I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You that the United Kingdom has acted to protect children. We ask You to give our leaders in America the wisdom, strength, and courage to protect our children from these dangerous medications.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A high court has ruled in favor of the UK’s ban on puberty blockers. Let’s pray that the U.S. will follow in their footsteps.

From The Daily Wire. British high court on Monday upheld Britain’s ban on puberty blockers, hormonal drugs frequently given to pubescent children who express discomfort with their biological gender.

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The judge noted puberty blockers were found to have “very substantial risks and very narrow benefits” by the Cass review, the landmark report commissioned by England’s National Health Service (NHS).

Transgender medical interventions on children are based on “remarkably weak evidence,” and young people have been caught up in a “stormy social discourse,” Justice Beverley Lang said in her ruling.

Last summer, the NHS issued an emergency ban on puberty blockers after the Cass review recommended halting the powerful drugs due to their effects on brain development and bone health. …

A group called TransActual, along with an unnamed youth, sued over the government’s decision, calling it a “cruel new element of the war on trans youth.”

With Monday’s decision, however, the ban will remain in place. …

Both puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones come with serious health risks. Puberty blockers can affect bone growth and density and cause sexual dysfunction, voice damage, and infertility, among other issues. Cross-sex hormones, which can be estrogen or testosterone can cause infertility, deadly blood clots, heart attacks, increased cancer risks of the breasts and ovaries, liver dysfunction, worsening psychological illness, and other serious conditions. …

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(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Photo Credit: Ben White on Unsplash)

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