to impart hope. To order her new book or receive her daily encouraging writings, visit her website at www.anewthingministries.comPhoto Credit: 

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August 31, 2024


Bill Demlow
August 31, 2024

My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
(Edward Mote)

    Susan CC
    August 31, 2024

    Beautiful song and affirmation….Amen, Bill may God bless You richly.

Lori Meed
August 31, 2024

Kim, my heart soars to read this wonderful exhortation! Thank you. I wholeheartedly echo your teaching. We have but ONE HOPE and it is He who is the Lion and the Lamb. No king but Jesus!

Mary Beth
August 31, 2024

Yes, Kim, we must place our hope in YHVH alone, because nothing and no one else is worthy. Psa. 42:5 is one of my favorite verses, especially after learning the meaning of “cast down”, a shepherd’s term. A “cast down” sheep is one that has somehow rolled onto it’s back, and cannot right itself. It will literally frighten itself to death, thrashing and bleating. So I picture that predicament, and myself as the sheep. I recognize the need to calm myself, and cry out to Shepherd who alone can set me on my feet again.
Thank You, Lord for being the sure and solid foundation for our hope!

August 31, 2024

AWESOME!!! Thank you for reminding us. The devil has been SO busy trying to sidetrack everyone and this just reminds us that even when we feel attacked, God is on the THRONE and we are not alone or done. 2Corinthians 4:8 and 9 says “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed. Knowing that, we can stand on his promises which the bible is full of and knowing the scripture (Numbers 23:19) God is not a man that he should lie, neither the Son of Man that he should repent, has he not spoken it, and will he not do it, has he not said it and will he not make it right we know his word is real, his faithfulness is unending and his promises are SURE.

Mildred Hall
August 31, 2024

Beautiful! Uplifting! Thank you


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